Report to the Minister
in relation to certain
matters related to
Brimbank City Council
Report to the Hon Richard Wynne MP
Minister for Local Government
by Mr William Scales, AO,
Inspector of Municipal Administration
Report number 1
20 June 2009
Bill Scales, AO
Inspector of Municipal Administration
L12, 55 Collins St
Melbourne 3000
20 June 2009
The Hon Richard Wynne
Minister for Local Government
Parliament House
Spring St
Melbourne 3000
Dear Minister
I have pleasure in submitting my first report in relation to my role as Monitor of the Brimbank City Council.
This first report covers the period from 11 May 2009, (the date on which I was appointed to this role) until Friday 12 June 2009.
Yours sincerely
Bill Scales AO
Inspector of Municipal Administration
This report relates to the period 11May 2009, (the date of appointment as Inspector of Municipal Administration)
until Friday 12 June 2009.
The terms of reference of my appointment as an Inspector of Municipal Administration are:
1. To ensure the Brimbank City Council adopts and implements the recommendations of the Ombudsman’s report ‘Investigation into the alleged improper conduct of councillors at Brimbank City Council (May 2009) relating to the council;
2. To monitor the ongoing activities and performance of the council;
3. To provide advice to the council on good governance and administration; and
4. To advise on any other matters that may arise as a result of the monitoring by the Inspector of Municipal Administration.
As Inspector of Municipal Administration,
the period 11 May 2009 until 12 June 2009 has been devoted to:
· Meeting with the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the City of Brimbank to ensure that they understood the seriousness of the issues raised in the Ombudsman’s report, my role and powers and the actions that needed to be taken by the council in relation to the recommendations in the report.
· Meeting with the full council at Brimbank to ensure that they also fully understood the seriousness of the issues raised in the Ombudsman’s report, my role and powers and explaining what was expected of them in relation to the full implementation of all the recommendations in the report.
· Meeting with individual Councillors as required to assist them to fully understand their role in implementing the cultural change at Brimbank City Council.
· Meeting with Departmental officials to establish the appropriate protocols and reporting requirements in relation to my role as Inspector of Municipal Administration.
· Keeping in close contact with the CEO of the City of Brimbank and Departmental officials in relation to day to day matters and media reports and comments in relation to Brimbank City Council.
During this same period the Councillors and Staff of the Brimbank City Council have, in relation to the Ombudsman’s report:
· Met on a number of occasions to discuss and debate the Council’s response to the Ombudsman’s report.
· Prepared detailed responses to the fifteen recommendations in the Ombudsman’s report that relate to the operations of the council and the actions of councillors.
· Prepared a revised code of conduct policy for councillors.
· Organised a special public meeting of the Council to discuss and agree on their response to the recommendations in the Ombudsman’s report and to agree on matters including a revised code of conduct.
Report to the Hon Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Local Government
by Mr William Scales, AO, Inspector of Municipal Administration
in relation to certain matters related to Brimbank City Council.
Report number 1 4