Monthly Meeting
June 16, 2014
7:00 p.m. WHS Library
In Attendance:
Ray Carrock Mary Ellen Sheridan Kevin Murphy Joe Brusa Maria Farrell
Nancy French Phil Amsterdam Roseanne Scrimale Teresa de Veyra Jamie Casullo
Dana Sizing Maureen Martin Sue Lougen Judy Ann Doughtry Ken Johnson
Pete Lobello Theresa de Veyra Colleen Colabula Helen Purcell
Shawn King Elizabeth Demperio Lori Stack Terri Rogers
Meeting called to order at 7:02 by the President, Ray Carrock.
Acceptance of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes:
1) May 2014 Meeting Minutes
i) Helen Purcell motioned to accept, Joe Brusa seconded the motion, passed unanimously, motion carried.
ACTION ITEM: Dana Sizing to send the revised May 2014 minutes to Joe Brusa so that they may be posted to the Westhill Booster Club website.
Various Updates from the President, Ray Carrock:
1) Ray Carrock congratulated everyone – as of the meeting we had exceeding our fundraising goals.
2) Senior Awards Banquet
a) 3 Awards that stood out:
i) Most Outstanding Athlete awarded to Anna Ross and Jared Ristoff.
ii) Booster Club Scholarship awarded to Lindsey Lippert and Pat Farrell.
iii) Athletic Trainer Award in honor of Reed Derrenbacher awarded to Tyler King.
ACTION ITEM: Joe Brusa to post the awards and winners on the booster club website.
3) Thank you and congratulations to Matt Whipple on his retirement.
4) Tracy Collette a big thank you for all for arranging the Awards Banquet.
5) The Golf Tournament this fall will be at the Pine Grove Golf Course on Sept 14th at 1pm. It will be $60 pp or $20pp for dinner only.
ACTION ITEM: Joe Brusa to post the Golf Tournament on the Booster Club Website.
6) Casey Bardoun approved a Booster Club email opt in/out form to be dispersed to students in the fall.
ACTION ITEM: Maureen Martin volunteered to create a letter requesting email opt in/out form ASAP!
ACTION ITEM: Dana Sizing will look into an email software blast program and volunteered to manage all email forms and email organization.
7) Westhill Foundation sent the Boosters a thank you letter for the “Chip into Education” Fundraiser.
8) Parent Rep update:
a) We currently have 20 reps
b) We are short 11 parent reps including JV/Varsity Cheerleading
9) All Booster Club Officers must sign the NYS Nonprofit Revitalization Conflict of Interest Policy.
i) Basically this policy states that an officer of the booster club cannot use their own company or reap personal benefits through the booster club.
ACTION ITEM: Joe Brusa to put the policy on the Booster Club website.
Dome Update:
(1) The dome contract has been signed.
(2) The dome would not give us weekend basketball nights.
(3) Current Teams: Tom and Crew, Phil and MaryEllen, Maureen and Teresa, Markhams & ???
(4) The following fall games have been assigned:
(a) Maureen Martin – August 29th
(b) Teresa de Veyra – Sept 20t
(c) All other games will be determined at the August Booster Club Meeting
(5) Phil Amsterdam proposed a flat rate of $600 flat rate per event, plus $50 for each team supervisor (they can chose who the $50 goes to)
(a) Motion was accepted by Helen Purcell, seconded by Teresa de Veyra and passed unanimously.
(6) We need at least 4 teams of 2 people to manage 3-4 games each next year.
(a) Tom Bounocore offered to form one of those teams
1. Mary Ellen Sheridan
2. Phil Amsterdam
Corporate Membership Update:
1) Pete Lobello mentioned that the program will be revised and simplified over the summer.
2) Mooney Marketing graciously covered the cost of the initial printing.
ACTION ITEM: Dana Sizing will send a thank you card to Mooney Marketing on behalf of the Westhill Booster Club.
Spirit Wear Update:
1) The Spring Spirit wear sale netted a little over $2,000.
2) Will continue the Spirit Sale next year.
ACTION ITEM: Joe Brusa to remove the Spirit Sale info from the Westhill Booster Club website in the beginning of next week.
5K Update:
1) Terry Rogers desperately needs volunteers for this event. The race will be the morning of Thanksgiving this year. Please contact her if you can help at
Concession Stand Update:
1) Shawn King and Liz Demperio will get together with Kim Carrock soon to discuss the fall operation of the stand and to transfer keys/paperwork.
2) Please let the booster club know if we can add you to a ‘volunteer list’. This way if we are short we will have volunteers to call on. We will need your name, email and phone number.
Delta Sonic Update:
1) Nancy French said this fundraiser created $18,500 in sales with $8,700 in profit.
Dodge Fundraiser Update:
1) We could not have this fundraiser this year for reasons out of our control.
2) Phil Amsterdam, thank you so very much for all of your efforts with trying to arrange this fundraiser, job well done!!
2014-2015 Budget:
1) Nancy French and Ray Carrock will put this together and will present at the August meeting.
2014 – 2015 Fundraisers
1) Approved:
a. Dome
b. High School Concession Stand – to be run by Shawn King and Liz Demperio
c. Corporate Memberships
d. Golf Tournament
e. Sponsoring Camps/Clinics
f. Spirit Sale
g. Turkey Trot
h. Fall Raffle ($5 Tickets)
i. Delta Sonic (winter)
j. Spring Raffle ($5 Tickets)
NOTE: Any club or sport may participate in the Fall and Spring Raffle
2) Denied:
a. Go to Moe’s
b. Hall of Fame/Alumni Dinner
c. Warrior Discount Card
d. City Card
1) Roseanne Scrimale will add 3 new Nike items to the Spirit Sale and see how they sell.
Motion to Dismiss:
Helen Purcell motioned to dismiss and Teresa de Veyra seconded the motion.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:03 pm
Next Meeting:
August 18th 2014 at 7pm in the WHS Library