High School Completers
2007-08 FINAL DATA
Types of High School Completers:
Regular Diploma without Certificate of Initial Mastery: Diploma earned when a student has fulfilled all school district requirements and state requirements (22 credits, plus competencies) as described in OAR 581-022-0316, but has not earned a Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM).
Regular Diploma with Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM): Diploma earned when a student earned a 22-credit diploma (as described above), and met all the Certificate of Initial Mastery standards in writing, math, reading, science, and public speaking.
Modified Diploma: Students earn a modified diploma based on the successful completion of an individualized education program, as defined in ORS 343.035.
No Diploma, or Alternative Credential: Students attended 4 years of high school, but did not receive a regular 22-credit diploma or a modified diploma and did not drop out. Students fell a few credits short of meeting graduation requirements, and many will finish requirements over the summer or in the following school year.
NOTE: GED recipients are not high school completers because they do not complete high school. As defined by Oregon law, they are also not dropouts.
In 2007-08, of the 39,812 students who completed high school, 27,138 (68.2%) earned a regular diploma without a CIM, 7,811 (19.6%) earned a diploma with a CIM, 941 (2.4%) earned a modified diploma (special education), and 3,922 (9.9%) finished the year without earning a diploma.
During the last three years, the percent of all completers who did not receive a diploma went up, from 8.5% in 2005-06, to 9.6% in 2006-07, to 9.9% in 2007-08.
For more information about high school completers, access the following link:
All High School Completers by Race/Ethnicity and Type of Completer -- 2001-02 to 2007-08
/ YEAR / White / % / African American / % / Hispanic / % / Asian/ Pacific Islander / % / Native American/Alaskan
Native / % / Multi-
Race Ethnicity / % / Unknown / % / Total / % /
REGULAR DIPLOMA / 2007-08 / 26,846 / 89.4% / 830 / 79.0% / 3,849 / 79.9% / 1,811 / 90.1% / 725 / 85.4% / 475 / 83.3% / 413 / 82.6% / 34,949 / 87.8%
2006-07 / 26,220 / 89.7% / 806 / 76.0% / 3,242 / 78.7% / 1,686 / 90.7% / 681 / 83.6% / 370 / 86.2% / 433 / 83.3% / 33,438 / 87.9%
2005-06 / 26,248 / 89.7% / 746 / 77.4% / 3,139 / 82.4% / 1,664 / 90.1% / 597 / 79.9% / 195 / 84.8% / 494 / 86.2% / 33,083 / 88.4%
2004-05 / 26,208 / 91.2% / 693 / 79.4% / 2,699 / 81.6% / 1,581 / 90.0% / 588 / 82.9% / 141 / 87.6% / 678 / 81.7% / 32,588 / 89.6%
2003-04 / 26,995 / 91.6% / 692 / 82.6% / 2,583 / 84.4% / 1,565 / 90.4% / 574 / 84.4% / 116 / 92.8% / 447 / 85.6% / 32,972 / 90.5%
2002-03 / 27,107 / 90.8% / 689 / 80.9% / 2,375 / 81.2% / 1,468 / 90.3% / 503 / 83.3% / NA / NA / 324 / 88.8% / 32,466 / 89.6%
2001-02 / 26,464 / 91.7% / 598 / 78.4% / 1,988 / 79.6% / 1,283 / 91.1% / 490 / 85.8% / NA / NA / 332 / 84.5% / 31,155 / 90.3%
DIPLOMA / 2007-08 / 690 / 2.3% / 47 / 4.5% / 120 / 2.5% / 23 / 1.1% / 26 / 3.1% / 20 / 3.5% / 15 / 3.0% / 941 / 2.4%
2006-07 / 684 / 2.3% / 71 / 6.7% / 112 / 2.7% / 21 / 1.1% / 23 / 2.8% / 6 / 1.4% / 12 / 2.3% / 929 / 2.4%
2005-06 / 872 / 3.0% / 53 / 5.5% / 127 / 3.3% / 37 / 2.0% / 42 / 5.6% / 8 / 3.5% / 20 / 3.5% / 1,159 / 3.1%
2004-05 / 712 / 2.5% / 55 / 6.3% / 107 / 3.2% / 29 / 1.7% / 31 / 4.4% / 6 / 3.7% / 25 / 3.0% / 965 / 2.7%
2003-04 / 662 / 2.2% / 30 / 3.6% / 99 / 3.2% / 26 / 1.5% / 30 / 4.4% / 2 / 1.6% / 24 / 4.6% / 873 / 2.4%
2002-03 / 755 / 2.5% / 46 / 5.4% / 112 / 3.8% / 26 / 1.6% / 25 / 4.1% / NA / NA / 6 / 1.6% / 970 / 2.7%
2001-02 / 620 / 2.1% / 63 / 8.3% / 80 / 3.2% / 26 / 1.8% / 29 / 5.1% / NA / NA / 5 / 1.3% / 823 / 2.4%
DIPLOMA / 2007-08 / 2,478 / 8.3% / 173 / 16.5% / 850 / 17.6% / 176 / 8.8% / 98 / 11.5% / 75 / 13.2% / 72 / 14.4% / 3,922 / 9.9%
2006-07 / 2,323 / 7.9% / 184 / 17.3% / 766 / 18.6% / 152 / 8.2% / 111 / 13.6% / 53 / 12.4% / 75 / 14.4% / 3,664 / 9.6%
2005-06 / 2,153 / 7.4% / 165 / 17.1% / 542 / 14.2% / 146 / 7.9% / 108 / 14.5% / 27 / 11.7% / 59 / 10.3% / 3,200 / 8.5%
2004-05 / 1,813 / 6.3% / 125 / 14.3% / 500 / 15.1% / 146 / 8.5% / 90 / 12.7% / 14 / 8.7% / 127 / 15.3% / 2,815 / 7.7%
2003-04 / 1,804 / 6.1% / 116 / 13.8% / 378 / 12.4% / 141 / 8.1% / 76 / 11.2% / 7 / 5.6% / 51 / 9.8% / 2,573 / 7.1%
2002-03 / 1,984 / 6.6% / 117 / 13.7% / 439 / 15.0% / 131 / 8.1% / 76 / 12.6% / NA / NA / 35 / 9.6% / 2,782 / 7.7%
2001-02 / 1,773 / 6.1% / 102 / 13.4% / 429 / 17.2% / 100 / 7.1% / 52 / 9.1% / NA / NA / 56 / 14.2% / 2,512 / 7.3%
ALL COMPLETERS / 2007-08 / 30,014 / 100.0% / 1,050 / 100.0% / 4,819 / 100.0% / 2,010 / 100.0% / 849 / 100.0% / 570 / 100.0% / 500 / 100.0% / 39,812 / 100.0%
2006-07 / 29,227 / 100.0% / 1,061 / 100.0% / 4,120 / 100.0% / 1,859 / 100.0% / 815 / 100.0% / 429 / 100.0% / 520 / 100.0% / 38,031 / 100.0%
2005-06 / 29,273 / 100.0% / 964 / 100.0% / 3,808 / 100.0% / 1,847 / 100.0% / 747 / 100.0% / 230 / 100.0% / 573 / 100.0% / 37,442 / 100.0%
2004-05 / 28,733 / 100.0% / 873 / 100.0% / 3,306 / 100.0% / 1,756 / 100.0% / 709 / 100.0% / 161 / 100.0% / 830 / 100.0% / 36,368 / 100.0%
2003-04 / 29,461 / 100.0% / 838 / 100.0% / 3,060 / 100.0% / 1,732 / 100.0% / 680 / 100.0% / 125 / 100.0% / 522 / 100.0% / 36,418 / 100.0%
2002-03 / 29,846 / 100.0% / 852 / 100.0% / 2,926 / 100.0% / 1,625 / 100.0% / 604 / 100.0% / NA / NA / 365 / 100.0% / 36,218 / 100.0%
2001-02 / 28,857 / 100.0% / 763 / 100.0% / 2,497 / 100.0% / 1,409 / 100.0% / 571 / 100.0% / NA / NA / 393 / 100.0% / 34,490 / 100.0%
Calculated by year, percents are the number of each diploma type (or “Alternative Credential or No Diploma”) for each race/ethnicity, divided by the total number of “All Completers” for each race/ethnicity. Honorary Diplomas (awarded to foreign exchange students) are not included.
Source: Oregon Department of Education, High School Completers. Published 5/12/09.