Standards Based Curriculum Lesson Plan
Teacher/Team: Hartwig-Music and Morgan-ET / Subject/Grade Level: K-5 MUSIC EDUCATION / Vicenza ESStage I
A. MUSIC DoDEA Curriculum StandardsMU 7: Understands and creates music through technology
MU7a: The student acquires technology skills and vocabulary that are developmentally appropriate.
MU7b: The student expands and uses technology skills to create music.
MU2: Reads and Notates Music
MU2a, b, c Students learn to read and notate note and rest values and learn the letter names of lines and spaces of treble clef.
MU3d: The student explores simple improvisation
NETS Curriculum Standards
1. Students will demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop products and processes using technology. Students will create an original work as a means of personal expression.
2. Students will use digital media to communicate and work and to support individual learning and the learning of others. Students will collaborate with music teacher, ET and other students, communicate information and contribute to a special project.
3. Students will apply tools, gather, evaluate and use information.
4. Students will use critical thining skills to make informed decisions using technology.
5. Students will learn to become a digital citizen and demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning and leadership.
6. Students will understand how to use technology and select and use applications (at home as well as at school!)
B. Big Enduring Understanding (What do we want students to know 10 years from now?)
Students will know how to express themselves through technology, learn from technology, evaluate their own performance through technology, and share their ideas, emotions, creativity, knowledge, skills and original works through technology. Students will know how to access, download, use and apply free on-line applications such as Audacity and Weebly. Students will learn how to create a video using the Smart Recorder on the Smart board. Students will know how to take responsibility for their own project-based learning and will know how to teach others what they have learned. Students will become digital citizens. Students will learn how to access, use and apply pages on the website to be created for this project.
C. Guiding Questions (What questions will guide this unit and focus teaching and learning?) Activities are listed in Stage III. Do not list activities here.
In what ways will the Flipped Classroom model become an effective teaching and learning strategy and motivational tool?
How will students learn, access information, apply information
and be evaluated for mastery using the Flipped Classroom model?
1. Prior Knowledge Needed Before Starting Lesson: (What must students know?)
a. Students must know what the Flipped Classroom approach is, how they will be assessed and evaluated using it and how they will be able to access information at home.
b. Students must know basic technology and music vocabulary.
c. Students need to know that their work will be shared with others via the internet or intranet.
2. Prior Skills Needed Before Starting Lesson: (What must students be able to do?)
a. Students need to have acquired basic music and technology vocabulary and skills.
b. Students need to be able to read and comprehend and use basic number sense (both CSI goals).
Stage II
A. Performance Tasks: (What will students do to demonstrate understanding?)1. Students in 4th and 5th grades will access the Flipped Classroom videos and PDF’s via the school intranet or internet at home or via a DVD and handouts.
2. Students will view the video about the MUSIC BUCK AUCTION PROJECTS, select a project, and then print the PROJECT INFORMATION & CRITERIA, the AUCTION BUCK MUSIC PROJECT FORM, and the SCORING GUIDE SELF-EVALUATION.
· Create a KIDS TEACHING KIDS TUTORIAL on how to use audacity or how to use one or more music websites or on subject of their choice using the Smart board and Smart Recorder.
· Create a music presentation about a composer or music era or musician or world music to include recording your voice and adding music listening selections using Audacity or turning the presentation into a video lesson using the Smart Recorder.
· Compose your own musical composition and record it using audacity to be posted on the internet and/or intranet or made into a CD. OR Teach others how to composer a piece of music using the Smart Recorder.
· Write a musical composition that is at least 8 measures long to be played on an instrument or sung. Compose it on staff paper or on the computer. Record it and make a CD of it. Enter it into the Illuminations magazine contest.
· Design a homemade music instrument using math and science that plays at least three different pitches. Take a picture of your creation and record a song. Post the picture and recording on the internet site and/or intranet. You may also get to play your instrument at the Music Café.
· Create a lesson using power point or smart recorder or another creative software about the steel drums to include history, culture, geography. Also to include how they are made and played. Finally, include a recording of you or an ensemble playing them.
1. Turn in your own project idea and plan to be approved.
3. Students will access videos on the Flipped Music Classroom internet site or the music intranet website to help them learn the skills and concepts they need to complete their project. OR students sign-up to work with Miss H on Saturdays.
4. Students will work with teacher or ET as needed on Creative Software projects, recording studio/audacity projects or on a SMART RECORDER “KIDS TEACHING KIDS TUTORIAL” video project.
5. Students will submit their final project by posting it on the internet and/or intranet sites or by emailing it to me or via
6. Students will also submit their project form, scoring guide self-evaluation and criteria checklist.
7. Students will receive music bucks to spend at the end of year music auction.
B. Criteria for Success: (How will the quality of the tasks be measured?)
4 – Student met and exceeded the standards and expectations. Students accessed the Flipped Music Classroom lessons, information and videos at home via the internet or via DVD or at school on the intranet. Student chose a music technology project that required the use of or creation of Flipped Classroom video lessons or of other technology or music websites and tutorial sites . Student used creativity and innovation in the selection of and creation of project. Student turned in all required forms and a self-evaluation form in which he/she scored a 4 based on scoring guide and criteria checklist.
3- Student met standards and expectations. Student listened to the MUSIC AUCITON BUCK video lesson, chose a project and printed and completed the forms. Student used technology to complete the project. Student turned in project and self-evaluation with a score of a 3 form music bucks.
2- Student showing progress toward meeting standards and expectations. Student tried to access the Flipped music classroom lessons. The student partially completed an Auction Buck Project.
1- Student not meeting standards and expectations. Incomplete project or technology was not used in any way to complete project.
Stage III
Learning Activities (What activities will be planned? What instructional strategies and resources will be used to help students perform well on assessments?)Instructional Strategies/ACTIVITIES:
· Students to begin by learning about the project and how they will be assessed and evaluated.
· Individual or collaborative group use of website to discuss how to use and apply the Flipped Classroom model and introduction to AUCTION BUCK PROJECTS.
· All students to view one or more of the Flipped Classroom videos and PDF’s.
· Students to review music and technology vocabulary.
· Students who do not have internet access at home to receive DVD of videos needed.
· Students to use graphic organizers to brainstorm ideas for projects individually or in pairs or small groups .
· Students to be given time on COWS to work on project in class (especially if no internet at home).
· Students to post work on internet or intranet or email to teacher.
· Students will teach other students or share work with other students.
Reflection Questions
1) What curriculum standards was this lesson/project designed to meet?Music and NETS curriculum standards. Particularly, Music Standard #7: Using technology to create music and acquiring technology skills and vocabulary that are developmentally appropriate.
2) What technology competencies was this lesson/project designed to address?
Students will learn how to access information via the internet and intranet.
Students will learn how to apply information and create using technology via creative software.
Students will learn how to create music using technology (MU7).
Students will learn and apply music and technology vocabulary (MU7).
Students will demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop products and processes using technology. Students will create an original work as a means of personal expression.
Students will use digital media to communicate and work and to support individual learning and the learning of others. Students will collaborate with music teacher, ET and other students, communicate information and contribute to a special project.
Students will apply tools, gather, evaluate and use information.
Students will use critical thining skills to make informed decisions using technology.
Students will learn to become a digital citizen and demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning and leadership.
Students will understand how to use technology and select and use applications (at home as well as at school!)
3) How well do the performance/student tasks embedded in the lesson/project measure curriculum standards and technology competencies achieved/demonstrated by students?
Students will engage in tasks that will equip them to become self motivated and self learners able then to become teachers of others. The tasks require the use of technology to create,evaluate and to know vocabulary and concepts which are all music standards to be addressed. The tasks also require creative innovation, communication and collaboration, research, critical thinking and decision making, digital citizenship and an understanding of technology applications and concepts which are the NETS standards.
4) What design features will motivate students to perform and excel?
Students who choose to complete a music buck auction project will know that their original works will not only be recorded, but also shared via the internet, intranet and in the classrooms as they teach and share with fellow students. They also know that they have an opportunity to enter their original work in a special contest via one of the projects.
These will serve as motivational tools as well as the one on one instructional time they will receive with the ET and the music teacher throughout the project.
5) What are the strengths of your design? Students are able to be unique individuals and express themselves in their own creative way. Students will be given a variety of resources and tools to learn from and to use to create their final works. Students will be meeting important music and NETS standards and will then help other students to meet them when they teach the class.
6) What parts of your lesson/project would you like to improve? This lesson/project has many parts to it and there may not be time to get everything done. Also, this lesson will only will include children motivated to try to complete a project though all will learn from them before the learning based project is over. I need to find ways to simplify this lesson.
7) What requests might you have of others for help or suggestions to improve the lesson/project?
I will be seeking feedback from the students involved. I will be asking the ET for advice and feedback to help me simplify to make this a project that will be able to be finished.
8) In designing lessons like this, what aspects present the greatest challenge to you?
The greatest challenge is in simplifying so to be able to complete it all on time. There were so many different directions this project could have gone in. So many different areas that could have been covered or different standards to have focused on. The most difficult part was trying to determine which direction to go. I’m sure I’ll be running into even greater challenges as this project starts to take shape! One step at a time…and to make it fun for the kids along the way. Crossing my fingers that students will be motivated to complete a project!