Boot CampOffice: 714-455-2110

Suzanne’s cell: 714-473-0321


(CP 8:30 AM)

Craig Park (map p.11)

Congratulations on your choice to GET FIT and have fun!
Here are some important things to remember:

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is your responsibility to ‘sign in’ each day as you arrive. We will have sign-in sheets laid out for you. Simply place a checkmark next to your name and the appropriate day.

Again, it is YOUR responsibility to check yourself off the roll sheet.

Remember that you are responsible for knowing about the special days in this camp and where to meet. Always check your CALENDAR (pg. 10) and use the directions and maps provided, as necessary.

  • Please ALWAYS arrive on time or a few minutes early.
  • FRIDAYS are mandatory days, please be there – support your classmates and enjoy these days, they are fun! It’s also testing day where you’ll see how you’ve progressed, plus prizes and t-shirts are given out on the last Friday.
  • Please ALWAYS arrive on time or a few minutes early. If you arrive after the music has started, you are late. Please set up quickly, do 10 pushups and join the rest of the group.
  • Please allow time to use the restroom before camp begins.
  • Please do not use earphones during class.
  • You will be sore the first week or two, this is normal -- hang in there! No matter how sore you are, a good workout will actually reduce the severity of these symptoms and you’ll feel invigorated and less sore all day. Don’t miss a workout!
  • Also....don’t panic if you gain a few pounds the first week or two! As your muscles repair themselves, they require extra water to aid in this process. You are just waterlogged! This is a normal process and will magically drop off at about the 10-day to 2-week point in the program. If you are eating according to the “plan,” you will see results in 1 to 2 weeks. Don’t try to wing it with your food plan.
  • You must eat 100 grams of protein daily, divided into 5 to 6 meals. Keep your starchy carbs low and eat them before 2:00pm on most days. Starchy foods are pasta, all breads, all rice. Great healthy carbs are dark greens like spinach, all veggies, and fruits. Apples and berries are good low sugar choices.
  • Your new fat-burning muscles require nutrients so eat every 3 hours. If you go longer than 3 hours without a whey protein shake, or Greek yogurt with berries, or cottage cheese with chopped apples, or tuna with chopped celery and a little balsamic vinegar or Greek yogurt to moisten (sample ideas), your body will begin to burn muscle and store fat – right in your belly, yikes! Don’t make this mistake. You cannot skip meals, workout hard and lose body fat, it won’t happen.
  • Plan your snacks the day before, take them with you. Eat a small healthy snack like a half of a piece of Ezekiel raisin a teaspoon of almond butter before class (or a small apple with a handful of almonds. Get your blood sugar up just a little and you will be able to work harder and burn more calories. No juice before or after. See list of ideas below.
  • NO EXCUSES for missing class – no ditching! You will see huge progress if you come to every class without fail. If you are having a tired, grumpy or difficult morning, put your exercise clothes on, brush your teeth, THEN re-evaluate the situation. No one is ever sorry they came, it’s the getting your butt out of bed and out the door that challenges ALL of us. Practice makes perfect, just do it! Getting into the best shape of your life, losing body fat, lifting and firming up jiggle spots, getting back into those cute jeans requires a lifestyle change, not just one 3- or 4-week program. Our bodies were meant to move. Strive for 5 days of exercise weekly. If you’re a 3- or 4-dayer, do something that makes your breathless for 30 to 45 minutes on your off days. Walking doesn’t count unless you’re powerwalking hard enough to be breathless and unable to speak more than a few words.
  • No matter what your age or condition right now, you CAN be in the best shape of your life in a few short months. Do you really want it? Then see it, believe it, don’t lose that vision - get your bootie to every class and eat clean 5 to 6 days a week. Never skip meals!
  • Remember why you are here before you put those French fries in your mouth or drink that second glass of wine. *Double results if you stick to a good nutrition plan! You must “feed the fire.” Your metabolism will jump after your workout. Eat a breakfast containing 20 grams of protein within 30 to 45 minutes. Drink whey protein water in class (water + whey protein). Going longer than 3 hours without fuel, your metabolism “fire” will die and you will STOP burning fat and start STORING fat.
  • WHAT TO BRING: Bring your 5 lb. dumbbells, a mat, good running shoes, water or sports drink and a sweat towel every day except cardio day.
  • CARDIO WEDNESDAY: ARE YOU SIGNED UP for Wednesdays? Wednesday Registered campers only have an alternate meeting location on the 2nd thru last Wednesdays. This is CARDIO DAY. No weights or mats needed (or friends or dogs).
  • On the 2nd through last Wednesdays, please meet at the bottom of the sidewalk above the basketball courts. No equipment on cardio day.

*REMEMBER: Regular location on 1st Wednesday. Regular class, with mat & weights!

  • LAST DAY: A drawing forprizes is held on the last day of each session for campers with perfect attendance (sheet must be checked, on time). T-shirts handed out plus a short random drawing for all campers.
  • Be courteous to neighboring homes by not screaming.
  • Avoid all 4-letter words except “Yeah!” No whining!
  • Please lock your car manually instead of using your remote. The onslaught of beeps makes for cranky neighbors.
  • PLEASE limit talking during class to “Hi” or “Woo-Hoo!” Talking is very annoying to other campers. If you are working as hard as you should be, you should not want to talk. If you are slacking, why are you here? Make a coffee date for later to catch up (sugar free, no whipped cream!).
  • Q: Can I make up a day if I miss?
  • A: If you are aware of an unavoidable conflict, please let me know BEFORE that day of camp and we can switch your days. Let me know before that day arrives. If you miss a workout because you had a senior moment, were in a bad mood or feeling lazy, you will not be able to make up that day - no exceptions. Getting and staying in shape is more mental than physical. Once you’re on a roll and feeling good, you’ll never go back – so get your booty to camp, no excuses.
    Key words for your success in fitness and in life: commitment, accountability & intensity!

  • Give 110% effort! Get OUT of your comfort zone! Intensity is essential. Without exercising at the proper intensity you will see minimal results from your workout. For maximum progress and fat-burning capacity, your body needs to be challenged with new exercises that it has not been subjected to in the past. If you have an unusual ache or pain, tell your instructor immediately! Quite frequently aches and pains are related to improper shoes or incorrect form.
  • Eat! a small meal before camp containing protein and carbs. Here are some anytime ideas – eat something – every 3 hours:
  • During cool weather, layer your workout clothes. You will get warm VERY quickly. A cap and gloves will be your best method of keeping warm for the first 10-15 minutes each day during cooler months.
  • Wear a good sports bra (Try The Running Lab or Snail’s Pace, Big 5, Sport Chalet, etc.)
  • What do we do if it RAINS?Camp is never cancelled. This is boot camp! If it is raining hard enough for windshield wipers at 5:20, drive to the main entrance of the park, park at the curb and walk to the picnic tables under cover just left of the park office. Do NOT stay home if it is raining. These are truly some of our best workouts!
  • Note: If it rains on Wednesday, Cardio Day, please go to your Rainy Day location (see above) for an awesome cardio workout under cover (we love these workouts)! It is just a few minutes away, and if you’re a tad late because of weather we won’t even make you do pushups!
    *cell phone numbers at top of page.
  • Holidays? Camp is never cancelled. If a holiday falls within one of our regularly scheduled 4-week sessions, we will be there.
  • Good Running Shoes are *highly advisable. Please do NOT purchase cross-trainers, walking shoes or Sketchers with those rocker bottoms! Also do NOT wear strap-on weights to any class – this is an accident waiting to happen (& it has).
  • You should be fitted for shoes at a reputable running store – we recommend The Running Lab in Orange (see next page) for the best fit Your new running shoes should be at least ½ to one size larger than your regular size. Your shoes should be a few months new for good support (rule of thumb is 6 months or 300 miles).

AVOID Injuries such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis & knee problems can be avoided if your feet have adequate support. This is VERY important; don’t wait until you feel that pain. You will love your new shoes!

Note: Getting the right shoes for your feet is vital to preventing injuries. Do not purchase your shoes without a fitting at The Running Lab in Orange or Roadrunner Sports in Costa Mesa first. Do NOT purchase your shoes at Sport Chalet, Big 5, Sports Authority or any mall-type athletic shoe store "unless" you have been previously fitted at one of the aforementioned running stores (or other quality running shoe stores).We do NOT recommend you being fitted for your first pair of shoes at Snail’s Pace.

SATURDAY FREE CLASS FOR REGISTERED CAMPERS: We have a Saturday camp @7:00 a.m. twice a month (once in December). Location is at ArovistaPark (map pg.12).

Everyone is encouraged to come on our “Free” Saturday workouts! *Also,this is a good opportunity for you to make up any lost days.* These workouts are held about twice monthly on no date certain, but usually on the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of each boot camp session. Times and dates will be announced in class and will also be on your boot camp calendar(pg.10)attached to this Welcome Packet. NOTE: Saturday classes are for bootcampers only. Please do not ask to bring a friend, family member, husband or dog.


#1 Choice for shoes:The Running Lab (for your first fitting)


155 North Glassell Street
Orange, CA (California)
Phone: (714) 538-1355
Monday - Wednesday, 11:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday - Saturday, 11:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, 11:00 - 5:00 p.m. / LOCATION: Located at the Circle in Orange (across from the Irish Pub and the old theater, now church). Earl and his staff will evaluate your feet thoroughly for arch height, pronation or supination, running style, etc. They will then recommend the right type of shoe for your needs.
*15% discount on all running apparel (excludes shoes). Feel great when you exercise - get something fun).
Make sure to Let them know you are a bootcamper get a 15% discount off apparel. You must ask – they don’t always remember!

We highly recommend The Running Labin Orange for your first fitting. They provide a "free" professional fitting, and will spend 20 minutes analyzing your feet. The right shoe is much more extensive and important than just getting your foot measured for size and finding something you think is cute. Most knee and foot pain, as well as shin splints, are directly related to improperly fitted shoes.Make this a priority - you'll be glad you did!


1)that vigorous exercise 4 to 5 times a week reduces the chance of Alzheimer’s disease by 60%!

2)that vigorous exercise 4 to 5 times a week reduces the incidence of cancer by 35%, and a large part of the remaining percentage is related to diet!

Genetics play a much smaller part in disease than most people are aware of
Bottom line: Take care of your body or it won’t take care of you!

Since eating clean and frequently will double your results and is 80% of your success in any program, we recommend you purchase the book, "The Eat Clean Diet Recharged," by Tosca Reno.Learn how to makeyour body burn fat while eating tons of food - great book! Available through Amazon or pick it up at Borders or any bookstore.

*2 weeks of free menu plans. Easy to follow – amazing results!

People that do not eat breakfast lower their metabolism by 10%!
"Pain is weakness leaving the body.”
Eating SMALL portions of high-quality snacks throughout the day will boost your metabolism and you’ll actually lose weight faster!
1 piece of Ezekiel bread (Flourless, sprouted grain bread found at Trader Joe’s) with light tuna in water mixed with chopped celery, apple and a little balsamic vinegar or Greek yogurt to moisten. Mustard or seasoning to spice it up.
Whey protein shake: 20+ grams of whey protein powder plus ice, water or milk and/or frozen fruit. Chocolate with half of a frozen banana, or vanilla with tropical fruit or just frozen strawberries. Buy organic frozen fruit when available.
Yogurt (low-fat or nonfat, plain Greek yogurt or half low-carb yogurt like Danon Light ‘n Fit mixed with Greek yogurt). Add fresh berries (blueberries or other berries), apples and/or a bit of high protein low-sugar cereal.
Sliced apples and 12 raw almonds
Snack-size corn or whole wheat flour tortilla and string cheese and chopped veggies (melt in microwave, roll and go!).
Instant or regular oatmeal. Make with water OR non-fat milk. Add a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder or a half cup of Greek yogurt for protein. Add healthy low-glycemic carbs like blueberries, blackberries, chopped apple, cinnamon, etc. Scramble 3 or 4 egg whites on the side.
Nonfat or lowfat cottage cheese with fresh fruit (chopped apple & cinnamon, blueberries or strawberries, etc.)
Small handful of *raw almonds and a small apple or ½ of large apple.
(Do not buy roasted almonds. Trader Joe’s has raw almonds)
EAT YOUR GREENS! Salads are great as a dinner entree. Fresh, uncooked foods will help your body burn fat and aids in muscles repair! Add baked chicken or wild Salmon, chopped apple, veggies, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, avocado (good fats balance hormones aid in fat-burning too), and dark green lettuce and/or spinach!

Steps to Achieve Success with Our Fitness Program

Our goal at Adventure Boot Camp (ABC) is to help you reach your health & fitness goals. The ABC Team is dedicated to each individual’s success.

We have worked with hundreds of people just like you over the years. We have witnessed countless success stories and it has been very rewarding as a coach to help someone succeed. Success can be measured in many ways so first let’s have a very open-minded view of success.

This is starting to sound like an infomercial so let’s get to the nuts and bolts of achieving your goals.

Step #1 Set a Specific, Realistic & Attainable Goal

Write down your goal and the reasons why that goal (or goals) is important to you. Set short, medium-and long-term goals. Be specific and put a deadline on it. Sign and date your goal and share it with someone that will hold you accountable. (Preferably your trainer :0)

Here is an example: “In Four Weeks, I want to be able to run a mile in 8 minutes or less.” OR “I want to be able to do 10 push ups from my toes,” OR “I want to drop one clothing size,” OR “I want to decrease my body fat by 3%, OR “In eight weeks I want to be able to run a 5k,” OR “I want to be able to fit into my skinny jeans and wear my bathing suit proudly while on vacation.”

Achieving this goal is important to me because:

 It will give me more self-confidence, I will feel better, look amazing and perform better at work.

When I feel better about myself, everyone around me feels better.

I will be able to fit into the clothes I wore last summer.

I want to be able to keep up with my kids or my grandkids.

These goals and reasons to achieve the goals are personal and will be different for everyone. You may even get more detailed.

We can help you with accountability. I recommend sharing with someone that will hold you accountable. If your best friend will nod and say “Yes, I will help you with that goal,” but then says nothing while you cave in for a hamburger, fries and dessert, pick someone that will keep you on task and hold you accountable!