PHS– Physics Class Syllabus
Class: Physics 2007-2008 Location: Room 221
Teacher: Mark Dickson
Contact information: 608 523-4285
Textbook used: Physics – Principles and Problems (Glencoe, 2005), Conceptual Physics (Hewitt, 7th edition), Modern Physics (Trinklein, 1992).
What is Physics? Physics is the branch of knowledge that involves the study of the physical world.
Why are we here? This class is primarily designed to prepare students for college physics. We will work to better understand natural phenomena through the insight and discovery of great scientists.
Classroom Rules and Expectations
1. Safety first – During the year we will be working with lots of equipment, some of which could possibly be dangerous if used in the wrong way. Please keep in mind the safety rules that will be discussed and distributed to keep all students safe. No food or drink is allowed besides a water bottle that is labeled
2. Let me teach – You expected to be in your seat working on the warm-up activity when the bell rings. The class is not over until I tell you that you are excused. Each table will be excused when they have properly cleaned their surroundings or completed the task at hand. Do not leave class without the teacher’s permission. Respect school rules, dress appropriately, no hats worn in class, no graffiti and always clean up your area before you leave the classroom.
3. Let others learn – When the teacher or another student is sharing, do not interrupt. Wait until the speaker is finished. When the teacher is giving an assignment, please refrain from making any comments. Please treat others how you would like to be treated. Be kind to others.
4. Come Prepared to learn something new every day. Every day you walk into this class, come prepared to learn something new. This means opening your mind to new concepts, focusing on class, and having all the supplies you need for class.
5. Never Give Up! If you do not understand something, please talk to me and I will do my best to help you understand. I will work hard to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed in this class. Stay on task, work hard every day, put your heart into this class, and you will succeed.
Grade breakdown Grading scale
Progress Reports: Every other Monday, you will receive a progress report with your current grade and your missing assignments if any. This progress report is to be taken home and given to your parents to review and discuss with you. This report must be signed and returned to me by Wednesday of the next week to receive participation points.
Late Assignments: Please respect due dates. Worked turned in one day late will receive half credit and work and all work turned in after 1 day after it is due is not accepted. (of course students with excused absences will have extra time)
Getting help: I will be available on most days before school Monday-Friday to answer any questions you may have.
Tardies: The tardy policy will follow the school policy as stated in the agenda
Cheating: Cheating is unacceptable. If a student is caught cheating that student will immediately lose credit for the assignment and a phone call will be made home to discuss the matter.
Passes: Each student will be given 2 passes per quarter but must be given permission and sign out prior to using the pass.
Extra credit: I will allow students to read articles or go to an event and write a short summary and report to the class what they learned. I will give you a format for this. You can find extra credit in the newspaper, magazines, on the bulletin board at school or an event that you attended. Each write-up will be worth 1 point and there is a maximum of 10 points you can achieve this way.
Materials: Here is what you need to bring to class every day.
1. A binder (at least 2”) 2. Loose leaf paper
3. Pens/pencils/eraser 4. Pencils with eraser
5. One lab notebook 6. Scientific calculator (doesn’t need to be expensive as long as it has trig functions)
- Your binder should have the following headings (dividers would be helpful for this.) Warm ups, worksheets, class notes.
-You will be given one week to acquire all of these supplies. If you have any trouble acquiring these supplies talk to me and we will work something out. After the first week, failure to bring these supplies every day may result in loss of participation points.
General Course Outline:
Unit 1: Scientific Method
In this unit you will learn:
· S-A6-10: how to design a scientific and conduct a scientific investigation
Unit 2: Forces
In this unit you will learn:
· S-D5-18 Understand force and its effects on motion and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Unit 3: Energy
In this unit you will learn:
· That energy can be transferred from one form to another but is always conserved
· How to calculate the kinetic and potential energy in a given situation and understand the relationship between them
· That heat is the transfer of thermal energy, that it is governed by the laws of thermodynamics, how it is related to temperature and how it can affect phases of matter.
Unit 4: Electricity and magnetism
In this unit you will learn:
· Basic concepts of electricity and magnetism
Unit 5: Modern Physics
In this unit you will learn basic concepts in physics since 1905.
Remember to work hard, be yourself, and do the right thing!
Parent signature. I have read through the rules and expectations with my child
Student Signature: I have read through the rules and agree with these rules and expectations
Questions? Comments?