DRAFT MINUTES of theMEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday5 SEPTEMBER 2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chair:Cllr Meryl Liddell
Councillors: Bill Barkworth, Richard Bell, Andrew Browell, Derek Liddell, Debra Smithand Ron Stier.
In attendance: Barnsley Chronicle reporter & the Clerk
Councillors noted that Northern power grid vans parked on the war memorial congregation area during their recent work on Silkstone high street. The area is not designed for vehicles and has bollards to prevent vehicles parking. This area is designed as a seating area and members felt that using the area as a car park was disrespectful and may have caused damage to the surface and kerbs. The Clerk will contact Northern Gas networks to complain and to ask that this does not happen again.
The Clerk will report the dumped carpet next to Lamp post 11 on Cone Lane to Barnsley MBC.
The Clerk will report to Barnsley MBC that the hedge at the top end of Cone Lane near the railway bridge needs cutting back.
The Clerk was asked to thank Barnsley MBC highways for the new road name and directional signage at the Silkstone Common crossroads.
It was noted that the footpath from Cone Lane to Blacker green lane is very overgrown – the Clerk will advise the footpaths officer at Barnsley MBC.
RESOLVED to accept apologies from CllrSteve Fletcher and Richard Leech.
RESOLVED to note Cllr Richard Bell’s declaration of interest in agenda item 13 (minute number 16-097) and also from Cllr Ron Stier in agenda item 23 (minute number
16-093) which includes a payment to the handyman.
RESOLVED to defer the presentation on the flood defence container to the October meeting of Parish Council as Cllr Barnard was unable to attend this meeting.
16-074 MINUTES
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4 July 16 as a true and accurate record, the Chair signed the minutes.
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Media working party meeting held on Monday 13 July 16.
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 11 July 16.
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Local Development Plan/Neighbourhood Planning public meeting held on Monday 18 July 16.
RESOLVED to return ‘no comment’ on the following planning application:
2016/1057 / Removal and replacement of Sycamores T2 and T3 and Silver Birch tree T4 / 6 LadyroydSilkstone Common
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Friday 29 July 16 where the following applications were considered:
RESOLVED to return ‘No comment’ on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officers of Barnsley MBC.
2016/0538 / Erection of 1No dwelling, including hydro turbine power plant. / Land at Blacker Green Lane, Silkstone2016/0810 / Variation of condition 2 of app 2010/0696 (Partial demolition of existing barns into 2 No dwellings including single storey extensions and detached garage) to allow change to design and extension of Barn A. / Bank House Farm
High street
FURTHER RESOLVED to note the following applications which are on Barnsley MBC planning explorer and the comments from the Planning officer relating to them in his e-mail dated 22 July 16.
2016/0600 / Agricultural store – erection of a steel portal frame clad with steel sheeting (Prior notification- Agricultural)Planning Officer Matthew Smith comment 22/7/16
This is a prior notification application for an agricultural building. The principle of this type of development is classed as permitted development. The purpose of this application is therefore only to determine whether the Council wishes to seek approval of the siting, design and external appearance of the building. No other matters can be considered. Unlike most applications where the Council has 8 or 13 weeks to make a decision, with these types of applications the Council only has 28 days from receipt of the application to say whether prior approval is required. The Council cannot generally control the principle of the development proposed and must have good reason if it wants to refuse or seek an amendment to the particular proposal. As a result of the tight time scales and restricted grounds for comment there is no statutory publicity required. / Pot House Hamlet
RESOLVED to bring forward agenda item 19 – Capital Projects Summary.
RESOLVED that following careful consideration of the Capital Projects summary, the defibrillators will be deferred to the next financial year. However, the Clerk will progress further information and explore funding opportunities for defibrillators. Improvement works to the car park will also be deferred until the outcome of the Veolia grant application is known
RESOLVED that the £5,000 capital projects budget for 2016/2017 will be allocated as follows:
Silkstone Recreation Ground Drainage2,000.00
War Memorial Survey 130.00
War Memorial Refurbishment 559.00
A628 Crossing works 867.92
Community Hub1,443.08
RESOLVED to adopt the Disciplinary and Grievance Policy.
RESOLVED to adopt the Media Policy.
RESOLVED to adopt the Risk Management Policy.
RESOLVED to defer this item to private session at the end of the meeting.
RESOLVED to defer this item to private session at the end of the meeting.
RESOLVED that subject to the receipt of satisfactory colour samples of newsletters that an order be placed with BOS for the printing of the September Parish Council newsletter.
RESOLVED to defer this item to private session at the end of the meeting.
RESOLVEDto defer this item to private session at the end of the meeting.
16-085 A628 CROSSING
RESOLVED to note that the Chair and Clerk met with Barnsley MBC Ward Councillors and Highways department regarding the A628 crossing and agreed a grant application to be submitted to the ward alliance. The application has been submitted and the outcome awaited.
RESOLVED to note that the application to Awards for All for the picnic benches and further trim trail equipment has been unsuccessful. Another grant application has been submitted to Veolia for an extended MUGA, the outcome of this will be known later in December. It was noted that the Parish Council can withdraw this application at any time before December and it was agreed that the Community Hub will be on the October agenda for discussion at which time a full review of the Parish Council’s finances will have been completed.
a. Health & Safety
RESOLVED to note that a quote is awaited from the electrician for works to the faulty emergency lightingin the Pavilion.
b. Car Park
RESOLVED that the proposed improvement works to the car park will be placed on hold until such time as the outcome of the community hub scheme is known. Car parking improvements will be considered as part of the budget setting for 17/18.
c. Football banking fence
RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council has no objection to the football club installing a net fence between the football field and Conroyd wood with the same design as the fence between the cricket field and wood. The height of the fence will dictate whether or not planning permission will be required to be submitted by the football club.
RESOLVED to note that the grant for the structural survey was approved by the War Memorials trust. The survey has just been completed and forwarded to war memorials trust so that they can now consider the application for a grant towards refurbishment works on the memorial.
16-089 SUMMER FAYRE 2017
RESOLVED that a working party of Councillor Meryl Liddell, Debra Smith and Richard Bell will give consideration to the format of a possible Summer Fayre in Silkstone Common in 2017 and report back to the October meeting of the Parish Council.
RESOLVED that unfortunately the Parish Council are unable to offer a further grant to Old Silkstone Band in this financial year as they have already had their full allocation under the terms of the Grant awarding policy for this financial year of £400. Members also declined to consider paying next year’s grant early as the budget and therefore grant levels for 17/18 have not yet been set.
RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for the period 1 April to 30 June 2016.
RESOLVED to approve the budget monitor for the period 1 April to 30 June 2016.
RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedules dated 29 July 16& 5 September 16 summarised below:
Payee / Description / Total / Cheque noInvoice Schedule
29 July 16
Paid 8 July 16
Elvin Athey / Repairs to dry stone wall Orchard wood / 250.00 / 301091
KDA Wholesale / Pavilion consumables / 11.04 / Charge card
Paid 15 July 16
Handyman / Maintenance June 16 / 1,249.93 / 301097
Paid 29 July 16
SC Good Companions / Pre-approved grant 16-17 / 400.00 / 301092
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring Pavilion / 54.00 / 301093
Parish Clerk, HMRC and SY Pensions Authority
/ Salaries, Tax, NI and Pension / 1,612.91 / SO, 301094,301095 & 301096
Barnsley MBC
/ Planning application fee MUGA extension / 97.50 / 301098
Viking Direct / Paper towels for Pavilion and office copier paper / 65.33 / 301099
CARE / Pre-approved grant 16-17 / 130.00 / 301100
Comtec Printing Solutions / Huskar Booklets / 348.00 / 301101
Total / 4,218.71
Invoice Schedule
5 September 16
BT / Office telephone bill / 97.20 / DD
Barnsley MBC / Grass cutting The Chestnuts and Orchard meadow / 448.21 / 301102
Aldi & Co-op / Public meeting refreshments and Pavilion consumables / 21.63 / Charge card
Communicorp / Local Councils update publication annual charge / 75.00 / 301103
Expert Water Services / Monthly Legionella monitoring / 54.00 / 301104
Bothams Prestige / Pitches maintenance July 16 / 901.50 / 301105
ICON / Sport England sign for SRG / 101.10 / 301106
Parish Clerk, Silkstone newsletter deliverer, Silkstone Common newsletter deliverer, HMRC and SY Pensions / Salaries for Parish Clerk and Newsletter deliverers, Tax, NI and Pension / 1,782.91 / 301107,301108,
SO, 301109,
301110 & 301111
Handyman / Maintenance July 16 / 1,530.19 / 301112
Expert Water Services / Monthly Legionella monitoring / 54.00 / 301113
Yorkshire Water / Pavilion water bill / 0.89 / DD
Yorkshire Water / Pavilion water bill / 22.56 / DD
Viking Direct / Bulk order of envelopes / 88.75 / 301114
Yorkshire Water / Allotments water bill / 22.01 / 301115
Bothams Prestige / Pitches maintenance Aug 16 / 901.50 / 301116
Total / 6,101.45
SO = Standing order DD = Direct Debit
Cllr Bill Barkworth / Good Companions meeting18 July – Public meeting
2 Silkstone Luncheon club meetings
2 CARE meetings
25 August – Extra Ordinary meeting of Parish Council
Cllr Andrew Browell / 24 July – Parish Council procedures training
29 July – Planning Committee meeting
9 August – Neighbourhood planning meeting
18 August – Neighbourhood Planning meeting
Cllr Meryl Liddell / 14 July – Media working party meeting
18 July – Public meeting
26 July Community Hub meeting
9 August – Neighbourhood Planning meeting
18 August – Neighbourhood Planning meeting
24 August – Community Hub finance meeting
25 August – Extra Ordinary meeting of Parish Council
Cllr Debra Smith / 18 July – Public meeting
9 August – Neighbourhood Planning meeting
18 August – Neighbourhood Planning meeting
25 August – Extra Ordinary meeting of Parish Council
Cllr Derek Liddell / 18 July – Public meeting
29 July – Planning Committee meeting
YLCA annual meeting – re-elected as South Yorkshire representative on the NALC Council and Vice Chair.
25 August – Extra Ordinary meeting of Parish Council
Cllr Ron Stier / 2 Transport meetings and Crime and Safety Sub group meeting
Good Companions meeting
26 July Community Hub meeting
25 August – Extra Ordinary meeting of Parish Council
RESOLVED to note the following correspondence to note:
Capstone Consulting – War Memorial structural survey – noted and forwarded to War memorials trustLocal Councils Update – passed on to Cllr Derek Liddell
SLCC AGM meeting noted but Clerk will not be attending
SLCC Regional road show at Cedar Court, Wakefield – noted – Clerk, Cllr Meryl Liddell and Cllr Debra Smith will attend to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer.
Council matters magazine – passed to Cllr Derek Liddell
Awards for All – advising that the grant application for the community hub was unsuccessful
Came & Co – advising a new company set up - noted
RESOLVED that due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the press and public are excluded from the meeting.
RESOLVED that the letter be noted and further action taken.
RESOLVED that following the receipt of the revised quotations for the insurance renewal to reflect the updated building valuations, the Clerk and Chair are delegated the decision on which insurer to progress since the cover expires at the end of this month.
RESOLVED to note the Parish Clerk’s appraisal which did not raise any concerns.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the appraisal process is to be reviewed by the Clerk and Chair with a proposal to be submitted to the next Parish Council meeting as a Policy item.
RESOLVED to approve the increase in newsletter deliverer pay from £80 to £85 per issue starting in September 16. A further review of newsletter pay for 17/18 will be discussed during Budget setting for 17/18.
RESOLVED that the Clerk be asked to compile a list of meetings/mileage for the last 3 months for Council to consider payment of travel expenses. Also that she prepares a comparison of pay/hours along with Tax, NI and Pension contributions for consideration of the budget working party.
RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on Monday3 October2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman’s Signature / DateThe Chair closed the meeting at 9.27 pm
Silkstone Parish Council5 September 16