Bachelor of Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
Concentration: Child and Family Studies – Early Childhood Track (2017 – 2018 Catalog)
This Program Sheet for Advisement Only –McLennan Community College
TSU General Education Requirements / HRS / Grade / MCC Transfer Equivalents / NotesENGL 1301: Composition I / 3 / ENGL 1301
ENGL 1302: Composition II / 3 / ENGL 1302
COMM 1311, 1315, or 2302 / 3 / SPCH 1311, 1315, or 1321
MATH 1314: College Algebra or higher / 3 / MATH 1314 or higher
Lab Science / 4 / BIOL, GEOL, CHEM, or PHYS
Lab Science / 4 / BIOL, GEOL, CHEM, or PHYS
Visual and Performing Arts / 3 / ARTS 1301, MUSI 1306, DRAM 1310
Language, Philosophy, and Culture(Prefer ENGL 23xx) / 3 / ENGL 2xxx Literature, PHIL 1301
HIST 1301: United States History I / 3 / HIST 1301
HIST 1302: United States History II / 3 / HIST 1302
GOVT 2305: Federal Government / 3 / GOVT 2305
GOVT 2306: Texas Government / 3 / GOVT 2306
SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology / 3 / SOCI 1301
First Year Seminar:EDUC 1100 / 1 / Determined based on Core Complete status
Subtotal 42
Student must complete either the McLennan Community College or Tarleton State University Core Curriculum
Required Lower Level Courses / HRS / Grade / MCC Transfer Equivalents / NotesCHFS 1304: Infant and Toddler Development / 3 / TECA 1318: Wellness of the Young Child
EDUC 2300: Families, School, and Community / 3 / TECA 1303: Families, School, and Community
TECA 1311: Educating Young Children / 3 / TECA 1311: Educating Young Children
WSES 1322: Nutrition and Diet Therapy / 3 / BIOL 1322: Nutrition and Diet Therapy I
SOCW 2361: Introduction to Social Work / 3 / SOCW 2361: Introduction to Social Work
PSYC 2308: Child Psychology / 3 / SOCI 2301: Marriage & Family
Elective (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000 level) / 3
Subtotal 21
Bachelor of Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
Concentration: Child and Family Studies– Early Childhood Track
Courses are delivered Online, ITV or Face-to-Face. Delivery methods vary and are subject to change.
(Course Rotations are Subject to Change Each Semester.)
45 hours of the Required Upper Level Courses MUST be completed at Tarleton State University
Required Upper Level Courses / HRS / Grade / Typical Course Rotation / NotesKINE 3355: Principles of Health and Physical Education in Elementary Schools / 3
EDSP 3361: Survey of Exceptional Learners / 3 / MCC Transfer course:EDUC 2301:Introduction to Special Populations
EDSP 4367: Programming for Young Children with Disabilities
Prerequisite: EDSP 3361 / 3
COMM 3304: Interpersonal Communications
Prerequisite: COMM 1311, 1315, or 1321 / 3 / MCC Transfer course:SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communications
KINE 3380: Adaptive, corrective and developmental exercise / 3
PSYC 3303: Educational Psychology / 3
SOCW 4315: Social Work Value and Ethics or
SOCW or PSYC Elective – 4000 level SOCW or PSYC / 3
SOCW 3303: Social Work with Diverse Populations / 3
CHFS 3300: Child Development
Prerequisite: Junior Classification (60+ hours completed) / 3 / MCC Transfer course: TECA 1354: Child Growth & Development
CHFS 3305: Mgmt. of a Licensed Child Care Program / 3
CHFS 3315: Concept Development in Early Childhood
Prerequisite: CHFS 3300 / 3
CHFS 3344: (WI) Creative Arts and Literacy
Prerequisite: CHFS 3300 / 3
CHFS 3353: Child and Youth Guidance
Prerequisite: CHFS 3300 / 3
CHFS 4309: Parenting / 3
CHFS 4317: Early Childhood Environments
Prerequisites: CHFS 1304 and CHFS 3300 / 3
CHFS 4350: Policies and Ethical Standards
Prerequisite: CHFS 3300 and Senior Classification (90+ hours completed) / 3
CHFS 4356: (WI) Research Methods in Human Sciences / 3
CHFS 4360: Pre-Professional Development / 3
CHFS 4085: Internship Seminar – Last Semester / 3
Subtotal 57
Total Hours 120