Watertown Old Farms
The Clubhouse is for personal and non-commercial enjoyment of owners and residents. The Board of Directors must approve in advance of other uses. Owners or residents renting the facility must attend the eventand shall have the responsibility of supervising their guests to assure the rules of their association are followed. Reservations may be made not more then twelve (12) months in advance and not more than six months in advance for repeated holidays.
Capacity: 60 persons are permitted inside the clubhouse for non-fixed and fixed seating.
Safety: This is designated as a NO SMOKING area which means no use of tobacco, pipes, cigars or electronic cigarettes in any areas of the property.
Areas of use: The event and all attendee’s are to be contained to the inside of the clubhouse and decks.
Rental Hours: Rental time is six hours per function not to run consecutively between the hours of 11am to 11pm with all guests leaving by 10pm. Each function shall only run 4 hours including one hour to set up and one hour to clean up per post event instructions. All clubhouse doors must be closed at 8:00 p.m. in consideration for the neighboring units.
Parking: Be sure to inform guests of areas to park which do not present an inconvenience to any resident. Please park on one side of the street allowing emergency vehicles to pass.
Clean-up: Supplies needed to clean the clubhouse and adjacent property is part of the reason for the clubhouse rental fee. Located under the kitchen and bathroom sinks are toilet paper, paper towels, plastic refuse bags, toilet bowl cleaner, and glass cleaner. In the hall closet is a wet mop, broom, and vacuum.
Unit Owner/Renter: Will be held responsible for all guests behaviors and consumption of alcohol beverages at the functions.
Decorations: The walls, glass doors, lights, cabinets and bathrooms of clubhouse shall not be decorated at anytime.
Pets: No pets are allowed in the clubhouse and decks. Licensed service dogs are permitted.
Post Event Instructions
- After the event, the clubhouse and decks are to be cleaned by you and left in good condition. Pick up trash inside and outside the clubhouse.
- Stove, oven, refrigerator and outside grill are to be clean and empty of food.
- Remove spilled beverages and food from the floor, furniture, tables, chairs, and counter tops.
- Clean glass windows and furniture tops. Sweep and wet mop floors in kitchen, bathrooms, hallways, and the non-rug section of the community room.
- Vacuum ALL rugs. Clean rugs in areas where there are stains.
- Return tables, chairs and furniture to where you found them before the event.
- Put garbage in plastic bags. Put plastic bags in trash barrel located outside the clubhouse. No garbage may be put in a trash barrel that is not in plastic bags. You must move trash barrels to the street curb on Monday morning and not earlier.
- Complete clean-up immediately following your event.
When Leaving
- In the winter, keep both bathroom doors open so warm air circulates properly.
- Turn the gas control in the fireplace to pilot, and outdoor grill and propane bottle valve off.
- The refrigerator and freezer thermostats must each be set to “5”, the “Normal” setting.
- Turn the main hall thermostat to 50°F in winter and the highest setting in summer.
- Make sure all lights are off, with the exception of the front door light, which is on a motion sensor and will shut off automatically.
- Doors leading to the outside must be closed, locked, and the wooden floor security guards placed at the bottom of the three sliding doors. Lock the front door bolt from the outside with your key.