“Gifts for Jesus”-Mt.2:1-12

visit of the wise men and the gifts they brought

to Jesus…..***C-mas shopping***gifts for Jesus….

learn a lesson from these wise men:intellectual

thinkers..scholars..”Wise men still seek Him”…..

wasn’t easy for them:1-barrier of distance

2-barrier of difficulty:planes,trains,automobiles,

hotels,restaurants,interstate highways..3-barrier

of danger:Herod:loved to kill people:wife,mother-

in law and 3 sons…..little babies under 2 years of

age…..came to worship Christ…..***see title*****

I-Give Him our Will (v.11)

A-recognize His sovereign dominion (Is.9:6-7)

1-King of Kings…..Lord of Lords

B-offer Him the submission that is due to Him

1-***tip your hat-bow your knee***

C-we worship heaven’s King (v.2,6)

1-***Lord’s prayer:”Thy kingdom come,thy will be


2-***President Bush:clean up the church house!!!**

II-Give Him our Worship (v.11)

-“gold”-His sovereign dominion..”frankincense”-His

sinless diety (Ex.30:34-38)…..(Mt.2:11)

-(I Tim.3:16) - - - -

-***Why I worship Him:salvation..safety..supply*****

III-Give Him our Witness (v.11)

-“gold”:His soverign dominion-my will

-“frankincense”:His sinless deity-my worship

-“myrrh”:His sacrificial death-my witness

A-a substance used to embalm the dead

1-Jesus was born to die!!!

2-Mk.15:23….”And they gave Him to drink wine

mingled with myrrh:but he received it not.”

a-narcotic:pain…..that he might taste of death

for every man!!!!******

close:What will we give Jesus this Christmas season???

Wants our will,our worship,our witness

Kentucky:12-15-01 (Christmas Service)****