Stormwater Management Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan


Prepared for:

Prepared by:

Professional Engineer’s Stamp Inserted

Stormwater Management Facility Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan

Table of Contents

An O&M Plan is required for this development project to provide guidance for the post construction stormwater best management practices (BMPs). The document should be used by the property owner to ensure adequate maintenance and function per design of the post construction BMPs on site.

I. Stormwater Management Facilities Description

A. General Site Description

B. Stormwater Management Facilities

II. Site Contacts & Change of Ownership

III. Maintenance Procedures

A. Routine Maintenance Activities

B. Non Maintenance Activities

C. Corrective Actions and Modifications

D. Safety

IV. Inspection Procedures

V. Annual Reporting & Record Keeping

VI. BMP Waste Disposal

VII. Plan Revisions

VIII. Appendices

Appendix XX - Site Plan

Appendix XX - Change of Ownership Form Appendix XX - Inspection Checklist(s) Appendix XX - Maintenance Agreement

Appendix XX - Annual Maintenance Report Form

I. Stormwater Management Facilities Description

A. General Site Description

All BMPs which have been installed in BMP reserve areas are to be perpetually located within this area. Inspection or maintenance personnel may utilize the site plan located in Appendix XX containing the locations of the BMPs within this development.

B. Stormwater Management Facilities (include I-III as applicable)

I. Water Quality BMPs

Provide Description

II. Flood Detention/Channel Protection Storage Facilities

Provide Description

III. Stormwater Credits

Provide Description

II. Site Contacts & Change of Ownership Requirements

Per MSD Rules and Regulations and Engineering Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Drainage Facilities (Section 4.080.08) a Maintenance Agreement is executed by BMP owners prior to plan approval. Per the Maintenance Agreement, the owner or any successor in title to said property of specified development shall maintain the stormwater facilities, BMP, basins and drainage facilities, appurtenances and sewer lines. See Appendix XX for a copy of the executed Maintenance Agreement.

If the property owner changes, the Change of Ownership Form (Appendix XX) should be completed and submitted to MSD’s Division of Environmental Compliance, preferable within 60 days of the change. Submittal of the form assists MSD in providing correspondence and maintenance information. Please submit this completed form to: Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District – Division of Environmental Compliance, 10 E. Grand Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63147.

III. Maintenance Procedures

Following the maintenance procedures outlined in this plan for the stormwater facilities is imperative to ensure the proper function of the systems. The first year of operation of the system is especially critical for establishing

A. Routine Maintenance Activities

The majority of this work consists of Provide narrative description of routine maintenance activities, i.e. mowing, weeding, debris removal.

These activities can be completed without any prior correspondence with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District or engineering consultant.

B. Non-Routine Maintenance Activities

These activities can be completed without any prior correspondence with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District or engineering consultant.

C. Corrective Actions and Modifications

Any corrective actions required that will modify the BMP(s) design components are considered design modifications and must be reviewed by MSD. The owner must consult the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, and will likely need an approved plan from a professional engineering consultant.

D. Maintenance Materials

In the event that any of the media or other surface materials needed to be replaced during routine or non-routine maintenance, the following are the requirements for material replacement.

E. Safety

Safety considerations should be taken when conducting maintenance. Hazards should be anticipated and avoided. Confined spaces should not be entered without proper training, monitoring and equipment.

IV. Inspection Procedures

Stormwater Management Facilities shall be inspected by a qualified individual familiar with the operation of the facilities. Inspections during the first year shall take place at a minimum provide minimum frequency, using the BMP inspection checklist in Appendix XX. At least one of the inspections should be performed after a storm exceeding 1 inch of rainfall in a 24 hour period, ideally approximately 24 to 48 hours after the storm to determine if the

facility is draining as desired.

Provide narrative detailing any other inspections required for the BMPs.

After the first year of operation, provide minimum frequency inspections should be completed.

If the system is a proprietary system, reference the manufacturer’s inspection checklist and maintenance guidelines.

V. Annual Reporting Requirements & Record Keeping

To help ensure BMP maintenance, MSD requires an Annual BMP Maintenance Report to be submitted. This Annual Report should provide documentation that maintenance was performed in accordance with the O&M Plan. The Annual Report should be submitted to MSD no later than March 31st of the year following the previous calendar year ending December 31st, i.e. 2013 Annual Report is due March 31, 2014.

The Annual Report should be mailed to: Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Division of Environmental Compliance

c/o Phase II Stormwater Management Program 10 E. Grand Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63147

Property owner should refer to MSD’s website for the current version of the Annual Report template developed by MSD. A copy of the most recent version of the Annual Report template may be attached to this plan.

The property owner should also keep an inspection log detailing dates of inspection, findings, and corrective actions taken, including all routine and non-routine maintenance activities completed.

Per MSD Ordinance 12559, MSD may require submittal of additional reports and/or development of compliance schedules as deemed necessary to assure compliance with the Ordinance and/or storm water discharge standards.

VI. BMP Waste Disposal

Landfill and solid waste facility requirements shall be followed for all BMP waste. The owner is responsible for determining all State and/or local regulations for special waste that may be applicable.

All sediment removed from the system shall be disposed according to current erosion and sediment control regulations. When cleaning, standing water, “clear and unpolluted”, can be decanted and discharged to the storm system. Water that has become turbid during cleaning should be pumped and hauled to an acceptable wastewater disposal facility or treated by filtration, such as pumped through a bag filter and discharged to the sanitary sewer system.

A special discharge permit from MSD is not required for discharging to the sanitary system if the total volume is less than 10,000 gallons. The flow rate pumped into the sanitary system shall not exceed 50 gpm.

The following definitions shall be used as reference:

Clear water: Water that has settled its solids for 24 hours and can be pumped out of the BMP without re-suspending the solids.

Unpolluted water: Any water that may be discharged under NPDES regulations into waters of the State without having to be authorized by a NPDES permit and which will not cause any violations of State or Federal water quality standards.

VII. O&M Plan Revisions

Property owner should reference MSD’s website or contact MSD’s Division of Environmental Compliance for current guidance on procedures for O&M Plan revisions.


Appendix XX - Site Plan (include planting plan and list if applicable)

Appendix XX - Change of Ownership Form (most current form is available on MSDs website) Appendix XX - Inspection Checklist(s) (sample inspection checklists are available on MSDs website) Appendix XX - Maintenance Agreement

Appendix XX - Annual Maintenance Report Form (most current form is available on MSDs website)