Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 15th June 2015
at 7.00pm, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth
Item / Discussion / Action1. 1. Attendance and Apologies
2. / Mr H Bourne - Chairman
Mr A Hollidge
Mr G Holmes
Mr C Ing
Mr K Orton – Vice Chairman
Mr P Burns
Mr N Sardeson
Mrs G McClue (Clerk)
Also in attendance seven members of the public. District Councillors Mr Ray Cucksey and Mr Peter Lundgren.
3. 2.
4. Public Open Forum / Mrs Julia Thew raised the issue of traffic, asking the council to consider a 20mph limit through the village, starting at the bus stop on the Nocton Road adjacent to The Park. There was concern that the weight and speed of traffic has increased and that the pavements are now busier with children and people using the bus stop on a narrow stretch of road. There was also concern that the speed limit outside the village doesn’t allow for people to slow down enough.
Councillor Hollidge explained that a 20mph would probably only cover the area either side of the school if it were to be accepted. Councillor Ing explained how the speed indicator signs work and where they will be placed within the village.
Councillor Bourne updated the meeting with the results from the speed indicator sign; this showed excessive speeding through the village. A few instances had been observed of speeds up to 85 mph coming into the village along Moor Lane. This data will be sent to the police for them to set up speed traps.
A member of the Parish asked the council to consider looking into putting speed bumps and the possibility of asking Richard Davies the County Council member for highways, to attend a Parish meeting.
Councillor Bourne explained that the Parish Council are aware of these issues and are currently trying to address them.
Mr Martyn Long asked if the contractor for grass cutting is spraying weed killer as well, Councillor Holmes confirmed that they are not. Mr Long was concerned that the flower pots were growing in front of the village sign. Mr Long also stated that the website is out of date; Councillor Bourne confirmed that the council is aware and are planning to work on it.
Mr Long queried why Potterhanworth didn’t benefit from the Branston Solar Farm. Councillors Ing, Orton and Lundgren explained the reasons why the parish didn’t benefit. These were mainly due to not realising at the time that there was even a possibility of the chance of receiving a community benefit pay out from the project. There were also misunderstandings at the time, on the Parish Boundaries, which have since been clarified.
An e-mail was read from Martyn Long enquiring about when the bus shelter will be cleaned. Councillor Bourne gave thanks to the parishioners who had cleaned the bus shelter. He explained that the Parish Council are looking into getting the bus shelter repaired and a new bin procured.
Mr Kevin Clark reported another dog incident on Barff Road, where are dog was not under control and approached sheep.
Councillor Ing to write an article for the Grapevine to remind dog walkers to keep their dogs under control.
Councillor Bourne offered for the Parish Council to write to the offender if details were provided.
A resident from Potterhanworth Booths raised the issue of speeding in the village again; she feels that there needs to be more reinforcement. Councillor Bourne said that the Parish Council would write to the PCSO’s to request speed traps.
Councillor Bourne raised a concern about the height of the overgrown trees on Nocton Road between the Park and the Church. Councillor Holmes agreed to find out who they belong to and ask them to cut them back.
Councillor Bourne told the meeting about the 30mph signs being vandalised and that the Parish Council will replace them. Councillor Holmes agreed to put up the new signs when they arrive. / HB
5. 3.
6. To receive Declarations of Interest / None Received
7. 4. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2015 / The members received the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2015
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
8. 5.
9. Matters Arising from previous minutes / Councillor Orton to contact Kim Winfield with a list of play equipment that the Parish Council would like to purchase with his kind offer of a donation. Councillor Orton advises that he had written a letter and it would be delivered in the week.
Councillor Ing to write an article for the Grapevine about the recent dog incident. The Article has been written and submitted for publishing.
The clerk updated the meeting about the replacement of street lighting on Queensway, stated that they are unlikely to be replaced while they are still functional. The clerk also explained that it is unlikely that any more street lights will be put up in Potterhanworth Booths as the number of residents doesn’t warrant any more lighting.
The dog warden has been made aware of the dog incident that was reported in the previous meeting.
Councillor Sardeson has asked the County Council to repair the kissing gates, they have agreed to add it to their program of work / KO
Correspon-dence received / · Registration for LALC website – all councillors have been e-mailed a username and password to gain access to the member’s only part of this website.
· Parish Funding for Litter Picking and Dog Warden Grants – The Dog Warden Grant has been applied for but we are not eligible for the Litter Picking Grant as we do not have any outgoing costs for this.
· Grass Cutting responsibilities for The Park – Councillor Bourne updated the meeting stating that there is a strip of grass in the Park that hasn’t been cut for 15 years. It was believed that the LCC are responsible for this area and the council are awaiting confirmation of this.
· Protect Nocton Fen – The Powerpoint from previous PNF meeting was available for the parishioners to read.
· Vattenfall – Proposed Nocton Wind Farm – Consultation Documents. Memory sticks containing the long versions of the consultation documents had been received from Vattenfall. These were shared amongst the Councillors.
· Public Footpath and Dog Warden – Councillor Sardeson has asked the County Council to fix the gate. Councillor Bourne had asked NKDC what the role of the Dog Warden is. They stated that the role of a general Dog Warden is to patrol the area looking for people fouling footpaths and to ensure dogs are under control. He will also look out for strays; his role is not to collect dog faeces. He can however report fouling to the specialist clean up unit for removal.
· Outreach Day – 28th August 2015. There will be a climbing wall, mobile skate park and arts and crafts. It is to be held at the Pavilion from 11am – 3pm. It is free of charge and open to all ages.
· Youth Club Insurance – Councillor Orton to read and check the policy for the clerk to renew. / KO
Planning Applications received since last meeting. / None Received
Neighbourhood Plan update / Councillor Bourne and Sardeson to make contact with the Neighbourhood Plan team to gain an update. / HB / NS
Vattenfall Wind Farm update / Councillor Bourne updated the meeting about the recent consultation in Potterhanworth. Councillor Bourne believes that they have extended the area and have stated that it is for the underground cables that they have to declare as part of the project. At the presentation Councillor Bourne had asked who the community payment would be payable to, their response was that anyone within 35 kilometres could benefit from a community payment. As a Parish Council we need to be ready with a wish list and there was a discussion about presenting as a united front with other Parish Councils. It was explained that as a council we can still oppose it and also ask for a community fund. The two items do not conflict according to the planning process.
Councillor Lundgren advised parishioners and the Parish Council to keep a copy of anything that they send to Vattenfall as part of the consultation.
A member of the Parish updated the meeting with his discussion with Vattenfall about the decommissioning costs.
Considera-tion of joining LALC Annual Training Scheme / Councillor Bourne updated the meeting with the benefits of joining the scheme. It is part of the national association so that there is standardisation and a skilled person to call for more information.
It was agreed that we should join the LALC training scheme for an annual fee of £55 to enable the clerk and Councillors to attend training courses over the next year.
Proposed by Councillor Bourne. Seconded by Councillor Hollidge.
Clerk to agree payment to LALC and enquire whether the quarterly magazine is available as a download. / GM
Pavilion Committee update / Councillor Orton updated the meeting that due to other commitments since the election progress there had not been as much progress as he wished, however work was to be started again soon.
Councillor Orton also asked Councillor Lundgren for support with applying for grants. Councillor Lundgren agreed he would assist where possible.
There was also an update about the water system; the insurance company is unwilling to pay therefore the whole pipe will need to be repaired by the Parish Council.
Clerk to gain a quote for this work from Anglian Water. Councillor Holmes to gain a quote from PJF. / GM/
Accounts for payment / Accounts were as per the attached sheet prepared by the Clerk. Proposed by Councillor Holmes and seconded by Councillor Hollidge. Unanimously agreed.
Councillor Bourne advised that Clerks wages have to be paid under PAYE and he was investigating on how to do this. The Clerk’s wages were discussed and a decision was made for a yearly wage of £2479.36 to be paid monthly. Based on National Joint Council for Local Government Services pay scale LC2, spine point 26 for 4 hours a week. There will be leave within this. It was agreed to make a record of the hours that the clerk works and it will be reviewed in 3 months time.
This is in line with the LALC guidance and is standardised nationally.
Proposed by Councillor Bourne and Seconded by Councillor Holmes.
Councillors were given the clerks contract to read and confirm that they agree. / All
Any Other Business / Thanks were given to Mr Ralph Wilford for cutting the hedges along the road leading to the Pavilion.
Thanks were also given to Councillor Sardeson and the Beer Festival Committee for the successful Barn Dance recently held. A reminder was also given that the Beer Festival takes place on the 11th July.
Reminders were made of the Parish Walk on Sunday 21st June meeting at 1pm at the Bus shelter and the village Litter Pick on meeting on Sunday 28th June at 10am at the Memorial. / All
Date of next meeting / The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Monday 13th July, 7pm, at the Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth.
There being no further business, the public meeting closed at 9.10 pm.
G McClue
17th June 2015