School Without Walls LSAT Meeting
5:30pm,Sept. 3, 2014
LSAT MEMBERSINATTENDANCE: Ed Lazere, Kristin Kelly, Rachel Blessing, Joan Kirchner, Cristal Piper, Art Klawender,Jason Bullock, Shanna Young, Sylvia Isaac, Richard Trogisch, Melanie Gisler, Melissa Mehring, and Mark Engman. Additional members of the SWW HSA attending were Michael Cervino, Debra Eichenbaumand Carol Piwowarski.
MINUTES from the June 2014 LSAT meeting were approved on a voice vote after the correction of a typo.
ELECTION OF LSAT OFFICERS: The LSAT unanimously elected Ed Lazere and Kristin Kelly as LSAT co-chairs, and Joan Kirchner as secretary. Mr. Lazere said he will report at the October 2014 meeting on this year’s student representative to the LSAT, as well as a non-instructional staff member and a community member.
MERGER UPDATE: Mr. Lazere reported that DC Chief of Schools John Davis had sent a letter to the SWW community in August 2014 confirming that SWW high school students will not be taking classes at the Francis Stevens campus next year or in the future, and that the high school and K-8 campuses will each retain their own budgets. Mr. Davis’ letter also confirmed that the two campuses would continue to share one principal. Full text of Mr. Davis’ letter at the end of these minutes.
START OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR:Mr. Trogisch and Ms. Isaac reported that the 2014-15 school year is off to a good start. Enrollment was at 583 students, including 142 freshmen. They said the largest class has 27 students. They said they would report at the October meeting the breakdown of enrollment for each grade, and the number of classes that have 25 students or more. Ms. Young said that DCPS Deputy Chief of Schools Jane Spence visited SWW and observed some classes and was impressed by what she saw.
IT UPDATE:Mr. Trogisch reported that he has been told by DCPS that every high school will have one IT staffer for five days a week starting in October. In addition, Ms. Isaac said SWW has received 60 additional Dell laptops (on top of the 30 already at SWW), and eight Mac desk computers (on top of the 10 already at SWW). Mr. Trogisch said he has a budget of approximately $120,000 for computers for both campuses. Ms. Young said SWW is implementing a new computer sign-out policy to help better track where all computers are.
SUMMER BRIDGE PROGRAM:Ms. Isaac reported that the 2014 Summer Bridge program was held June 23-27 and included diagnostic testing in Algebra I and Geometry, classes on study skills, lessons from school counselors on course planning and use of technology, and a survey of students about their Summer Bridge experience. Ms Isaac said the results of the student survey will be shared with the LSAT. Ms. Kelly said the diagnostic testing in math showed a wide variety of skill levels in Algebra and Geometry. Ms. Mehring and Ms. Gisler raised the idea of tracking students who took Summer Bridge vs those who did not to see if there is a difference in their school performance.
POSTING AP TEST RESULTS: In response to a previous suggestion from a parent that SWW post online the AP test results of SWW students, Mr. Trogisch said SWW keeps such data for teachers but he worries that posting scores online may prompt students to “teacher shop” when choosing their classes or may prompt students to avoid the risk of taking an AP class altogether. Parents and teachers at the LSAT meeting expressed both support and opposition to the idea of posting AP test results online. Mr. Trogisch said he would bring the AP test results from last spring to the October LSAT meeting to continue this discussion.
LSAT AGENDA FOR 2014-15: Mr. Lazere said this year’s LSAT agenda will include discussions on international travel and academic support for students. Mr. Engman asked if the LSAT could also discuss non-academic support for students struggling with issues such as stress or anxiety. Ms. Isaac and Mr. Trogisch said the counseling/social worker/psychologist team at SWW is evaluating students regularly and does not hesitate to bring in parents to discuss concerns and possible action plans. Mr. Lazere suggested we conduct a survey of students about stress issues. Mr. Trogisch said the administration will post information for students/parents on Jupiter Grades and the weekly newsletter Penguin Nation on what non-academic services are available for students. The mention of Jupiter Grades prompted comments about parents’ expectations of the Jupiter Grades service. The administration said it would post a “refresher” on what parents can expect to see on Jupiter Grades.
NEXT MEETING: The next regular meeting of the SWW LSAT will be October 1, 2014.
ADJOURNED: The meetingwas adjourned at approximately 6:45pm.
ATTACHMENT: August 20, 2014 letter to SWW from DCPS Chief of Schools John Davis