State of New Mexico Fleet
Global Position Systems (GPS)
Project Charter For Certification
Executive Sponsor – Ed Burckle, Cabinet Secretary
Business Owner –James Chavez, Deputy Division Director
Project Managers – Karen Baltzley, GSD
TBD, Vendor
Original Plan Date: May 12, 2014
Revision Date: May 15, 2014
Revision: 1.2
table of contents
table of contents
1. project background
1.1 Executive Summary
1.2 Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project
1.3 Project Certification Requirements
2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts
2.1 Agency Justification
2.2 Business Objectives
2.3 Technical Objectives
2.4 Impact on Organization
2.5 Transition to Operations
3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work
3.1 Deliverables
3.1.1 Project Deliverables
3.1.2 Product Deliverables
3.2 Success and QUALITY METRICS
4.0 Schedule Estimate
5.0 Budget Estimate
5.1 Funding Source(s)
5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense -
5.3 Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
Due Date
Project Phase
6.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
6.5 Project management Methodology
7.0 Constraints
8.0 Dependencies
9.0 Assumptions
10.0 Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy
13.0 Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures
14.0 Project Charter Certification Approval Signature
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / May 12, 2014 / Original Project Charter Document
1.1 / May 14, 2014 / Schedule Update
1.2 / May 15, 2014 / Change to Budget (100 devices to begin prject)
Project Charter []1
1. project background
1.1 Executive Summary
The Transportation Services Division (TSD) of the General Services Department manages short-term and long term vehicle leasing programs that provide safe, fuelefficient and economical transportation for state employees. TSD purchases passenger vehicles that meet or exceed federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Motor Pool garage is staffed with highly trained ASE certified mechanics that are available for maintaining state vehicles.
TSD has been tasked with acquisition and installation of a GPS system for the purpose of assisting in increasing overall fleet efficiencies; establishing more vehicle and driver accountability; and safeguarding employee’s safety thru the installation of GPS devices in state vehicles. GSD TSD anticipates an 18 to 30 percent increase to overall fleet operations by increasing efficiency of routes and reducing idle time.
The Agency objective is to acquire, install and activate a GPS system(s) on an initial 500 state vehicle located throughout the state that will identify usage, habits and opportunities to improve overall performance objectives. Vehicle Fleet Performance will be compared to existing costs per mile data on vehicle operations drilled down to the individual vehicle. The only associated risk is capital expenditure used to acquire hardware. GSD TSD anticipates an 18 to 30 percent increase to overall fleet operations by increasing efficiency of routes, fuel consumption reductions and reducing idle time.
TSD is in the process of evaluating several SaAS web-based GPS Systems that will be hosted and managed off-site. Data will be secured by the selected vendor. As a web based platform, all software will reside on GPS servers. Technology requirements will be to run on platforms utilizing a mix of Linux based Open Source software and commercial SQL database servers, Mapping and Geocoding/Reverse/GIS products. The State’s fleet’s data will be managed by the vendor with their proprietary software. See Attachment A for vendor responses to Technical questions previously asked by the GSD.
This technology has already been implemented by the County of Bernalillo, City of Albuquerque, State of New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department. GSD has met with the County of Bernalillo to learn from their experience with GPS software and lessons learned. A very successful TSD State Fleet pilot project was implemented during the spring of 2013. Devices were installed on 30 vehicles and were conducted for a three (3) month period.
This project can be considered to be of very low risk and impact to the State based on the following components;
Other State of New Mexico public entities are already using this technology,
TSD conducted a pilot project and have technical knowledge of how this system will fit into their business needs,
The Governor’s Office has approved the GPS policy and initiative
TSD Agency Customers are requesting this technology be implemented in Fleet Vehicles
Software procured will be SaAS and will be hosted in secured vendor environment
System is designed as a web-based system with managed Security Roles
GSD will have full oversight authority for the management of this software based on NMAC and installation of hardware GPS devices will be done in-house
TSD has management authority of State Rule NMAC 1.5.3 Administrative Use of State Vehicles. Global Positioning System has been included in (verbiage referenced below) and is pending final approval. POSITION SYSTEMS – GPS:
A.GPS will be used to monitor vehicle locations, operations and ensure road safety compliance (speed) and for the purpose of improving fleet efficiency while promoting driver and vehicle safety;
(1) TSD will establish statewide vehicle alerts which may result in vehicle abuse or complaints to the agency.
(2) TSD will provide oversight of vehicle monitoring and data reporting.
(3) each agency that is assigned a state vehicle that has a GPS device installed in it is to have access to track and run reports within the GPS tracking system.
(4) All costs associated with the use of GPS by agencies will be billed by TSD using its existing system. Costs will flow through and be identified as an “add on”.
B.Each agency will monitor the vehicles assigned to their department to identify and document (establishing alerts) any unusual patterns or activity associated with specific GPS unit numbers;
(1) each agency will be responsible for its own policy on informing their employees on the use of the GPS system including their use in determining disciplinary actions. Reports displaying violations will be deemed as a matter of an employee’s personnel file and therefore not subject to requests for public information thereby being exempt from the Public Information Act. GPS activity is not to be used by a supervisor as a substitute for monitoring employees, but is a source of additional help;
(2) each vehicle’s travel data must be consistent with the work assignment of the employee operating the vehicle. GPS data is to be retained for the current year plus the previous year for retention purposes;
(3) agencies that allow for commuting must still report these vehicle activities to TSD.
C.It is the agency’s responsibility to ensure that all personnel actions associated with the use of the GPS are in accordance to their specific rules and regulations;
(1) It is desirable that each vehicle that has a GPS device installed will have a decal displayed in the interior clearly identifying that a GPS unit is installed and that all activity including speed and location will be monitored;
(2) each agency is to establish their own alerts identifying behaviors such as speeding, hours of operation, route information, idling time, locations where vehicles travel outside their respective assigned areas, etc.;
(3) tampering with any GPS equipment is prohibited and offending employees may be subject to disciplinary action;
The project’s focus and goalwill be directed to the following milestones;
1) define new business processes for TSD and Customer Agency Fleet Coordinator staff
2) define and assign security roles for TSD and Customer Agency staff
3) define required reports, tracking and alarm elements and requirements
4) implement GPS Tracking and Monitoring software
5) install GPS Tracking units into identified fleet vehicles
6) test software (reporting, tracking, monitoring, alarming) and Security roles
7) training (TSD Business Admin and Account Managers, TSSB System Admin, Agency Users)
8) close out
The project will focus on the following processes:
PROCESS / DESCRIPTIONDefining new business process for TSD and Customer Agency Fleet Coordinator / Conduct discovery sessions to define To-Be business processes for TSD and Customer Agency Fleet Coordinator staff as impacted by implementing GPS Tracking software and vehicle devices.
Security roles and permissions / Identify, configure and deploy user and admin security roles for GSD staff and Customer Agency Fleet Coordinator staff Add appropriate security for state employees to access Self Service eBenefits data.
GPS Tracking software, portal and vehicle devices / Deploy system, portal functionality to facilitate the administration and viewing of Fleet GPS devices.
User Acceptance Testing / Testing of reports, tracking, monitoring and alarming will be conducted by TSD and named pilot agencies.
Training / Training sessions will be held to train Business, System Administrators and customer agency end-users.
Close Out / Close out Project
1.2 Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project
Transportation Services Division began reviewing GPS Tracking product solutions in late 2012. This review and needs assessment began taking place as a result of customer agency requests to implement this technology along with an ever changing role of telematics within the non-commercial segment of fleets. More and more private and public fleets are taking advantage of the benefits associated with the use of GPS. This has become more prevalent as the prices continue to decrease and the benefits outweigh the associated costs of having a GPS system in place. The project has become a 4th Floor initiative for GSD.
TSD has a critical business requirement to implement tracking and alarming software to provide for improved management, utilizationand increased operational efficiencies of the use of State Fleet vehicles. The software will also give TSD a tool and reporting mechanism to use as a confirmation and audit tool when responding to reports of State vehicle abusefrom public and or private entities. This software will also be used to safeguard employees well-being by alerting staff when an employee has spent too much time in a specific hazardous location.
A GPS policywas been submitted to the Governor’s Office and was approved on August 20, 2013. Once the draft language for Fleet Rule is approved by the Governor’s Office the NMAC Rule 1.5.3 will be amended to reflect the use and management of GPS Tracking software on State Fleet vehicles.
TSD is an enterprise entity and collects revenues thru Vehicle Lease costs charged to State Agencies. Funding for the initial deployment, device replacements and recurring monthly monitoring charges will be provided through a slight increase to the lease rates charged for Fleet vehicles. All costs will be passed through to the TSD user agencies for expense recovery. Hardware will be prorated over a 36 month time frame.
TSD and other GSD staff have conducted product demonstrations with GPS leading industry vendors by conducting a 90 day pilot project by installing GPS devices on State Fleet vehicles. These systems tested reporting, alerts, geofencing, alarms and monitoring capabilities/functionality. Staff has attended seminars and conferences related to this subject and have interviewed other users of this technology.
TSD will install up to 100 devices during the planning phase of this project and will install subsequent devices as installations can be schedule with availability of cars.
1.3 Project Certification Requirements
Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how?
CRITERIA / YES/NO / EXPLANATIONProject is mission critical to the agency / Yes / To increase operational efficiencies
Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 / Yes / Monthly monitoring of usage
Project impacts customer on-line access / Yes / Each TSD Agency customer will monitor their fleet operations
Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT / Yes
Will an IT Architecture Review be required? / Yes
2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts
Transportation Services Division (TSD) through the Transportation Services Act Chapter 15 Article 8 NMSA 1978 along with 1.5.3 Administrative Use of State Vehicles is responsible for ensuring that vehicles operating in the state fleet are operating at efficient levels and that drivers are adhering to safe operational practices. By incorporating this GPS technology with existing fleet management and fuel data, TSD will be able to transform the way we manage our fleet which should result in increased efficiencies driven by fuel reductions; idle time reductions; reduction in total miles driven and even in an associated reduction in staff overtime. This technology also has the ability to conduct engine diagnostics that can alert our mechanical staff of potential issues before major damage can occur.
This technology will impact all users in savings associated with vehicle fleet operations discussed above. In due time the mere placement of this technology; knowing where our vehicles are and how they are driven; may lead to a reduction in our property liability and vehicle insurance.
There will be a positive impact to TSD operations not only from a gained efficiencies perspective but a positive impact to business processes and increased ability to respond to abuse reports and complaints with findings that can be substantiated. The impact to customers will be minimal as this is a system that they have been requesting be implemented.
2.1 Agency Justification
Number / Description1 / the mission of the transportation services division is "Our mission is to help our customers get to their destination on time and cost effectively with safe, dependable transportation." This is right in line of what we hope to accomplish with the installation of the GPS sytem.
2 / Percent of passenger vehicle leased revenue to expenses.
3 / percent increase in short term vehicle use. As vehicles are more closely monitored more short term leasing operations can be established by moving long term leased vehicles into these operations.
2.2 Business Objectives
Use the following table to list measurable business objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness Objective 1 / Reduce overall cost per mile of fleet (this is reflected in both fuel and maintenance cost)
Business Objective 2 / reduce the number of speed related vehicle abuse complaints
Business Objective 3 / reduce total fleet miles traveled by establishing more precise routes
Business Objective 4 / reduce state’s liability by knowing whereabouts of employees working in sensative/hazardous situations
2.3 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionTechnical Objective 1 / Implement a thin-client, web-based gps system that is compatible with the major browsers (IE 10+, Chrome v29+, mozilla firefox v23+, safari v5+.)
Technical Objective 2 / imple ment a Saas system that is state of the art and based on industry best practice standards
Technical Objective 3 / implement a system that is scalable and is able to integrate to the fleetfocus system and wex fuel systemusing various formats of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)If APIs are pulled through https, thenSSL encryption will be applied.
Technical Objective 4 / implement a system that provides secure https transport and secure repository for data being collected from gps hardware and pushed to customer screens in various formats
Technical Objective 5 / implement a system that is hosted off-site in a secure environment with onsite database and web server redundancy, defined backup schedules, recovery testing and alternate disaster recovery location(s) that are SOC2 and ISO certified
Technical Objective 6 / implement a system that utilizes Google Maps for customer‐facing maps, Satellite imagery and traffic overlaysandreverse geocoding activities
Technical Objective 7 / implement a system that can accommodate multiple users that can be permissioned and split using either groups or a Hierarchy in order to allow formultiple entities (divisions, regions, etc.) to utilize a single account thru the use of secure authentication
Technical Objective 8 / Implement a system that requires minimal bandwidthto communicatethe vehicle status and reports to the dashboard and Google Maps load quickly
technical objective 9 / implement a system that can be accessed from any standard computer configuration and or mobil device including tablets, ipads, iphones, android, etc, and provide free mobile apps for these devices
Techncial objective 10 / Implement a system that provides unlimited phone‐and web‐based
training and support on a 7 x 24 basis, for unlimited users, and unlimited access to the web‐based software.
technical objective 11 / Implement a software that is highly configurable to meet the needs of agency business processrequirements. Some examples of this configuration include:
- Individual users can personalize their dashboards to best support their job functions.
- Custom Attributes to configure specificdata items and assign them to vehicles, landmarks, users, drivers, hierarchy nodes, and trips and stops.
- Hierarchy Administration that will deliver timelyinformation across all of the different divisions, branches, and separate businessunits
- email/SMS recipients of reports/alerts at each hierarchy node once, and then easily schedulereports/alerts to run for the appropriate vehicles, sent to the appropriate individuals
technical objective 12 / ensure that state Data is owned by state and retained online for required period of time as defined by the state.
system is capable of providing several
import/export tools to upload/download .csv files for various purposes (e.g. landmarks, users,
drivers, hierarchies, reports, etc.) on an as needed basis
technical objective 13 / procure services with vendor who supports a 2nd Day Air replacement for faulty gps tracking device if device is still under WARRANTY. for devices that are no longer under warranty, a replacement unit will be sent same or next day via usps
2.4 Impact on Organization
The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation.