PUBLICATIONS:Orlando Esteban Silva, M.D., J.D.
J.Hurley, I. Reis, O.Silva, C. Gomez, F. DeZarraga,
P. Velez, C. Welsh, J.Powell, P.Doliny
Weekly Docetaxel/Carboplatin as Primary Therapy forHer2-Negative Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Clinical Breast Cancer, Vol 5, No.6, 447-454, 2005
D. Morgensztern, M. Rosado, O. Silva, E. Santos,
S. Abdullah, M. Goodman, K. Hamilton-Nelson,
J. Rosenblatt, I. Lossos
Prevalence of Hepatitis C Infection in patients with
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in South Florida and ReviewOf the Literature.Leukemia & Lymphoma, Dec 2004, Vol 45 (12),pp. 2459-2464
V.F.Cocquyt, P.N.Blondeel, H.T.Depypere, M.M.Praet,V.R.Schelfhout, O.E.Silva, J.Hurley, R.F.Serreyn, K.K.Daems and S.J.P. Van Belle.
Different responses to preoperative chemotherapy forInvasive ductal breast carcinoma
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2003;
“Breast Cancer: A Practical Guide”
Breast Cancer Book, 2nd Edition 2000.
Elsevier Science Publishing House
Silva OE, Zurrida S, Presentation by
Professor Umberto Veronesi.
Launch Date: September 26, 2000
“Breast Cancer: A Guide For Fellows”
Breast Cancer Book, 1st Edition, 1999.
Elsevier Science Publishing House
Silva OE, Zurrida S, Presentation by
Professor Umberto Veronesi.
Launch Date: September 1998
Vredenburgh J.J., Silva OE, et al: The
significanceof tumor contamination in the
bone marrow from high risk primary breast
cancer patients treated with high dose
Chemotherapy and hematopoietic support.
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
3:91 - 97 (1997)
Stanganelli, Rafanelli S, Crisanti E, Lanzanova G,
Silva OE and Bucchi L: Correlation between the
histopathology and the epiluminescence microscopyfeatures of malignant blue nevus.
The Journal of Dermatologic Surgery: Vol. 22,
No. 10, October 1996
Kingsmore SF, Silva OE, et al: Presentation of
Multicentric Castleman's disease with Sicca
syndrome, cardiomyopathy, palmar and plantar
rash. J Rheumatology 20(9): 1588-1591, 1993
Ghalia AA, Silva O, Vrendenburgh JJ and Bast RC:
Advances in the detection of marrow micro-
metastases in breast cancer. Cancer Research,
Therapy and Control 4: 43-47, 1994.
Suriano G, Yew S, Ferrerira P, Senz J, Kaurah P,
Ford JM, Longacre TA, Norton JA, Chun N, Young S, Oliveira MJ, MacGillivray B, Rao A, Sears D, Jackson CE,Boyd J, Yee C, Deters C, Pai GS, Hammond LS, McGivern BJ, Medgyesy D, Sartz D, Arun B, Oeschlager BK,Upton MP, Neufeld-Kaiser W, Silva OE, Donnenberg TR, Kooby DA, Sharma S, Jonsson BA, Gronberg H,Gallinger S, Seruca R, Lynch H, Huntsman DG - The characterization of a recurrent germline mutationof the E-cadherin gene; implications for genetic testingand clinical management.In press
T. DeCesare, G. Lopes, L. Negret, P. Timothee, V. Vincek, M. Jorda, S. Glück, O. Silva
Primary Breast Cancer Presenting As Vulvar Mass
University of Miami/ JacksonMemorialHospital
Second Interamerican Breast Ca Conference July 2004
L. Negret, G. Lopes, G. Fernandez, P. Timothee, M. JordaJ. Hurley, J. Powell, O. Silva
Metastatic Breast Carcinoma Masquerading As
Carcinoid Tumor.
University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital
Second Interamerican Breast Ca Conference July 2004
O.Silva, G. Fernandez, L. Negret, G. Lopes, M. Jorda, J. Hurley, J. Powell.
Breast Cancer and neuroendocrine tumor: A completeDiagnostic challenge
JacksonMemorialHospital, University of MiamiSylvesterComprehensiveCancerCenter
ASCO June 2004 Abstract # 3
Morgensztern D, Rosado M, Silva O.E., Santos E,
Abdulla S, Goodman M, Hamilton K, Rosenblatt J, Lossos I, Prevalence of hepatitis C infection in patients withNon-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in South FloridaUniversity of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Garcia J, Raez L.E, Santos E, Oton A, Silva O, FranceschiD. Clinicopathologic: features in the treatment and surgicaloutcome of patients with Retroperitoneal Liposarcomas.
Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) May 2003, vol 21; 828, #3329. (Poster)
Hurley E. Judith, Philomena Doliny, Silva O, et al:
“Is There an Alternative to Anthracycline based
San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2002
Abs 155.
Hurley E. Judith, Philomena Doliny, Silva O, et al:
Neoadjuvant Herceptin/Taxotere/Cisplatin in the
Treatment of Locally Advanced and Inflammatory BreastCancer. 38th Annual Orlando, ASCO Abstract 2002.
Hurley E. Judith, Franco X. Sandra, Doliny Philomena,Jorda Merce, Reis Isildinha, Silva O, et al. : Cisplatin inthe treatment of locally advanced and inflammatorybreast cancer. 24th Annual San Antonio Breast CancerSymposium Abstract 2001.
Hurley E. Judith, Doliny Philomena, Velez Pedro,
Guatam Umang, Reis Isildinha, Silva O, et al.: High
rate of axilary node clearence with neoadjuvant Herceptin, Taxotere and Cisplatin in locally advancedand inflammatory breast cancer. 24th Annual SanAntonio Breast Cancer Symposium Abstract 2001.
Vrendenburgh J, Silva O, de Sombre K,
Franklin W, Cirrincione C, Berry D, Peters WP,
Bast RC Jr: The Significance of bone marrow
micrometastases for patients (PTS) with breast
cancer and > 10 + lymph nodes treated with
high-dose chemotherapy and hematopoietic support.Accepted for presentation.
Proceedings of ASCO 14: 317, 1995.
De Sombre K, Tyer CL, Silva O, Cook M., Vrendenburgh JJ, Peters WP, Bast RC Jr:
A comparison of immunohistochemistry, two
color immunofluorescence and flow cytometry
with cell sorting for the detection of MICROMETASTATIC breast cancer in the bone
marrow. Accepted for poster and slide
presentation, ISHAGE, 1995.
Kingsmore SF, Goel N, Gourley IS, Silva O
et al: Clinical and genetic features of 12
families with an inherited primary
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. American
College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting
November 1994.
Kingsmore SF, Silva OE, Hall, BD, Sheldon, EA,
Cripe, LD and St. Clair,W.
Presentation of Multicentric Castleman’s disease with Sicca Syndrome, Cardiomyopathy, Palmar and Plantar Rash. The Journal of Rheumatology 1993
Silva O, Fishel R, Farnen JP and Emerson SG:
Eosinophilia: from the clinic to the bench.
Abs. American College of Physicians, Michigan Chapter ,12th Annual Meeting, 1990.