Minutes of Regular Meeting April 18, 2017
The Grady County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 with Chairman Elwyn Childs, Vice-Chairman Ray Prince, Commissioners LaFaye Copeland, TD David and Keith Moye in attendance. Also present were County Attorney Kevin Cauley, County Administrator Carlos Tobar and County Clerk Carrie Croy.
Chairman Childs called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and asked Mr. Max Allen to give the invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Mr. Prince made a motion to adopt the Agenda with Mr. Moye making the second. The Board approved unanimously.
Prior to calling for Public Comments, Chairman Childs stated that we all have differences of opinion but need to think about what we mean to each other. In Public Comments, Mr. Peter Wright, Stephens Road, spoke about the Motocross tracks, Chicken Houses and Mental Health needs ruining neighborhoods. He also stated with the debt at the lake and about to hire someone wanting to build homes that would leave nothing for the public. Mr. Wright stated he is glad the Board gets to decide on whom.
Mr. Robert Bearden asked for regulations. He stated there are mobile homes and cars sitting right next to houses. With the Lake coming the County really needs regulations. He also advised the County that they needed to think about what to do with Hammett’s Junk Yard.
Mr. John Gainous, Cedar Springs Road, stated he was against changing zoned agriculture but someone should be able to sell land outside of the classification. His heirs should be able to get the most for the property.
Mr. Childs stated that he thinks its good/positive to have public input.
Attorney Cauley provided the Board with a Solar Farm Draft Ordinance and the current Regulations for Specific Land Uses. After discussion, Mr. Moye made a motion to set a Public Hearing for May 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Mr. David made the second with the Board unanimously approving.
Mr. Tom Carmichael, Auditor, was present for the annual audit presentation to the Board. Before beginning he commended Carlos, Donna, Carrie and the Management Team for all of their hard work and cooperation. After an overview of his firm he explained the audit approach. Next he explained an overview of the General Fund. The County had a shortfall of $1,314,000 in 2016. An overview of the Internal Service Fund and SPLOST Capital Projects Funds were provided. Mr. Carmichael encouraged the County to complete the current projects. Long Term Debt was next discussed. Mr. Carmichael completed his presentation by explaining the required communications.
Mr. David asked when the final report would be provided of which Mr. Carmichael stated by June 30, 2017, that all they were waiting on was the Actuarial Report from GEBCorp. Mr. David also commended Carlos, Carrie and Donna on their hard work and cooperation. Mr. Prince asked if there were changes needed. Mr. Carmichael stated nothing major and he would follow up with Donna Johnson, Accounting Manager.
Mr. John Brannon asked if there was only $1.2 million in SPLOST wouldn’t there be projects underfunded – a shortfall.
The Lake Authority was next on the Agenda. Mr. Lee Gainous introduced Will Butler from REI out of Tallahassee, Florida. Even though Mr. Butler stated he has no real estate license in Georgia he felt he could represent the Board and Authority on what they needed to develop single and multi-family home sites at the lake. Mr. Butler stated a plan needed to be created with the Board’s vision for the lake. He has worked with Florida firms, St. Joe Company and College Town in Tallahassee, Florida. Mr. Gainous stated he was their recommendation. Mrs. Copeland stated she was 100% behind the Authority and whatever they wanted. Mr. Prince suggested and made a motion to table the decision until Mr. Childs was ready to vote, as he was grieving the loss of his daughter. The motion died for lack of second. Mrs. Copeland made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Authority. Mr. David made the second with the Board voting 3-1 in favor of Mr. Butler from Tallahassee, Florida. Mr. Prince voted against the motion and Mr. Childs refrained from the vote.
The following correspondence was reviewed: * Calendar of Events * ACCG Training Opportunity
Mr. Prince made a motion to approve the following Consent items with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously approved the following items, 5-0:
* Minutes from the April 4, 2017 Regular Meeting, the April 4, 2017 Workshop and the April 4, 2017 Closed Session . * Approved purchase of pipe from Contech, the low bidder, in the amount of $37,372.60. Other bids received were: Gulf Atlantic in the amount of $43,955.00 and Bates Precast Concrete in the amount of $46,973.67. * Approved purchase of rock for Tired Creek Lake from Junction City Mining, the low bidder, in the amount of $6,860.00. One other bid was received from Southern Contractors in the amount of $7,905.00. * Approved purchase of equipment for VFD in the total amount of $84,991.88. A total of five bids were received. * Approved purchase of Detention Center Uniforms from South Georgia Outdoors in the amount of $3,024.00. Two other bids were received from Galls and Quartermaster both in the amount of $3,599.28. * Approved purchase of concrete pipes and headwalls from Forterra Pipe and Precast, the low bidder, in the amount of $26,844.56. One other bid was received; Bates Precast in the amount of $52,918.52. *Approved Family Subdivision Plat for Kerry Palmer Weaver.
Mr. Tobar advised on the following: *The City of Whigham has paid their portion of Old 179 Road project - $33,727.68. * Progress continues on Old 179 shoulder work. * The work on the Reno Tower has begun. * Completed final DCA audit on 2014 CDBG on 4/11/17. * Refurbished three computers. * Gave Congressman Bishop a tour of the lake today. * Cedar Springs boat ramp parking lot is being graded by Road Department construction crew. * Notice to Proceed for Cedar Springs and Gainous Road paving is May 1, 2017. * Road Department cut trees on State Park Road so that Grady EMC can relocate utility poles. * Tired Creek Lake flow report now submitted via email to Mike Binion and Gary Huffman. * USDA Project Update: carpeting is being installed; our staff moved Ms. Sharon Brown’s furniture into her new office. Rest of staff moves to right side on Thursday; NRCS staff moves into temp space Thursday. Kitchen and bathroom worked on this week. * Aquatic Center Update: Cox Pools representative updating concept plan to reflect what was discussed at pool committee meeting. * Re-striping Update: McMillan, Mill Pond, Stage Coach, Spence, Gilliard, Noles, Pope’s Store and Mizpah are completed. Ridge Road and Meridian are in progress. * 20th Street reconstruction staking occurred today. * State to replace bridge over Little Tired Creek. Photos were provided.
Attorney Cauley notified the Board of the National Field Dog Trials going on in Grady County starting this weekend.
Mr. Prince made a motion to approve the Safety Action Plan Grant Submission for striping and Gainous Road shoulder widening to GDOT. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board approving unanimously.
Mr. Prince made a motion to ratify the Board’s verbal approval to amend Gaines & Sons restriping contract, to include the spreadsheet with Roads listed and cost, in an amount not to exceed $189,128.30. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board unanimously approving. LMIG and SPLOST are paying for this cost.
Mr. Prince made a motion to ratify the verbal approval to accept the terms of Environmental Services, Inc. proposal for GDOT required studies for the Highway 188 Roundabout in the amount of $33,700.00. Mr. David made the second with the Board unanimously approving. LMIG and SPLOST are paying for this cost.
Discussion concerning the Purchasing Policy regarding Bid Openings occurred. No action was taken.
The following Departmental Reports were reviewed: Buildings and Grounds – February 2017 Code Enforcement – February 2017 Animal Control – March 2017 Fuel Reports – March 2017 Recreation Department – March 2017 Road Department – March 2017
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel. Mr. Prince made the second with the Board unanimously approving going into Closed Session.
Mr. David made a motion to come out of Closed Session with Mr. Moye making the second. The Board unanimously approved coming out of Closed Session. There was no action taken as a result of this Closed Session.
Mr. Prince made a motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously approved adjourning the meeting.