Maple City Market
Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
MondayMay 20th, 2013. 5:30-9:30
Location: FirstEnglishLutheranChurch at 5th & Madison Goshen
Attendees: Phyllis Miller, Myrna Burkholder, Jill Weaver, Ben Beyeler, Brian Wiebe, John Frybort, Kum Ng
Absent: Vyv Dunlap
Others Attending: Jim Lehman, Margaret Easton, Alex Holtz, Josiah Metzler, Bob Rademaker, Max Barkdull, Rachel Beyeler-Jimenez, Hannah Livengood
Board: Share Meal / TeamBuilding: (5:30)
- The Team shared a wonderful dinner provided by the Deli.
Meeting begins: (5:45)
Board Education / Visioning:
- Video: Miyoko Shida – Power of Concentration
- Reflection followed utilizing 6 questions.
- Thoughts were shared by many in attendance. Special comments by Ng
- Declaration of quorum and commitment to stay on task
- Approve / Amend Agenda:
- Request to add G.7 Governance Investment to Board Decisions for proposed change in language
- Request to add to the consent agenda:
- 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Request to remove from Consent Agenda and move to Board Decisions
- X9 Board Logistical Support
- X10 Emergency GM Succession
- Proposal to change R4 Monitoring Management Performance
- Motion: Agenda approved with these changes(PM moved, MB second)
- No discussion
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion passes
New Business / Community Concerns
- None
Consent Agenda:
- Consent Agenda Items:
- Minutes of April 2013 Board Meeting
- Motion: Approve Consent Agenda (JW moved,PM second)
- No discussion
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
Board Decisions:
- Motion to accept 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes (JW Moved, MB second)
- Discussion included a request for an article for the newsletter due July 15th. Myrna and John will work on this Action Item
- Vote: 6/0/0 Motion passes
- G.7 Governance Investment. Request to add “November” in last line replacing “[month]”
- Motion: Approve to approve language change (JW moved, PM second)
- No discussion
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- X.9 Board Logistical Support. Motion to not accept with consequences due to lack of sufficient data.
- Necessary tools for Board activities and communication: bulletin board, website, mailings, O/M contact list
- With consequence of re-monitoring in 2 months (July)
- Motion: Non acceptance with consequences (JW moved, PM second)
- Discussionwas added regarding re-monitoring in 4 months vs. 2 months. Agreed 2 months (July)
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- X.10 Emergency GM Succession. Motion to not accept with consequences due to lack of sufficient data.
- Need better explanation of Data Attachments
- Not clear that the data met the interpretation
- Motion: Non acceptance with consequences (BB moved, JW second)
- Discussion added tore-monitoring in June
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- R.4 Monitoring Management Performance.
- Request to add additional point to require GM Monitoring reports submitted for Board review 2 weeks prior to Board Meeting
- Motion: Accept new language to R.4 (JF moved, JW second)
- Discussion. Noted typo.
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- X.6 Staff Treatment.
- Acknowledgement that X.6 changes were voted approved via email since last meeting. (see policy register dated 5/02/13 in Dropbox)
- Motion in this meeting to now move the language in X.6 related to Customers (8.b) to the X.5 Treatment of Customers. Also move point #9 to R.2 Accountability of General Manager.
- Motion: Accept new language changes (JW moved, JF second)
- No discussion
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- X.9.1.a. Motion by BB to remove this clause as this is a function of the board not the GM. Second PM
- No discussion
- Vote 6/0/0 Motion passes
- Parking Lot request
- Brian shared the request from the City including a proposed diagram. Preliminary request is for $10,000 over 4 years ($2,500 x 4 years)
- Motion to accept proposal (BW moved, JW second)
- Discussion:
- We would require it is contingent on other businesses contributing as well
- Request to City to include additional enhancements that will benefit the Market (like the current parking improved as well)
- Promote environmentally friendly surface. Brian shared that a porous surface will be used with a channels under for easy run-off
- Does require board approval as is >$4,000
- Question to Ng regarding the impact operationally of $2500 per year. Ng confirmed this would be an investment not just an operational expense. Increased community involvement to be a part of the project. Also will increase access and capacity to the market. Enhancing growth.
- Vote to give $10,000 to the project 1/5/0 Motion not passed
- Brian and Ng will follow-up with the City for clarification and additional requests. Will communicate outcome to Board via email for future approval Action Item
- Phyllis reviewed the GM Monitoring Report Schedule
- Does not replace Board Calendar but is a schedule for when reports are due to Brian and Phyllis. They will continue to provide report process until no longer needed. Not to be seen as permanent.
- Reports submitted then to the board 2 weeks prior to the board meeting for board review.
- This provides clear timeliness expectations for Ng. Also can see more clearly future reports so can start work more timely
- Respects the board processes to allow enough time for review prior to the board meeting
- Splits Ends reporting to report a portion (one of the 3 significant sections) each month. With a final (whole policy) report annually
- No board approval needed.
- Jill presented request from Vyvian Dunlap for immediate resignation from the Board.
- Motion: Accept Vyvian’s resignation (JW moved, PM second)
- Discussion – will accept resignation for the end of June. Allowing a leave from the board responsibilities from now through June
- Vote 6/0/0, Motion Passes
- Presented second Motion: Appoint John Frybort to complete Vyvian’s term which is through June 2014.
- Discussion – confirmed this is a board function per bylaws. Appropriate to appoint John as he has experience and knowledgeable of Policy Governance.
- Vote 5/0/1, Motion Passes. John Frybort will continue on the board through June 2014.
Stretch Break
- June 8th Local Foodshed / Transition Goshen event:
- MCM is participating with a table. Event is 10-1. (setup 8-10 by operations)
- Reception follows from 1-2.
- Jill requesting feedback for who can participate from the Board Action Item
- John will be initiating proposed changes to the G policy to clarify need for board confidentiality. He will send this via email Action Item
- Jill reviewed the MCM Monitoring spreadsheet / graphs were provided and in Work Week Conversation for this meeting.
- Request for Josiah to rename this spreadsheet to more clearly define it as the financial monitoring rather than Policy Monitoring Action Item
- Board Retreat dates: After discussion will move the dates to Friday evening Sept 6 and all day Sept 7th. More details to follow.
- Bylaws update still needed by Ben – Action Item
- Corporate Status Update from Jill (see packet)
Executive Session:
- Calendar review
- Next meeting
- GM:
- E.1 Ends – whole policy
- X Global Executive Restraint
- Resubmit X.10 Emergency GM Succession
- Board:
- R.4 Monitoring Management Performance
- The meeting was moved to adjourn. Adjourned at9:30
Submitted by
Phyllis Miller, Secretary
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