January / February 2013
Welcome to a new 4-H year! Thank you to everyone for making 2012 a great 4-H year in Chatham Kent.
Ready- set- go! And we are off with a new 4-H year. It was a fast start with the Annual meeting and dinner/dance quickly followed by the Toy Show early the next morning. Thank you to Ken Dieleman for all your years of service on the Association and your dedication to the 4-H program! Welcome to Kris McNaughton, our new director – thank you for taking the challenge! Also - thank you to all the directors and others who worked hard to make the Annual Meeting and dinner enjoyable – from Sara and Stephanie Campbell who put together the yearly slide show, to Deb Casier who did the table centre pieces, to Paul Campbell, who once again ran the elections and to all the directors who brought a wonderful selection of door prizes.
Mark your calendars for Feb.9th - Rally Night is around the corner. This is an evening of fun and games, a chance to check out the clubs being offered, an opportunity to recognize some award winners and of course the auction at the end. Once again, in addition to the auction there will also be a chance to put your games tickets in for a number of prize draws. If you can not make it to Rally Night – call your leader directly or ask a friend to sign you up for the clubs you are interested in.
2013 marks a hundred years of 4-H in Canada (Ontario will celebrate a 100 years in 2015). Watch for 100th Anniversary activities all this year, locally and beyond.
4-H offers lots of opportunities – both here in the county, at provincial events and even beyond. Watch for the 4-H magazine coming soon to your mailbox for all the opportunities that are available this year.
Note to Parents: Once again when you get to Rally Night or when you contact a leader about a club, you may find that the club leadership team has established some limits. Even though 4-H starts at age 9 some clubs may choose to limit the age. This is usually done on the basis of safety and is often related to size, strength, maturity etc. You may also find that some clubs have chosen to limit the size of the club – this can also be due to safety – for example working around equipment. It may also be due to the size of the meeting space, number of leaders available etc. Please respect the decisions of these volunteer leaders. Most of these clubs will also establish a waiting list. Another alternative is to talk to the leaders involved and ask if more leaders would make a difference and then volunteer to help. We can always use more involved, enthusiastic leaders! Most clubs do not have size limits so there are lots of options available.
I am looking forward to another great 4-H year – see you at Rally Night!
Anne Verhallen
Chatham-Kent 4-H Association President
Stephanie Campbell – Winner of the Howard Mutual Chatham Kent 4-H Scholarship
Congratulations to Stephanie Campbell, winner of the Howard Mutual Chatham Kent 4-H Scholarship. Currently, a 3rd student at the University of Guelph, Stephanie is a prime example of the 4-H program. She has completed more than 75 clubs in a variety of areas from livestock clubs such as dairy, rabbit and sheep to the lifeskills area with wood working, maple syrup, sewing, cooking and many more. Stephanie has frequently taken on a leadership role in her club work, often serving on the club executive or as a youth leader. She acts as the web master for the Chatham Kent Association website and produces a yearly slide show for the Annual Meeting and Banquet. She has also participated in 4-H at the provincial level, attending camps and competitions like Go for the Gold and Spring Expo.
In her community, Stephanie gives of her time to help others through her involvement with her church, vacation bible school, summer camps and other activities helping youth. Stephanie also helps her parents, Paul and Janet Campbell with their farming and trucking activities.
Thank you to Howard Mutual for offering this scholarship. The $500 bursary is offered to a senior Chatham Kent 4-H member attending or about to attend some form of further education, whether it is university, college or a trade. Scholarship applicants were evaluated on their 4-H involvement, both locally and beyond, community involvement, volunteer activities and other personal activities such as employment or helping on the farm.
Congratulations Stephanie!!
2012 Stats for Chatham-Kent 4-H
50 Volunteers
192 Members
23 Clubs
2012 Directors
Carol Dieleman (newsletter editor), Rob Reid, Deb Hawkins, Dennis Carnegie, Anne Verhallen (President), Will Elliott, Barb Smids, Deb DeBok, Maureen McKerrall, Janet Campbell (Sec/Treas.)
Volunteer Awards
Anne Verhallen, President, Stan Smids (1 year pin), Maureen McKerrall (1 year pin), Marg Nauta (35 year pin), Kyla Reid (10 year pin) and Deb Debok (1 year pin)
Absent: Erica Funnell – 1 year pin, Edythe Marlatt – 1 year pin, Janice Anderson – 5 year pin
The ROYAL WINTER FAIR BUS TRIP was a great success. Thanks to Marg Nauta for organizing this event!
Marg wishes to thank the 4-H families and the others that supported this trip. It was a wonderful day! The 19 members and 4 leaders on the trip were able to receive a full rebate on their fee paid to go on the trip.
The Fuzzy Friends Travel to Caledonia
Five members of the 4-H Rabbit Club travelled to Caledonia to participate in the Haldimand-Norfolk Intercounty Rabbit Show on Oct. 20. Cassia Gillard, Becky May, Adam Reid, Molly Sayers, and Mariet Wierenga represented their club at the event. Clubs from six counties and approximately 60 members participated in the event. The day included showmanship classes, a judging competition, a quiz, and Rabbit Jeopardy. Mariet Wierenga and Cassia Gillard both placed second in their heats for intermediate showmen and Cassia received an honourable mention in the Intermediate finals. Molly Sayers placed second in the Novice Judging competition. Our team placed third in Rabbit Jeopardy. Congratulations to our 4-H members. They showed excellent sportsmanship and “Learned to do by Doing”.
Highgate Awards Banquet
(This banquet was sponsored by the Highgate & District Agricultural Society and was held on November 23, 2012.)
Kubota Club winners: Amy Lister, Champion, 4-H Leader/Director: Rob Reid, Becky May, Reserve Champion
Kent 4-H Beef Club
Leaders: Carol and Peter Verstraete Members: Alec Cameron, Bridon Coulter, Rylan Hogg, Amy Lidster, Jack Rozendaal, Kelly Verstraete, Maurice Verstraete.
Top Novice Member – Alec Cameron
Top Experienced Member – Kelly Verstraete
Top Overall Showmanship – Amy Lidster
Top Market Animal – Kelly Verstraete
Top Breeding Animal – Alec Cameron
Most Improved Member – Bridon Coulter
Most Enthusiastic Member – Maurice Verstraete
Chatham-Kent 4-H Dairy Club
Leaders: Janice Anderson and Rob ReidMembers: Morgan Anderson, Aidan Carnegie, Bridon Coulter, Cassia Gillard, Rylan Hogg, Amy Lidster, Paige Monden, Michael Payne, Bailey Pool, Adam and Hanna Reid, Molly Sayers, Colin Scott, Anne and Sara VanWetten, Rebecca Warwick, Bernard Wierenga
Grand Showman – Morgan Anderson
Reserve Showman – Amy Lidster
Honourable Mention – Molly Sayers
Grand Calf – Bailey Pool
Reserve Calf – Colin Scott
Honourable Mention – Rebecca Warwick
Spirit of 4-H Award – Cassia Gillard
Chatham-Kent Sheep Club
Leaders: Will and Jane Elliott, Stan Smids, Nick Sikkema, Edy Marlatt, Erica Funnall, Sarah Seroski
Members: Sayward Boak, Spencer Burke, Alec Cameorn, Sarah and Stephanie Campbell, Ashley and Tamara DePauw, Matthea Dieleman, Chloe, Jake and Sydney Funnell, Cassia Gillard, Ryan Heyboer, Cassandra and Gabriel Louwerse, Carlie and Ryan Mills, Hannah and Jacob Sikkema, Carley, Cassandra and Corrie-Ann Smids, Kirsten VanGoethem, John, Kaitlyn and Laura Vanheule, Christine Verhallen
Top 4-H Non-Competitive Secretary, Laura Dieleman and Diane Peckitt(Coordinator, Volunteer Support Region 6 | 4-H Ontario)
Award presented at the Ridgetown Awrds Banquet, November 22, 2012.
Merlin Awards Banquet
l-r Anita Blatz- Top Garden Display and Top Merlin 4H Member, Dianne Bérubé- Good Effort on Garden, Mathew McKeon- Good Effort on Soybean Sample, Danny Blatz- Top Shelled Corn Sample (Merlin Club)
l-r Shaun Sullivan- Top Youth Leader, Samantha Bérubé- Top C-K Secretary for Competitive Club, Andrew Derynk- Top Chatham-Kent Press Reporter
Above photos courtesy of The Blenheim News Tribune.
12 th Annual Chatham-Kent
Toy Show & Sale
Members and Leaders displaying the Farm Toy Club Projects
The Chatham-Kent Toy Show & Sale was held January 20th, 2013. 4-H Farm Toy Club members proudly displayed their finished toy projects along with more than 100 other tables of vendors and displays. Over 1000 people attended the show throughout the day. The club would like to thank everyone who came to the show and made it a great success. From the Farm Toy Club projects, to current and past 4-H members’ displays, to the 4-H Association booth, this was a great display of the 4-H spirit within Chatham-Kent. The Farm Toy Club is looking forward to presenting the Chatham-Kent Outreach for Hunger with a sizeable donation from the proceeds of the show.
Leader Training before Rally Night
* 5:30 pm in the Rural Development Building Gym.
* It will be a working supper with pizza and water provided.
* All leaders renewing training must attend.
* The leaders will have time to set up their tables. (Banner and sign up sheet provided.)
WHEN: Saturday, February 9, 2013, Doors open 7:30 pm
WHERE: University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus, Rural Development Building Gym
WHO: All Chatham-Kent youth 9-21 years old interested in joining 4-H, leaders, friends and family
WHY: Have fun! Make new friends! See the projects offered.
WHAT: Registration, Games and Fun Auction followed by Top Club Awards, Top Agricultural Member Award, Judging Awards and refreshments.
Membership cost of $80 gets you 1 full year of 4-H (no maximum number of clubs) and many other 4-H opportunities like camps, activity days, judging competitions, and exchanges. Learn to do by doing while meeting new friends!!
“The 4-H program is dedicated to the personal development of youth while providing a positive impact on volunteers and the community.”
For more information call Janet at 519-352-2950
Chatham-Kent 4-H Dairy Club
The Chatham-Kent 4-H Dairy Club is back and ready for a fun filled year! If you are interested in learning animal husbandry and showmanship skills of showing a dairy animal than, come on out, you do not need to have a dairy calf, thanks to the generous support of the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus, we are able to supply heifers to all kids interested in showing. Our club Achievement Day will be held at Highgate Fair – so come on out, bring a friend and we would love to have some fun with you guys, we have lots of help to support everyone! Any questions:
Please call Janice Anderson at (519) 674-0800 or Rob Reid at (519) 678-3721.
See you at Rally Night!
Rabbit Agility Club
Our first meeting will be March 6, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Ridgetown Campus in Room B29 of the Agronomy Building.
Please contact Phyllis May (519) 676-2749 or Amber Sayers (519) 350-7266 for more information.
Check out the events and opportunities happening in the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association! Go to the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association Facebook page and press “like”.
There are a lot of 4-H opportunities with clubs, exchanges, scholarships, camps, 4-H youth positions and leadership conferences - check out the 4-H website: and go for it!
New Volunteer Orientation
February 8 - Mt. Brydges Middlesex Federation of Agriculture office boardroom at 633 Lions Park Drive. 7PM – 10PM
May 10 -Wyoming Fairgrounds, 7 – 10 pm
June 14 -St. Thomas. Elgin Federation of Agriculture office, 7 – 10pm
August 9 – Ridgetown Campus, Agronomy Boardroom, 7 - 10 pm
Please RSVP for these events by contacting:
1.877.410.6748 x483
Leader’s Symposium
Re-engaging Leaders
May 4, 2013 – Ridgetown Campus, Vet Tech Building
100 Years of 4-H in Canada
Since it began in Canada in 1913, 4-H has helped more than 2 million young people learn skills, make friends and have fun. Along the way, there have been hundreds of incredible 4-H events and achievements.
From January 23rd to February 10th, we'll be collecting these memories on a special 4-H website. All 4-H members, past and present, are welcome to visit this site to post stories and photos.
Your participation is appreciated - and it's essential to the success of this project. Please encourage your members and contacts to visit the website. It only takes 5-10 minutes to contribute a story - and it's a lot of fun.
Selected comments will be featured on a commemorative deck of cards to be presented to 25,000 4-H members nationwide in honour of the 4-H centennial. Your contribution might also be posted on a 4-H website.
It's time to celebrate the 100th birthday of 4-H. And it's time to tell the world how much 4-H means to all of us.
P.S. Don't delay! This special website will be active only until February 10th.
Community Events
The Ridge House Museum is in search of objects and information to help us develop a new exhibit that celebrates the centennial of 4-H Canada in 2013. In order to bring this exhibit to life, the museum staff is asking the community for help! It is our local stories that we would like to highlight in the exhibit so please contact us to share your personal experiences with your community as well as photographs, ribbons, trophies, projects, or prizes to help bring your story to life in the exhibit along with those of other 4-H members. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2012. For more information or to participate in this exhibit, please contact Ridge House Museum curator by email at or by phone at 519 354 8346 x39.
Chatham-Kent 4-H Members have been invited to participate in the 4-H Livestock Show at the:
Spring Expo2013
When: Saturday March 16, 2013
Where: University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus
Showmanship: Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep
For more information contact Carol
email or
call 519-695-5915.
Attention Beef Club Members…
For anyone who is interested, there is a showmanship opportunity at the 12thAnnual Jr. Beef Expo Show March 9thand 10th, 2013 in London.
For more information, contact Carol Verstraete @
February 9, 2013 - 5:30 Leader’s training
- 7:30 Rally Night
February 10, 2013 – deadline to contribute to
February 15, 2013 - deadline for submissions to the Ridge House Museum
March 16, 2013 – Spring Expo
May 4, 2013 – Leader’s Symposium
August 9, 2013 – 7-10pm -Volunteer Orientation Day, Ridgetown Campus
Communication Workshop – call Susan Simpson at 519-692-5337 or Barb Smids for date and details – 519-692-5819
Chatham-Kent 4-H Members
Is there a provincial opportunity you would like to attend but think it is too expensive?
Well, the funding support program which is sponsored by the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association isdesigned to encourage Chatham-Kent 4-H’ers to participate in designated provincial 4-H opportunities.
What do you have to do?
- you are responsible for paying the full registration fee for the event before attending the program
- after participating in the program, you may ask the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association to give you a specific project or activity (eg. doing a presentation of your opportunity at an Achievement Program or special event such as Rally Night)
- once you have completed your activity, you may complete an application form (ask your leader or Janet Campbell ) and submit it to the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association c/o – Janet Campbell - 519-352-2950
The application will be reviewed and if approved, the Chatham-Kent 4-H Association will reimburse you up to 50% of the registration fee.
C-K 4-H Association Fundraisers
The CK 4-H Association is still looking for your pop cans. Drop off all cans at Jim Winters, 22227 Scane Road, Kent Bridge or any 4-H director.
Foodland Grocery Tapes are also a great fundraiser for the CK 4-H Association. Participating stores are Bothwell, Dresden, Ridgetown and Tilbury. Please save these grocery tapes and give them to Marg Nauta, 19851 A.D. Shadd Road, Merlin or any 4-H director.
For submissions to the Chatham-Kent 4-H newsletter please e-mail .