

Juvenile Delinquency: The Core,

5th Edition

The media resources mentioned in the supplements (Instructor’s Manual and Lesson Plans) have been extracted and compiled here to serves as a reference for students and instructors. They are organized by learning objective within each chapter. Some of the resources apply to multiple LO, so the additional LOs they align with are noted in brackets at the end of the item.

Chapter One

Childhood and Delinquency

1. Be familiar with the risks faced by youth in American culture.

·  Cyberbullying viewed by Childnet International:

This video features an adolescent male who has been the victim of cyberbullying, telling his story and discussing the risks and problems associated with cyberbullying.

2. Develop an understanding of the history of childhood.

·  A youtube video on Orphan Trains and the creation of the Child Savers Movement.

3. Be able to discuss development of the juvenile justice system.

·  This youtube video answers the question: Who Were the Child Savers? (LO4)

4. Trace the history and purpose of the juvenile court.

·  This video examines the creation of the juvenile court.

5. Be able to describe the differences between delinquency and status offending.

·  Chicago passes new curfew law for children:

·  Analysis of U.S. Curfew Laws on the website

·  Juvenile Justice Status Offense Fact Sheet provided by Act 4 Juvenile Justice

This weblink illustrates and discusses what comprises a status offense and is a helpful resource in deciphering what constitutes a status offense and what does not.

Chapter Two

The Nature and Extent of Delinquency

1. Be familiar with the various ways to gather data on delinquency.

2. Recognize the trends in the delinquency rate and the factors that influence and shape its direction.

·  From the Crime and Deviance Channel: Crime Statistics and the Dark Figure of Crime.
This video discusses official crime statistics and the well known “Dark Figure of Crime.”

3. List and discuss the social and personal correlates of delinquency.

4. Discuss the concept of the chronic offender.

5. Be familiar with the factors that predict teen victimization.

·  A blog post from Psychology Today, titled “How the Social Network Is Changing Teen Victimization.” changing-teen-victimization

·  Governmental “Stop Bullying” website dedicated to anti-bullying information and help:

·  Responding to Teenage Victims of Crime Part 1 of 2:

·  Responding to Teenage Victims of Crime Part 2 of 2:

·  From NPR.ORG- Trayvon Martin, 911 Call.

This clip is the real life 911 call that George Zimmerman made to the police during the Trayvon Martin/Stand Your Ground Incident.

Chapter Three

Individual Views of Delinquency: Choice and Trait

1. Know the principles of choice theory.

2. Compare the principles of general deterrence, specific deterrence, and situational crime prevention.

·  An article from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention:

Juvenile transfer laws: An effective deterrent to delinquency?

·  A youtube video of a Juvenile Delinquency film from 1994.

3. Trace the history and development of trait theory

4. Be familiar with the branches and substance of biological trait theory.

·  A Huffington Post article about Bill Clinton’s announcement of a plan for healthier school lunches:

5. Know the various psychological theories of delinquency.

·  This video, from the Hope Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program, was created by students. (LO1-4).

Chapter Four

Sociological Views of Delinquency

1. Be familiar with the association between social conditions and crime.

·  An article from USA Today about Chicago closing the infamous Cabrini-Green project high-rises. The high-rises were built as public housing for the poor, but they ended up becoming a “virtual war zone,” where kids were shot on their way to school and children were left for dead in stairwells.

2. Describe the principles of social disorganization theory.

3. Define the concepts of anomie and strain, and how they are applied to the study of delinquency.

·  Robert Agnew on Strain Theory and the American Society of Criminology:

In this video, Robert Agnew, the father of General Strain Theory, discusses the roots and theoretical origin of the theory.

4. Be familiar with the concepts of social process and socialization, and the theories that hold they are the key to understanding delinquent behavior.

·  A video about a gang member-turned-Ph.D. who mentors youth on the fringes:

5. Explain how the labeling process is related to delinquent careers.


An interesting homemade video that discusses labeling theory in an easily understood and interesting way.

·  An article from the Crime Report, titled “Can Could labeling accused teens "delinquent" cause more crime?

Chapter Five

Developmental Views of Delinquency: Choice and Trait

1. Trace the history of, and influences on, developmental theory.

·  Terrie Moffit and Avashalom Caspi win Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize:

This video briefly outlines some of the work of Dr. Terrie Moffitt and Dr. Avashalom Caspi regarding human development, and discusses them being awarded the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize.

2. Know the principles of the life course approach to developmental theory.

·  A section on the website about risk and protective factors of juvenile delinquency:

3. Articulate the principles of Sampson and Laub’s age-graded life course theory.

·  An interview with John H. Laub and Rob Samson, who won the The Stockholm Prize in Criminology for their research, funded by National Institute of Justice

4. Be able to define the concept of the latent trait and assumptions of the general theory of crime.

·  An article from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, titled Highlights From Pathways to Desistance: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Adolescent Offenders:

5. Know the principles of Trajectory Theory.

·  Analyzing Developmental Trajectories:

A course description of a class taught by Nagin and Jones through ICSPR regarding developmental trajectories. Serves to highlight some of the many uses of trajectories in academia.

Chapter Six

Gender and Delinquency

1. Be familiar with the gender differences in development.

·  Girls to Gangsters, Gangland:

This television clip from the popular show Gangland features female gang members and their stories. (LO2-5)

2. Be familiar with trait explanations of female delinquency.


Clip from the 1996 Movie Set it Off, starring Queen Latifah. The movie is an example from popular culture of Female Delinquency.

3. Discuss the association between socialization and female delinquency.

·  A clip of a Dateline NBC story about a teenage girl who killed her boyfriend.

4. Understand feminist views of female delinquency including power control theory.

·  National Underground Railroad Freedom Center: Invisible: Slavery Today. This website provides information about the modern slave trade and human trafficking.

5. Critique the differential treatment of girls in the juvenile justice system.

·  The OJJDP awarded the Girls Study Group project to further the field to further the field’s understanding of juvenile delinquency. Read more about the project at these links:

Chapter Seven

The Family and Delinquency

1. Be familiar with the link between family relationships and juvenile delinquency

2. Understand the complex association between family conflict and delinquent behavior.

·  An article about the effects of children's exposure to intimate partner and family violence.

·  Information about the connection between child abuse and intimate partner violence.

3. Discuss the nature of child abuse.

·  Child Abuse Awareness Video:

This video draws attention to the issue of Child Abuse in our country and helps to raise awareness of the issue.

·  Preventing Children’s Exposure to Violence: The Defending Childhood Initiative (LO2, 4)

4. Be familiar with the child protection system and the stages in the child protection process

·  Child Protection Social Worker:

This video features a child protection social worker discussing her job; it gives insight into a unique potential career field for students.

Articles about the Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal:

·  Timeline of allegations in Sandusky case:

·  Painful chapter closes with Sandusky's conviction for child sex abuse:

·  What the Sandusky Verdict Means to Child Sexual Abuse Victims:

·  Child Abuse at Penn State: The Former University President's Responsibility:

5. Know the various positions in the delinquency–child maltreatment debate.

Chapter Eight

Peers and Delinquency: Juvenile Gangs and Groups

1. Be familiar with the influence of peers on delinquency.

·  Crip-Stanley Tookie Williams-

This video is a short biographical snapshot of well known gang Member Stanley Tookie Williams and his road to redemption. (LO2-5)

·  A video about a gang war in Oakland between five Latino gangs: “Gang Wars 2 - Oakland Latino Gangs (1 of 5) in HD.”

2. Know the definition and historical development of gangs

·  Monster Kody Scott AKA Sanyika Shakur- 83 Gangster Crip

An interview with well known ex Gang Member Kody Scott, discussing his experiences with gang memberships and his reform efforts.

3. Describe the makeup of gangs.

·  Highlights of the 2010 National Youth Gang Survey:

·  A video that goes behind the scenes in America’s war on transitional gangs: (LO4, 5)

4. Compare the various theories of gang formation.

5. Describe the various forms of gang-control efforts that are in use today.

·  Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model, Second Edition.

Chapter Nine

Schools and Delinquency

1. Discuss the role the educational experience plays in human development over the life course.

·  Dangerous Minds Trailer:

A popular movie depiction of the difficulties faced by inner city students, and how one individual can make a difference. (LO2, 3)

2. Be familiar with the problems facing the educational system in the United States.

·  A New York Times online article about the Obama administration whittling down the controversial “No Child Left Behind” Law.

·  Stand and Deliver Movie Trailer:

The real life story of Jamie Escalante and how he helped at risk students believe in themselves and achieve academically. (LO1, 3)

3. Describe the association between school failure and delinquency.

·  Becoming a Man – Sports Edition – Chicago School System. Research shows that students who receive special education and cognitive training are less likely to engage in delinquent activity. Read more about the study and its implications here: (LO1)

4. Know about the nature and extent of school crime and its control


Article from the OJJDP: Bullying in Schools: An Overview.

·  A CNN article about the students who brutally bullied a N.Y. bus monitor, and were later suspended for a year after a video was released that showed their vicious verbal attack.

·  A blog post about the work teachers need to do to prevent students from bullying- this post was written as a response to the students bullying the bus driver.

·  A report by the National Center for Education Studies: Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011 – Executive Summary:

5. Be familiar with the legal rights of students.

Chapter Ten

Drug Use and Delinquency

1. Understand the drug problem among American youth today and over time

2. Know the main explanations for why youths take drugs.

·  From PBS: Prescription Drug Abuse Targeted as a 'Public Health Crisis.'

3. Recognize the different behavior patterns of drug-involved youths.

·  How does Cocaine Affect the Brain?

This video from the BBC’s website discusses how Cocaine affects the human brain.

4. Understand the relationship between drug use and delinquency

5. Be familiar with the major drug-control strategies.

·  Police in Arizona arrest 20, dismantle drug trafficking cell of Sinaloa Cartel:

·  Behind deadly confrontations in Honduras, a new anti-drug strategy has emerged. Read about it here:

·  From website: Topics in Brief: Treating Offenders with Drug Problems: Integrating Public Health and Public Safety

·  The Website for the Center on Drugs and Public Policy:

·  Obama pledges to shift the focus on the war on drugs by making it a public health issue, focusing on treatment and prevention, rather than punitively, as we’ve done in the past. Read about this here:

·  Dare Website:

This is the link to the official website of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program, perhaps the most well known drug prevention program in the United States today. This website discusses all aspects of the D.A.R.E. program.

Chapter Eleven

Delinquency Prevention and Juvenile Justice Today

1. Understand key features of delinquency prevention.

·  Crime Solutions, from the Office of Justice Programs:

·  Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: (LO2-5)

2. Be familiar with effective delinquency prevention programs for children.

·  Oregon Social Learning Center-

The official website of the Oregon Social Learning Center that was mentioned in the chapter. Discusses all elements of the well known program and provides additional links and resources.

3. Be familiar with effective delinquency prevention programs for teens.

·  North Carolina Job Corps Promotional Video:

Video outlining the Job Corps program in North Carolina and the benefits of participating in the program

4. Know how children are processed by the juvenile justice system.

·  A clip of "Youth Court,” on the Due Process program. After pleading guilty to an offense, youths may enter “youth court,” where everyone in the court is under age 18. It’s more of a peer counseling group, but it’s structured much like a real courtroom.

5. Understand the key elements of a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy.

·  National Center for Juvenile Justice - State Profiles:

Chapter Twelve

Police Work with Juveniles

1. Be able to identify key historical events that have shaped juvenile policing in America today.

·  Are American schools criminalizing normal childhood behavior? This video aims to answer that question.