In Attendance - Lisa Delver, Tammy MacPherson, Cherie Tetley, Irina Peters, Shara-Lee Holmes, Sarah Heikkinen, Sheila Sayers, Krystal Mooney, Kaniz Safiq, Jamie Kish, Janell Bunbury, Diane Roberts, Amanda Wilson, Edie Heavin, Diane Fedun, Nathalie Lavigne
Meeting called to order by Lisa Delver, Chair at 6:35 pm
Motion to accept theSeptember 14, 2016 agenda and minutes from June 21, 2016 was made by Kaniz Shafiq and seconded by Shara Lee Holmes.
a)Teacher’s Report
Natalie Lavigne (Grade 1)
- Trying to utilize more technology in the classroom this year through Remind 101, email newsletters and building website for classroom.
- Requested $200 to help with annual Halloween Dance. This request will be considered during the Parents for Mountview portion of the meeting. Dance will be held on Friday Oct. 28th 6:00 -7:00, $1/ticket. Will also be collecting items for the food bank.
Diane Fedun (Grade 3/4)
- Looking for parents to help clean-up the Courtyard so it can be used in a purposeful way.Would like to see it transformed into an outdoor learning space. For example: garden, picnic area, outdoor story area.
- Need assistance with landscaping, maintenance of grass, etc. Perhaps there is a landscaping company that is willing to donate time, equipment, expertise. It was requested that Parents for Mountview keep this project in mind when fundraising.
- If you would like to be a part of the working committee or have ideas for how to help make the courtyard into a great learning space for students, please contact Mrs. Fedun at .
b)Chair’s Report – Lisa Delver
- Kari Lotzien from Stars Occupational Therapy and Wellness will be offering 4 parent workshops on the following dates – Nov. 2, 9, 26, 23 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the school. She will also be presenting at an upcoming school council meeting.
- Next City Wide School Council Meeting will be held on October 4th at Annie L. Gaetz School. All parents are welcome to attend.
d)Principals Report – Diane Roberts/Edie Heavin/Amanda Wilson
- New staff at the school –Amanda Wilson (Vice Principal), Connie Smith (grade 5), Brett Baczynski (Educational Assistant).
- Student numbers – Enrollment is up a bit from last year with 407 students in total (213 French Immersion and 194 English). There are a number of combined classes this year and teachers are experienced with meeting student needs where they are at.
- Mountview will not be continuing with the 7 Habits Program this year as the cost was prohibitive. The school will be moving towards a positive behavior and intervention support program, which is a proactive program similar to the 5 habits with 3-5 overarching messages. More information will be shared at future school council meetings.
- Bottle bin outside of gym – This bin is managed by Cosmos who picks up the bottles and sends the school the money for bottle refunds. The bin is open to parents who would like to drop off bottles as well – funds go to the school.
- Parking – Please do not park in the staff parking lot or areas that are marked in yellow near the crosswalk. The back alley areas are also not to be used for parking. Remember to use the crosswalk when crossing the street and no drop offs in the middle of road. This is for the safety of our students!
- School Education Plan outlines the goals for the school year. This will be shared at the October meeting.
- Boundary Changes – Would like to have farewell for students going to Inglewood school and welcome students from Grandview school. Will put out a notice for parents interested in being on the committee to help organize this.
- Also looking for parents to be part of the Equity Committee – look for information to come home with students soon.
- Upcoming Events – Dawe Run on Sept. 20; Earth Rangers on Sept. 26; Pound It Hip Hop Studio will be at school doing lessons on Sept. 28 as part of Arts & Culture week; Terry Fox Run on Sept. 30; school patrol training.
- One Book, Many Schools – All families will receive a copy of the book “A Snicker of Magic” to read at home. Kick-off event will be held at Eastview School on Oct. 3. If you know of any businesses who are willing to donate items towards the event, please let Diane Roberts know.
- Change in lunch room supervision – Teachers now are doing supervision during lunch to ensure every classroom has an adult present. There will be no additional fees for lunchroom supervision this year.
e)Election of Vice Chair
- Elections were held for the position of Vice-Chair. Lisa Delver nominated Shara Lee Holmes for the positon and this nomination was seconded by Tammy MacPherson. Shara Lee accepted the nomination. All in Favour.
- Thank you to the teachers for organizing handball for the students.
- Thank you to Mr. Plackner for coordinating the Maker Space.
5. DISCUSSION/FEEDBACK (Topics for Next Meeting)
- If there are topics you would like to discuss at the next school council meeting, please send them to Lisa Delver or Janell Bunbury. Janell will send a reminder email to the distribution list asking for items before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm and moved into Parents for Mountview meeting.
In Attendance –Lisa Delver, Tammy MacPherson, Shara Lee Holms, Irina Peters, Cherie Tetley, Sheila Sayers, Kaniz Shafiq, Janell Bunbury, Diane Roberts, Amanda Wilson
Lisa Delver called meeting to order at 7:50 pm
Motion to accept the September 14, 2016 agenda and minutes from the June 21, 2016 meeting was made by Kaniz Shafiq and seconded by Tammy MacPherson.
- There is $2,153.06 in bank account at the beginning of the school year. There are still some outstanding expenses to be paid. Tammy has a detailed report if anyone is interested in reviewing it.
- Will bring the projected budget to the next meeting for approval (will work withthe Fundraising Coordinator and Chair on this).
b)Hot Lunch Coordinator
- Hot Lunch schedule has been distributed. Using the Healthy Hunger program again this year and will ensure a variety of healthy choices.
- Looking for someone to help coordinate the program who can be at the school during hot lunch days. Also looking for volunteers to help deliver lunches to the classrooms.
Elections were held and the following Parents for Mountview Executive were elected for a one-year term. All in favour.
Chair / Lisa Deliver / Nominated by Shara Lee Holmes and seconded by Janell BunburyVice Chair / Shara Lee Holmes / Nominated by Lisa Delver and seconded by Irina Peters
Secretary / Janell Bunbury / Nominated by Lisa Delver and seconded by Shara Lee Holmes
Treasurer / Tammy MacPherson / Nominated by Lisa Delver and seconded by Irina Peters
Fundraising Coordinator / Irina Peters / Nominated by Lisa Delver and seconded by Tammy MacPherson
Kindergarten Representative / Tabled until next meeting
a)Grade Representatives
- Would like to get a representative from each grade to attend Parent Council meeting. This would offer valuable input and perspectives from each grade to the discussions.
- Sheila Sayers volunteered to be the Grade 2 Rep.
- Most of the grades are covered by parents who are already on the Parents for Mountview executive, however recruitment for additional grade representatives will continue.
b)Halloween Dance
- Decision on donation for Halloween dance will be made by email after Diane Roberts talks to teachers about potentially moving it to the afternoon of Oct. 31st.
c)Fundraising Ideas and Dates
- The Fundraising Coordinator will draft a schedule and bring it to the October meeting for discussion.
Possible Events / Date
Movie Night / TBD
QSP Magazines / TBD
Seat Auction at Christmas Concert / TBD
Popcorn Sales / TBD
Vessey’s Bulbs / TBD
Spring Dance / TBD
Perogy Sale / Handout forms – November 8th before fall break
Cut off – November 30th
Pick Up – December 8th at parent/teacher conference
d)Topics for Next Meeting
- Please let Lisa Delver or Janell Bunbury know if there are other items you would like to discuss at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned by Lisa Delver at 8:30 pm.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 in the school library
School Council 6:30-7:30 pm
Parents for Mountview 7:30-8:30 pm