Termly Planning Overview

The main focus for learning and teaching this term will be:

Phonics and Spelling: This term, Primary 3 will be revising phonemes from Stage 2, before being introduced to a new phoneme each week. The stage 2 phonemes we will be revising are /ue/, /aw/, /oi/, /au/, /ew/, /ow/, /ou/, /igh/, /y/ and ‘magic e’ sounds which make the vowel say its long name. We will also have a set of new common words each week to learn.
We will practise our sound of the week using different strategies including reciprocal teaching/partner work, written tasks and activities. Active Spelling will take place each day where groups will practise their common words using different strategies such as pyramid spelling, rainbow spelling and using the computer.
Reading: Targets for the week will be detailed in your child’s Reading Record. Ideally your child should be reading pages from their book each night to develop their fluency, pace and expression. However the parent and pupil comments relating to the reading record target only need to be filled in once a week. Your child will know when their reading book/chapter changeover day is.
Writing: We will focus on different genres of writing and work towards meeting our Success Criteria for each one. Primary 3 will be focusing on including ‘wow’ words and detailed description in their writing, as well as meeting their core targets of using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
Handwriting: Primary 3 will complete a weekly handwriting lesson focusing on size and spacing of writing, correct letter formation and starting to develop joins.
Numeracy and Maths
Primary 3 will initially be revising numbers up to 100 to develop confidence with place value. This will incorporate basic number operations including addition and subtraction, by further developing both written and mental strategies, and making connections between the two using fact families. We will be revising telling the time using quarter to on analogue and digital clocks using am and pm.
Health & Wellbeing
We have been focusing on recognising our strengths and the strengths of our classmates. This has involved discussion during circle time and will also involve completing various tasks cooperatively in our groups, looking at personal qualities and setting targets for the year ahead. We have also been reading ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ to learn how our actions can impact on others – we are all trying hard to fill our buckets!
Major Topic: Science Topic Title: Our Senses
This term we will be exploring ‘Our Senses’ through interdisciplinary learning. Questions include:
·  How do our senses affect our daily lives - how do they keep us safe?
§  What would life be like for you if you did not have the use of one of your senses?
§  What type of experiments can we conduct to test our different senses?
Contribution to Whole School Life:
P1-3 Assemblies.
Whole school assemblies.