Catholic Faith Communitiesof

St. Mary St. Michael

15 S. County Road J 110 W. Menasha Ave. – P O 206

Cato, WI54230 Whitelaw, WI54247

(920) 775-4365 (920) 732-3901

Email: Email:

Web Site:

The weekly bulletin can be found on the website

Very Reverend Richard H. Klingeisen, Pastor

In case of emergency call Fr. Dick at (920) 629-9770

Fr. Dick’s email:


St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Clarks Mills, and St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Whitelaw,

in union with the Roman Catholic Church, inspire all to grow as followers of Jesus Christ through the sacraments,

faith education and social outreach to our members and the wider community.

BulletinSponsored: IN MEMORY OF BulletinSponsored: IN MEMORY OF


Sanctuary Candle Sponsored: Sanctuary Candle Sponsored:



JULY 17, 2016

Mass Schedule


Saturday: 5:30 PM Saturday: 4:00 PM (Confessions 3:15-3:45)

Sunday: 8:30 AM(Confessions 7:45-8:15) Sunday: 10:30 AM

Tuesday & Thursday: 8:15 AM Wednesday & Friday: 7:00 AM

Confession also available upon request

GETTING MARRIED? Please call the parish office soon after you are engaged to begin the marriage preparation

process, which is geared for your married life together, not simply the wedding day. Preparation is to begin at least

nine months before the wedding, according to diocesan policy.

BAPTISM PREPARATION: Parents are asked to begin preparing for their child’s Baptism early. Please contact Fr.

Dick for an appointment to facilitate the preparation.

COMMUNION/VISITS FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Please contact the parish office to arrange for Communion to

bebrought to the homebound and for regular visits by Fr. Dick, Sr. Maryl or a parish representative.

PLEASE USE SCRIP: Available – St. Mary: At all weekend masses;in the parish office: Mon.8:00-11:00; Wed. & Fri. 8:00-3:00. For large or special orders call Dan Marsicek at 732-3511 by Saturday evening. Order form is available on website.St. Michael: ½ hour until 10 minutes before weekend masses and after mass; in the parish office Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9-noon; or by contacting Colleen at 732-3115. Order form is available on website.


Welcome to our celebration of Mass today. We sincerely hope you feel you are among friends. If you are a visitor just for today, we’re happy you celebrated with us. If you are looking for a church home, we will welcome you into our parish family. Please call 775-4365 (St. Mary-Clarks Mills) or 732-3901 (St. Michael-Whitelaw) for more information.

HOT LUNCH POSITION: We are looking for a person or persons who would like to work in our lunch program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays next school year. If you would like to work with Mrs. Reedy a few hours on those days when school is in session, please contact Mr. Hamacher at 775-4366 or either parish office. This is a paid position.

COULD YOU HELP pass the faith on to our young people? The HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION program for our parishes is looking for a Catechist teacher for the term beginning in the fall. This position would be shared with Rick Hamacher. If interested or want more information, call Rick at 775-4366. If he is not there leave your number. Thank you for considering this important ministry.

BOARD OF TOTAL CATHOLIC EDUCATION: The scope of concern of this board is not only our school, but also the grade and high school religious education programs, plus any adult education and enrichment activities of our parishes. We are still looking for one more board member for the upcoming 2016/17 school year. Thank you to Vicki Baumann who has volunteered to fill one of the open positions. The member can be from either parish and does not have to have students in our school, only an interest in the welfare of our school and other educational programs of the parishes. For more information, contact Mr. Hamacher at 775-4366 or either parish office.

MEET OUR SEMINARIANS! Join the Esto Vir men’s apostolate of Green Bay as they sponsor the first-ever Walk for Vocations. This family friendly walk will take place on Saturday, August 6, on the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Campus. This is a great way to walk as disciples, foster vocations, pray, and witness to each other. Many of our seminarians will be present to walk with you. For just a small donation, you will receive a t-shirt and refreshments along the way. Register your family or yourself at

GIRLFRIENDS IN GOD – PRINCESS EDITION: August 27th, 1:30-4:00pm at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 2597 Glendale Avenue, Howard. A princess party with a royal purpose! Treats fit for a queen, crafts, prayer, story time and inspiring music. A special day for princesses (ages 3 and up) and their guardians. Princesses are encouraged to wear princess attire. $10 for adults; $5 per princess. For more information – Department of New Evangelization – , or call 1-877-500-3580, ext. 8276.

YEAR OF MERCY: During this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016), you will have the opportunity to walk through the threshold of the Holy Door at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. Come make a prayerful pilgrimage during this grace-filled year! Church open 10am – 4pm Monday through Friday.

LIVING THE YEAR OF MERCY: Give Drink to the Thirsty. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis has asked us to pray with, reflect upon and live out the virtue of mercy as Disciples of Christ. One of the ways to do this is to participate in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. One of the Corporal Works of Mercy is: Give drink to the thirsty. A human body can survive almost three weeks without food; however, studies estimate that a person can only survive three to five days without water. Pope Francis states: “access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival.” Here are a few suggestions on how you might live out this corporal work of mercy right here in our area:

* Turn off the faucet when you are brushing your teeth.

* Consider using a rain bucket to collect water for your garden.

* Start a discussion with your local representative to see how we can create legislation to protect the Great Lakes, which consists of 21% of the world’s fresh water supply and 95% of the US supply. (

Vacation Trip to Spain

Enjoy two weeks in Warm and Friendly Spain,

Including several full-day excursions

Join Deacon Maury Reed and his wife, Janice, March 8-22, 2017, touring the Andalucian and Barcelona regions of Spain.

* Travel: Round-trip Airfare from Chicago, Coach

Tour Bus in Europe.

* Accommodations: #4 Star Hotel

Accommodations/24 meals and guides.

* Travel to:Barcelona, Girona & Figueres, Jerez,

Ronda, Alfarnatejo, and Malaga

* Cost:$3,395 Taxes/Fees included

* Booking Info/Full Itinerary:

Ron LaCroix


1807 East Lindbergh St.

Appleton, WI54911


CHANGE A LIFE: THANK YOU for participating. This fundraiser ended on Father’s Day; please bring back the bottles! Please hand yours to Father Dick after Mass or take them to the parish office during parish business hours. We would like to turn in all the remaining bottles to The Crossing on Monday, July 18.

WORD OF LIFE: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part…” ~~ Luke 10:41-42, NABRE 2010CCD. Used with permission.

RECIPES NEEDED! Pro-Life Wisconsin is currently looking out for meatless recipes to add to their upcoming cookbook Meatless Fridays 2. If you have a recipe you would like to share to help others in the sacrifice of abstinence to end abortion, we would love to have it! For more information or to submit a recipe, please contact Margaret Zignego at . Submissions will be accepted until July 31.

Our Diocese

Natural of

FAMILY Green Bay

Helping couples learn more about Natural

Family Planning and connecting them with

qualified NFP teachers!



ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE COMMUNITY PICNIC: July 30 & 31. Saturday – Outdoor Polka Mass 4:00pm; Roasted Pork Dinner 5:30-7:00pm; Music and Dancing until 8:00pm; brats, hamburgers, raffles, etc. Sunday – 9:00am Mass; Auction 10:00am; Bingo 1-3:30pm; Vintage Vehicle/Tractor Display; games, raffles, live music, etc. Monster Cash Raffle drawing Sunday, 6:30pm.



Thank you for

your support!



GOD’S gift

How can I live my life from a foundation of prayer? Am I desirous of doing good and sharing my life with others?

SCRIP SELLERS – ST. MICHAEL: July 23 – Sharon Reindl; July 24 – Sue Resch

Church Cleaning Families – July 23 - 24

St. Mary: Colleen Riederer, Jennifer Riederer,

Brian Riesterer

St. Michael: Bob Ebert, Tom Ebert, Eric Eichhorst

Please call the office or 732-3936 for phone numbers)

From the Pastor’s Desk ~~

I am happy to announce that Abler Art and Glass is again engaged with the stain glass window project at St. Mary Parish. This week they removed the broken glass window in the choir loft. As the window project continues at this time additional donations will be appreciated. All the south side exterior windows will also be worked on this summer. If you or your family would like to donate toward a window, please contact me for the needed donation. Thank you.

This week St.Mary/St.MichaelSchool also is the recipient of a gaga pit. This is a special type of area for recreational purpose that will be set up just south of the current playground equipment. Also I am happy to announce that a new flagpole will be donated in the near future. Thanks to the generous donation of a parishioner toward the time for installation and for the material.

Finally, a reminder that there is still a need for many volunteers to help with the successful running of Community Fest, August 13, at the WhitelawPark. We all have an invitation to providing support to this event in support of the school staff and students who will benefit. Thank you.