CS322, CS 322AdvancedNetworking
Spring Term, 2012 (3 credits)
Section 1, T/R10:00-11:15PM PHYS1
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Anthony Serapiglia OFFICE HOURS: MWF 12pm – 3pm
OFFICE: 101 Physics BuildingTR 11:30am – 12:30pm
PHONE: 724-805-2421 or x2421 Also by appt. or drop-in.
EMAIL: ______
This course will address computer networking beyond the OSI model framework. Current industry techniques and technologies will be explored in areas of voice, mobile, and remote technologies. Issues in system security, performance, and maintenance will also be examined. Current research and evolving trends will be discussed to highlight the ever-changing nature of the field and to identify the skills necessary in evaluating new technologies. Prerequisite: CS 321. Three credits.
Upon completion of this course, the student should:
- Demonstrate proficiency with configuration of multiple data network equipment pieces
- Demonstrate proficiency with data network monitoring techniques
- Gain familiarity with ongoing developments in networking
- Become familiar with characteristics of good Data and the process of transforming data into information
- Gain understanding of basic networking security issues and approaches
TEXT: Kurose, j., Ross, K.; Computer Networking: a top-down approach, 5th edition. Addison-Wesley (Pearson Higher Ed.) ISBN: 978-0-13-607967-5
Additional readings and examples are made available through St. Vincent’s Blackboard course management system. It may be accessed at Other readings may be assigned and will be available from the instructor, online or in the library.
Assignments, In-class Lab Work, Quizzes, Exams, Research Paper, Discussion Boards, Class Participation:
Student evaluation will be based on the successful completion of projects and assignments. Quizzes and exams will also be presented, including a final cumulative exam. There will be a writing component to this class. A research topic will be assigned to each student and include a presentation to the class. Blackboard Discussion forums will also be utilized as a writing component. The topics will include current events, events related to Information Systems and technology, as well as the Mission of St. Vincent College. These discussion postings will also contribute to the final grade.
Attendance is mandatory. If a student is absent for more than three classes without a formal, pre-approved, excuse the student will be subject to a grade reduction.
The final grade assignment is solely at the discretion of the instructor, but in order to monitor your progress during the term, you should assume the SVC grading scale as printed in the College Bulletin. It is the philosophy of this course that you are evaluated based on your individual work and not in comparison to other students. Grades are kept confidential by the instructor as per FERPA regulations. Mid-term grades are non-official and are not permanent. Student final grades are independent of mid-term grades and students are cautioned that there is no limit to change between a mid-term and final grade.
There will be exams that may cover any topics discussed in class, in the text, in any additional readings and in the assignments. Exams must be taken when scheduled. No books, notes, electronic devices or other assistance (including other people) are to be used during exams except when given permission by the professor. Cell phones, pagers and PDAs must be turned off during exams. (See the Section labeled “DEFINITION OF EXTREME VERIFIABLE CIRCUMSTANCES”.)
This course has been designed to be heavily focused on lecture and practical exercises. As such attendance is of the utmost importance. Some classes will include in-class assignments, quizzes or computer lab work for which points will be awarded. Additional points may be added to the final grade based upon class participation. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get any notes, handouts and assignments. If a medical or sport excuse is provided, you will be given the opportunity to make up missed in-class assignments or quizzes. After 3 unexcused absences, the final grade may be reduced.
For all assignments and exams, illegible answers will not be graded and no points will be awarded. At any time, you may be asked to explain your material orally that you turned in for an assignment. If you cannot explain your answers or reasoning for your assignment, you will not receive any points for that assignment.
If you cannot attend a class: Assignments may be placed in the appropriate network drive or emailed to me. The emailed assignment must be received before the start of the class when the assignment is due.
Students who are participating in sports are expected to follow the College Handbook procedures for excused absences from class and exams.
Students with disabilities who may be eligible for academic accommodations and support services should please contact the Associate Dean of Studies, Mrs. Sandy Quinlivan, by phone (724-805-2371), email () or by appointment (Academic Affairs-Headmaster Hall). Reasonable accommodations do not alter the essential elements of any course, program or activity.
If assignments from two or more students are unduly similar, they will be considered to be in violation of the SVC Academic Honesty Policy, and will be treated as such under the guidelines of that policy. “Unduly similar” in this case means that a prudent individual would reasonably conclude that the assignments were written/completed by the same person. The assignment grades for those students involved will be severely penalized and the incident will be reported to the Academic Deans Office. A second incident will result in failure of the course.
Everyone involved in this class is expected to treat others with respect. Respectful behavior includes minimizing distractions during class. Cell phones, pagers, beeping watches extra should be muted during class. If you have a need to keep a cell phone or pager on during class, please let me know.
If a class or office hours must be canceled for any reason, I will try to contact you by email and via Blackboard as soon as I know of the cancellation, post the cancellation on Blackboard and utilize the college’s cancellation posting procedures. Therefore, you should check your profile on Blackboard and make sure the email address is one you read frequently. If assignments are due when a class has been canceled, they may be turned in at the next class without penalty.
Students should consult the CIS Department Policies webpage ( for additional information regarding course and department policies.
Examples of extreme circumstances are serious illnesses or the death of a family member. Examples of non-extreme circumstances are nonrefundable airline tickets, sporting events and concerts. Unfortunately, I have encountered a number of attempts at deception, so proof of the extreme circumstance will be required, such as a note from a nurse, doctor or coach, or an obituary notice, or a receipt from a car-towing company, etc.
A spreadsheet of class topics and assignments has been linked to the course page on the CIS department website at:
The class schedule is in accordance with the published class schedule through ST. Vincent College. Please also refer to the Academic Calendar published by the college for the academic year 2011-2012.
Examples of extreme circumstances are serious illnesses or the death of a family member. Examples of non-extreme circumstances are nonrefundable airline tickets, sporting events and concerts. Unfortunately, I have encountered a number of attempts at deception, so proof of the extreme circumstance will be required, such as a note from a nurse, doctor or coach, or an obituary notice, or a receipt from a car-towing company, etc.
Proposed Topics, CS322 – Advanced Networking, Spring 2012
Practical assignments:
GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator) Install and configuration
Router config
Switch config
VPN config
VLAN config
Wiring config
Monitoring config
Content monitoring config
General topics:
Internet Services (various) (Including FTP/streaming media/E-mail/P2P file sharing/
Remote Access
Remote Administration
IPv6 implementations
Multiple OS integration
Paper topics:
Mobile Wireless handoffs
SSL Certifications
OpenFlow Networking
Net Neutrality
ICANN – Domain Name Registration/TLD issues
Content Ownership, IP rights
Multiple OS integration