MSMHS PTO Minutes January 9, 2013
Motion to accept minutes from previous PTO passed with no corrections to the notes
PTO Finances
Details on finances found on Agenda
Fencing Update -Presented by Mike Regan
MSMHS can be part of ECC next year and as such have a regular schedule of matches
Currently there are 5 matches on the schedule, waiting to finalize 3 or 4 more
- Including an inter-squad match at the school
With 14 boys and 9 girls on the team we are one of the largest fencing programs in the state
A strip has been laid out in the great hall for practice, with room for one more
Wish list includes another set of scoring equipment
Motion made, seconded and passed to provide $1,500 to the fencing club for scoring equipment and entry fees
Non-Profit Status
Form has been filled out
Next step is to send it to the IRS within the next 3 weeks
Motion for $400 application fee made, seconded and passed
Principal Report
Safety and security
- Evacuation point been changed from Westside to the firehouse down the street
- School resource officer splits his time 50/50 between MSMHS and Westside Middle
- Lockdown procedures are in place
- Students will receive a survey to gauge their feelings about the culture and climate of the school
- Character education
- Has been introduced to freshmen; sophomores and juniors will receive next
- PTO members watched a report by Brian Williams on Rock Center regarding this topic
- Persistence, willingness to work hard
- Everyone will struggle at some point, the key is learning how to get through it
CAPT Weeks
- March 4- 7 Writing, Reading portions
- March 11-14th Science and Math portions
- CAPT boot camps will take place weekly
- 40 minutes for each topic
Drama club
- Will hold a coffee house with $5 admission to raise funds for a stage
- Club hopes to do an improv show at the end of February
- The school is trying to add some arts curriculum
- Next year, the senior class will have an arts component
Winter Formal
- January 25th, 7-10 pm
- Tickets are $10
- Theme is Night at the Oscars
Schedules for next year
- Encouraging juniors and seniors to have a study hall
- Recommendation for placement in classes next year will happen in mid-March
Students can participate in non-CIAC sports through MSMHS and remain eligible to do CIAC sport in their home school district
- Non-CIAC sports include women’s ice hockey, bowling, crew, sailing, fencing
520 applications so far for next years freshmen class
School-to-parent newsletter is still in development
- Will include PTO updates
- Working on posting agendas and minutes of PTO meetings on line
Intramural sports
- Nice to have, not a priority at this time
- Have to go through same approval process as fencing did
Some feelers will be put out to Conn College, USCGA, Noank Rowing Club about involving MSMHS students in crew
SAT subject matter tests
- Current juniors probably not ready at this time to take these tests
CAPT breakfast
- Parent food donations to provide a good breakfast for students taking test
- Juniors can come in at 10am on test days
- Sign up sheets for parent volunteers will be available at the next PTO meeting
Next PTO meeting dates
- Feb 6th, 6:30 pm
- March 6th, 6:30 pm
- April 3rd, 6:30 pm
Spelling Bee sub-committee meeting
- March 27th at 6:30 pm