Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council Minutes
15th January 2013 7.30pm Jubilee Hall
13/1 Membership: Cllrs C Thornton, K Helliwell, P Dunning, S Brassington,I Neil,
K Pearce, R Hollingworth
13/2 Present:J Lyon / J Guest (Parish Clerks) and 3 members of the public
13/3 Police and public time:there has been a change in our Community Beat Team. The new names and contact details are
PC Horsewood07810056 441
PCSO Sarah Lingard07944 776 791
PCSO Jo Mackie07825 100 379
Email: Facebook: Hykeham Town-Rural NPT
Twitter: @HykehamNPT
Crime was reported as the theft from 2 cars and lots of puppies from Little Rascals. CID are investigating the theft of the puppies. Hare coursing was raised as a concern by Cllrs. The police have a specific team working on this with access to 4x4 vehicles. The public are asked to report registration numbers to allow the police to build up a bigger picture. Also raised was a white van that is parked on Lincoln Road with no lights on causing cars to swerve to avoid it on dark nights. The police will investigate.
At this point Judith Lyon was presented with a present and flowers and thanked for her service to the council during her time as Parish Clerk.
13/4 Apologies:Cllr R Hollingworth, District Councillors Sue Howe & Pat Woodman
13/5 Declaration of interest:Cllrs Thornton and Neil declared an interest in Parochial Church Council
13/6 Minutes of meeting held on 4th Dec 12:signed as a true record of the meeting with one amendment 12/81 Cllr Thorntonstated he is a part time HGV driver occasionally working for Porters not a part time employee.
13/7 Matters arising:
12/81 no reply received back from Porters from the letter sent re the noise. It was agreed to wait until the next parish meeting to give them time to reply. A member of the public had contacted Porters regarding one of their lorries speeding down the High Street. Porters had rung them back after a short while stating they had spoken with the driver concerned which was well received by the member of the public.
12/90after a long discussion regarding affordable housing Site C it was agreed the clerk to write to Jane Bartle, NKDC pointing out that planning had been approved for 2 building plots to the side of Hadleigh, High Street. As this is in the immediate vicinity of Site C, the view of the Parish Council was that Site C should now be considered.
No reply has been received from Inspector Jones regarding speed gun. It was agreed a letter be sent to the Police Crime Commissioner with a copy of both letters asking him to investigate why we have had no response from Inspector Jones.
13/8 Reports from County and District Councillors: there were no Councillors present
13/9 Finance:bank signatures and addresses need to be changed to reflect the new Parish Clerk. J Lyonagreed to contact the bank to obtain the relevant forms. The new precept would be paid on 5thApril 13 into the bank account. After some discussion it was agreed to increase the precept from £12,300 to £12,900 for 2013/14. The increase would cover mole catcher for rectory field, 2 new dog bins and an increase in the budget for Parish Clerk to include training. It was agreed to look into the siting of the dog bins. Cheques were signed : J Lyon Xmas lights £137.45, Continental Xmas lights installation £84, P Barnett Rectory field and village green cutting £317.50, NKDC dog bins emptying £283.50
13/10 Planning matters:none
13/11 Correspondence:
- lalc News – it was agreed the training dates would be circulated
- Defence Estates – range timetable would be put on the notice board
- Clerks Magazine – yet to be read
- Neighbourhood watch scheme email – trying to relaunch. There is a meeting on 28th Jan 13 it was agreed Cllr Hollingworth attend and report back. It was agreed to ask the police to discuss this at the next meeting.
13/12 Matters for discussion:
- Welbourn Lane has a pothole approx. 2” wide which caused Cllr Pearce to have 2 punctures. It has been reported to Highways but it was agreedCllr Pearce would also forward details onto Parish Clerk to forward to Highways. Members of the parish are encouraged to forward the location of any potholes in the parish to the Parish Clerk to forward to Highways. It was agreed to investigate adding a “pothole watch” onto the website.
- The new email address for parish matters which will be monitored by the Parish Clerk is
- Cllr Dunning commented that the building traffic parked outside Hazy Hills, 38 High Street was causing a chicane, which in turn is very effectively reducing traffic speed on the High Street. This principle should be looked at when there is enough money ring fenced for traffic management.
- A question was raised regarding NKDC charging £25 pa for brown bin collection in the coming financial year. It was agreed the clerk should query this with NKDC
13/13 Date of next meeting:5th March 13 Jubilee Hall
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