Advertisement Brochure
Due: ______
Since persuasion can exist in multiple forms, including advertising, for this assignment, you are creating a brochure advertising a fictional product. Your product could be a household item, a food item, a place, a service, etc., but it cannot be something existing. The advertising strategies used in the brochure must be original and not based on those used for any existing product. You will be assessed on the style, persuasive strategies, and organization of your brochure.
- Brainstorm. For this assignment, you must create an entirely new product. To help you brainstorm, you must consider the purpose, name, positive and negative qualities, and targeted consumer.
- Flash Draft. A flash draft is exactly what it sounds like. You sit and write. You don’t worry about spelling, grammar, editing, etc. You write from start to finish based on any prewriting you’ve done. This will give you something to revise as we discuss all the skills you’re being assessed on. This flash draft may involve sketching.
- Practice the skills. We will beviewing other advertisements to search for effective examples ethos, pathos, and logos and persuasive strategies. You will need to consider how best to organize the information, graphics, and text features in your brochure and how to tailor your style for the appropriate audience.
- Rough Draft. This should be drafted after you’ve received feedback on your flash draft with more consideration of spelling/ grammar/ editing/ rereading, etc. You may use a template on Google Docs or create your own.
- Feedback/Revising: Revise in groups, with a partner, with Mrs. Hepler, with whoever will read your work. Have specific skills you’d like feedback on and specific questions you’d like answered… and USE THE FEEDBACK.
- Final Draft. Should be read, reread, and perfect.
Persuasive Letter Rubric
Style / Brochure shows no evidence of consideration of purpose/ audience in writing style. / Brochure shows evidence of some consideration of purpose/ audience in style. / Brochureshows evidence of great consideration of audience/ purpose in style, shown in content and graphics. / Brochure shows evidence of great consideration of audience/ purpose in style, shown in word choice, sentence structure, content, and graphics.Ethos/ Pathos/ Logos and Persuasive Strategies / Brochureincludes no use of appeals or persuasive strategies. / Brochure includes minimum use of appeals, appealing to either ethos, pathos, or logos. / Brochureincludes effective use of appeals, appealing to ethos, pathos, and logos. Brochure includes at least one persuasive strategy. / Brochure includes effective use of appeals, appealing to ethos, pathos, and logos. Brochure includes multiple persuasive strategies.
Organization/ Inclusion of Counterclaims / Brochure is not organized logically with no graphics or text features. / Brochure is somewhat organized with some graphics and text features. / Brochure is organized logically with many examples of graphics and text features. / Brochure’s organization enhances content and includes varying graphics and text features.
Spelling/ Grammar/ Overall Presentation / Spelling and grammar errors inhibit understanding frequently. / Spelling and grammar errors occasionally inhibit understanding. / Spelling and grammar errors rarely inhibit understanding. / Writing contains little to no spelling and grammar errors.
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