Minutes of the Additional Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on Monday 25 November 2013
/ / Cllrs Mrs Blackmore in the Chair, Mrs Shapland, Lucas, Mrs Spear, Spear Anderson, Mrs Smith, Mrs Chesters and Lord.213/2013/14 / Apologies / Received from Cllrs Mrs Chugg and Bonds.
214/2013/14 / Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council / There were none.
215/2013/14 / Declarations of Interest / Cllr Lucas declared a Pecuniary interest in Minute Ref: 217/2013/14 (d), as the applicant is his son.
Cllr Spear declared a non-Pecuniary interest in Minute Ref: 217/2013/14(b), as he is a member of the A.O.N.B.
216/2013/14 / Finance / a. The cheques on the schedule were approved and drawn in the sum of £555.14.
217/2013/14. Planning
(a) 56403 Erection of porch/utility room at Sans Souci, Ash Road, Braunton
Applicant: Mr Daniel Welburn
Comment Recommended approval.
Cllr Spear declared a non-Pecuniary interest.
(b) 56518 Extension and alternations to provide covered seating area and new
canopy at Saunton Break Cafe, Saunton Sands Car Park, Saunton,
Applicant: Ms Bridget Allsopp
Comment Recommended approval.
(c) 56493 Extension to dwelling at 13 First Field Lane, Braunton
Applicant: Mr M Russell
Comment Recommended approval.
Cllr Lucas declared a Pecuniary interest and left the meeting.
(d) 56568 Conversion of garage to habitable rooms and first floor extension
above at 38 Hazel Avenue, Braunton
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Neil Lucas
Comment Recommended approval.
Cllr Lucas returned to the meeting.
(e) 56494 Extension to dwelling at 38 Pill Gardens, Braunton
Applicant: Mr C Ellis
Comment Recommended approval.
(f) 56488 Listed building application for conversion of Shippon to form one unit
of holiday accommodation and erection of workshop/garage with solar
photovoltaic panels on roof at Dyers Farm, Nethercott, Braunton
Applicant: Mrs Rhoda Daniels
Comment Recommended that this application be deferred until the next Council meeting to enable it to be considered alongside planning application 56487.
Permission for Development
56198 Erection of greenhouse (part retrospective) at Dune View, 8 Franklyn
Avenue, Braunton
56346 Extension to dwelling at 29a Church Street, Braunton
56372 Glazed enclosure of porch areas, installation of roof lights (northern
side) and installation of solar panels on southern side of roof at
Braunton Countryside Centre, Caen Street, Braunton
Refusal Permission for Development
56335 Conversion of part of store to form ancillary living accommodation
together with erection of conservatory at 82 South Street, Braunton.
It was RESOLVED that, in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the following matters be taken in the absence of press and public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the items contain exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (3).
218/2013/14 / Refurbishment of Recreation Ground Pavilion / Members considered Tenders received for the refurbishment of the Recreation Ground Pavilion. It was noted that all Tenders received were higher then the estimated costs for the project.The Clerk reported that the Council had already secured £92,000 towards the project and she was currently investigating other potential funding to enable this project to be delivered.
North Devon Council have confirmed that there is a further £25,848.12 available from the Brannocs Fibre S106 funding, which has been prioritised for the Braunton BMX track, but it is yet to be released to a specific project by North Devon Council Executive. The funds have to be spent by September 2014 otherwise they can be re-claimed by the developer. There is currently a planning application being considered for a BMX track but if planning permission is not obtained it is thought to be unlikely that the funds will be spent by September 2014.
a. That the Council would allocate a further £24,322 from the Caen Street car park fund towards the refurbishment of the Recreation Ground Pavilion.
b. The Council to apply to Fullabrook CIC and Big Lottery Awards for All for funding towards the refurbishment of the Recreation Ground Pavilion.
c. The Council to request North Devon Council to release £25,848.12 of Brannocs Fibre S106 funding towards the refurbishment of the Recreation Ground pavilion, subject to the BMX track not being successful in gaining planning permission at the Velator Close site.
d. The Council supports the BMX Club being replenished their £25,848.12 S106 funding from the Pill Gardens development.
e. Appointment of Tender to be deferred until Full Council on 13 January 2014.
f. That the Clerk be instructed to write to North Devon Council and request information regarding future S106 money for Braunton including the amount it should receive and when the money will be released.
The meeting closed at 8.09 p.m.
...... The Chairman