Mrs. Zatopek's Algebra 1 Syllabus
Grading Policy:
10% Homework (graded on a 10 point scale): Homework will normally be based on the completion of the assignment, but there will be occasions when homework is taken up and graded. When it is graded on completion I will use the following grading guidelines: For assignments that are 10 to 15 problems long, the students will lose 1 point for every problem not attempted. If an assignment is shorter than 10 problems the student will lose 2 points for each problem not attempted. Read the school handbook for the make-up work policy.
10% Class/Group Work
30% Quizzes: All students who are eligible (see below section on eligibility to turn in correction and take retests) will be given the opportunity to correct the quiz to earn back up to half of the credit lost (i.e. if a student earns a 50 on a quiz it can be corrected to up to a 75). Students wishing to correct a quiz will need to do so on a separate sheet of paper and turn in the corrections with one week of taking the quiz.
50% Tests (100pts each): There will generally be 2 to 3 test grades every six weeks. A test grade can either be a formal assessment taken in class over a unit of study, or a project that is assigned in relationship to a unit of study. Tests can and will contain questions from any of the material covered in the unit up until that point along with questions from previous units.
Retests: In the event that you need to take a retest (scored lower than a 60 on the original test), you must schedule a time to come in before or after school to retest. Students only have one week from the day they receive their test grade to complete a retest. The maximum grade possible on a retest is 70%. You must achieve between 80% and 100% on a retest to earn the maximum grade of 70%. (Please see
Make-up Work: When you are absent there are two ways to view the missed assignment(s): off the whiteboard, and online. If the missing work is not from the textbook, the assignment can be found in the designated cubby for the class period. Students will need to schedule a time before or after school to make up tests and quizzes.
Late Work: NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. You will receive a zero for any work that is not turned in on time – NO exceptions.
***Please Note:
· Anyone caught cheating at any time will receive a ZERO; including the person he/she was cheating off of. Also, Aubrey has a no late work policy, meaning that any work turned in late will be graded as a ZERO.
· All homework assignments are posted for the entire week in my classroom as well as online under the calendar on my teacher web page. (, click on high school, teacher pages, and then my name).
· There are tutorials from 3:35-4:05 every afternoon for students to get help on homework and to ask questions. Morning tutorials are available on request.
Eligibility to turn in correction and take retests: If any of the following criteria are met per six weeks, a student will become ineligible to correct quizzes and retest to change a failing test grade:
· Sleeping in class
· Receiving a detention for excessive talking
· Skipping my class
· Using a cell phone
· Doing work other than math during instruction/reading during instruction
If students are not paying attention in my class, not only do they miss out on material that will be tested on in the coming weeks, but they also fail to get a good grasp of concepts that will be used as a foundation for more difficult material that we will learn later in my course.
Bonus Points Opportunity: “Going Beyond” Activities
“Going Beyond” is an elective activity that is done in addition to normal required work. It will not replace normal required work. You may choose to do only one activity per 6-weeks if you meet the guidelines. Doing a “Going Beyond” activity can only help your grade. If you choose to not do a “Going Beyond” activity your grade will not be affected.
You must meet the following requirements in order to complete a “Going Beyond” activity:
1. All work must have been turned in on time – No ZEROS
2. No unexcused absences – skipping class
3. All missed work must be completed and turned in
4. All make-up tests must be completed
5. All “Going Beyond” activities must be turned in by the due date. They may be turned in early, but will not be accepted after the due date.
Due Dates: 1st six weeks: September 21st 2nd six weeks: October 26th
3rd six weeks: December 14th 4th six weeks: February 15th
5th six weeks: April 5th 6th six weeks: May 17th
All “Going Beyond” activities will be graded on accuracy, completeness, and originality. All work must be original work of the student and may not be copied from the internet or any other sources. Read the grading rubrics carefully – work that does not meet the criteria will not be accepted. All work must be labeled with the proper class heading. Please pay close attention to due dates as projects will NOT be accepted late.
Classroom Rules/Procedures & Consequences:
1. Be in your seat doing warm-up when the bell rings (with all needed materials).
2. Respect yourself and others at all times (this includes speaker courtesy, appropriate language, etc.)
3. Follow all routines and procedures.
4. Follow all other rules as outlined in the student handbook.
1. Warning
2. After class discussion with teacher
3. 30 minute detention with parent contact
4. 3 hour ECO (extended classroom opportunity) with parent contact
Heading: Notebook Dividers:
First & Last Name Warm-ups
Course – Period Vocabulary
Date Notes
Assignment Title Homework
Graded Papers
Hallway Passes: You will be issued two passes each six weeks (locker/restroom).
Handing in papers:
1. Make sure heading is on paper.
2. Place paper in the top right corner of your desk before starting the warm-up.
Entering the Classroom: The bell does not begin the class. Students begin the class by getting a calculator from holder in the front of the room, placing their homework/notes in the top right corner of the desk, and immediately starting their warm-up before the tardy bell rings.
Leaving the Classroom: The bell is the signal to the teacher that he/she needs to make a decision about dismissing the students—wait for the teacher to dismiss class.
Calculators: The school provides TI 83 plus calculators for classroom use. The student is not required to buy one. However, it would be beneficial for the student to own one for homework purposes as well as SAT/ACT.
Dress Code/Tardies/Etc.: Please adhere to and follow the dress code and please be on time to class. I do not like having to take time out of class to write out detentions for violations. If you have a question or disagree with policies in the student handbook, then you must see the principal/vice principal before or after school. It is part of my job to enforce the handbook. If I do not, then I am held accountable.
Algebra 1 Materials:
Please be in class with the following materials every day:
1. 3-ring binder (1 ½ - 2 inch) 2. 5 dividers
3. 3 hole notebook paper and graph paper 4. pencils, erasers and pencil sharpener
5. red or colored pen/pencil 6. dry erase markers
7. Ruler
Supplies needed to turn in to class. Due date is Friday, 9/7/12.
9. Box of tissues 10. AAA batteries (package of 4) - for classroom calc.
Syllabus - Student & Parent Signature Sheet
I have read the attached information and understand all grading and classroom procedures/policies. I will keep these rules in the front of my class notebook to refer to when necessary.
Student Name (printed): ______
I have read and discussed the classroom procedures with my student.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed): ______
Please fill out the following contact information:
PLEASE CIRCLE the person I should contact FIRST concerning your student and CHECK the best method of contact
Father ______Mother ______
◊ Home Phone ______◊ Home Phone ______
◊ Cell Phone______◊ Cell Phone ______
◊ Work Phone ______◊ Work Phone______
◊ Email ______◊ Email ______
Other Guardian ______
◊ Home Phone ______
◊ Cell Phone______
◊ Work Phone ______
◊ Email ______
Please list any questions or comments you may have.
Please list any medical issues, allergies, or any other important information about your student.
Mrs. Zatopek's Algebra 1 Syllabus
Cut here. Please have your student(s) return the top portion of this form and keep this portion for your records.
Student’s Algebra 1 Teacher Information:
Name: Mrs. Zatopek Room #: C227
School Phone Number: (940) 668-3900 Ext. 1377 Email Address:
Teacher Page: Conference Period: 9:35 – 10:25
Zatopek 5