MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON Thursday 28thApril 2016
12:00-14:00 Room 7.B.14 Sighthill Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
PRESENT: Barbara Neades (convenor), Mike Parkinson, Wendy Watson, Alison Wood (UOE), David Warnock, Janis Turnbull, Maria Cairns,Linda King,Shona Montgomery, Janis Ross, Debbie McCraw,
APOLOGIES: Elizabeth Adamson; Ken Dick; Mhari Henderson-Laidlaw; Jessica MacLaren, Lindsey Milroy; Margaret Moran, Jackie Nicol; Avril Stobbart; Kirsten Thomas; Alison Thomson; Jo Wilson, Isabel Dosser, Alison Lowrie, Kirsten Thomas, Bill Lawson (QMU), Mark Freeman-Ferguson,
- Welcome and Apologies
- Minutes of meeting held on 24th February.
- Review of Strategy document and Sign Off - Actions
Outcome 1 Actions:
MH rep lost
Shona may have to step down to focus on her new role
NHS rep needed
Invite Helen McGregor (mid prep) to the group.
Social Media ‘mentorcentre’ pages to be set up by David, Mike and Alison – to be created by June.
Outcome 2 Actions:
Wendy to check who is leading the e-portfolio.
Test e-portfolio submission with Sep intake and gather small group – Wendy to organise.
Outcome 4 Actions:
One video complete, 3 to be done by May and others to be planned – Mike.
Outcome 5 Actions:
Kirsten and Janis to help Mike.
Outcome 7 Actions:
Barbara to check with Gill.
Outcome 9 Actions:
3 papers to be published by the end of the year.
Outcome 10 Actions:
David to email group to establish mentorship module revalidation subgroup.
4. Mentorship in Practice Module
Jan 16:
Ongoing, submissions 6th May.
No major issues at SJH cohort.
Electronic submissions are encouraged.
May 16:
4 cohorts at EN and 1 at RIE.
120 expected, however Barbara suggests this should be capped at smaller numbers for future summer cohorts.
The new programme will require staff to have more school based work.
September 16:
Difficult to get rooms, so SJH, RIE and WGH cohorts would be helpful.
David to look into the links that disappear when carried forward to May module, as suggested by Mike.
5. Any other Business
Roles to be rotated in group so everyone can experience different roles.
David to remove Fiona Carver from group.
David to ask Jo Wilson if she would like to remain in the group.
MH representative required.