Physical Education Grading Policy
Mr. Scot Greenough
Miss Brandi Pettit
1.Expectations for students in Physical Education
You must be on time for PE and in the locker room by the time the bell rings! You have exactly 5 minutes from the bell to be changed and out of the locker room sitting in alphabetical order ready for attendance. Unless you have a pass, if you are not outside 5 minutes after the bell rings you are considered LATE!! 3 lates = detention. This includes students in a 1st or 2nd period gym class. DO NOT go to breakfast before gym and attempt to sneak in late.
No cellphones/ I pods/ ear buds are permitted during class. It will be taken away if we see it out during class.
You must be in the appropriate clothing and footwear. See dress code below.
You must engage and participate in the individual, group, fitness or skill building activity energetically, enthusiastically, and with respect for others.
Be aware of any safety implications.
Have respect for other classmates as well as for the teacher at all times. Failure to do so will result in a detention and a 0 for the day.
Absolutely no profanity will be tolerated. The 1st time is a warning, the 2nd is detention.
Absolutely no food/drinks are allowed in the locker rooms/gym. The 1st time is a warning; the 2nd time is a write up.
2. Every class, students have the opportunity to earn 20 points per day on the followingrubrics: (4 points in each of the 5 categories)
To receive 4 points for the day students must achieve AT LEAST 4 of the criteria on the check list for each category. 3 checks = 3points, 2 checks = 2 points, etc.
______Maintains a positive attitude throughout the class
______Demonstrates respect toward the teacher
______Demonstrates respect toward other students
______Fulfills any requests made of them by the teacher
______Student completes the entire warm up
______Utilizes skills and knowledge taught during the daily activity
______Accepts and uses correction, criticism, and help from teacher/classmates when working to improve elements of the skills/game
______Is focused and works diligently to complete and perform the task at hand
______Makes safety a priority and tries to ensure the safety of both himself/herself and others throughout the class ***
______Student is engaged when the teacher is talking and pays careful attention to instruction
______Student demonstrates they are able work with their teammates/classmates to achieve a common goal
______Student actively calls for passes and plays offense and defense when appropriate during game play
______Student is working consistently and conscientiously on the skills required for the lesson
______Student is self-motivated to be involved and participate
______Student works to be a positive example for others
______Student helps those in need of assistance in an appropriate and encouraging manner
______Student makes a pointed effort to involve a variety of students in the day’s activity
______Student actively encourages teammates and classmates
______Student DOES NOT discourage, put down, or make fun of another student ***
*** These items are criteria the MUST be met every day!! If this is not met you automatically go down a point even if you fulfill all other criteria for that category.
4 points: ______
Student is dressed in attire appropriate for physical activity including footwear and clothing.
0 points: ______
Student is unable to participate in the daily activity due to clothing not appropriate for physical activity
DAILY TOTAL: ______/20
3. 15-50points per unit will be awarded based on one or more of the following:
Physical fitness test (per quarter)
-1 mile run, sit ups, pushups, arm hang, squats, chin ups
Skills test (per unit)
Written assignments (20 points)
Written test (per unit)
Tournament play
4. Students are allowed 3EXCUSED absences per quarter
An excused absence consists of being out of school for an appointment, illness, field trip, leaving school early for athletics or missing class due to lessons. After 3 excused absences per quarter you will have to make up other absences. See below for ways to make up missed classes.
NOTE: Being “unprepared” or simply sitting out is not considered an excused absence and will not be tolerated.
5. Students who are in school, but ill need to have a signed form from the nurse in order to be excused for PE for the day. These classes MUST be made up.
6. Making up missed classes
Any absence from school can be made up. Students who wish to make up a class MUST do so within 2 WEEKS of the missed classes. After 2 weeks the class is unable to be made up. Check with Mr. Greenough or Miss Pettit to find a time to make up missed classes.
Actively participate in PE during a study hall.
Participate in the missed activity with the teacher after school from 2:30-3:05.
Any testing missed must be made up by making an appointment with the class teacher.
Classes must be completed within the current unit/activity we are doing in class
Written health articles/summaries WILL NOT be accepted to make up a physical education class!!
7. Make up work for “un-excused” absences
According to the District Make-Up Opportunities Policy, an unexcused absence (meaning you are truant) may not be madeup!!
8.Physical Fitness Test
The activities featured on the fitness test are provided as a way for you to get an estimate of your level of aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. The results on each test provide you with a measure from which you can track your progress in each area as you become more physically active. This will include the 1 mile run/PACER test, the sit and reach, push-ups, pull ups, and sit ups. Students will perform the fitness test EACH quarter in order to show progress and will receive a rubric as to how they will be graded.
Dress Code:
Shorts of modest length, sweat pants, wind pants (NO jeans)
Underwear must be completely covered by the outer clothing
Sneakers MUST be visibly tied (No slip on shoes, boots, crocks, flip flops etc)
Shirts must cover your midriff when arms are raised
No spaghetti strap tank tops or low neck lines
Absolutely NO Jewelry!!If a new piercing, it will be taped prior to EACH class (we will not provide tape)If jewelry is not removed or taped, you will be considered unprepared and graded accordingly
PE units for 2017-2018
Project Adventure
Team Handball
Floor Hockey
Kan Jam
Team Games
NEW FOR 2017-2018
Pickle ball
General Rules:
1.Lock up all your valuables in a gym locker. We will NOT be providing a lock to students. Lock up valuables during the class period and locks and belongings must be removed daily. You are responsible for your own belongings and your own locks!
2.All injuries must be reported to your teacher when they occur.
3.Medical excuses from a doctor must be turned into the school nurse. Once the student is cleared, they must make up the amount of the PE classes they missed.
4.No food or drink should be consumed in the locker room or gym!! Violators will be written up!
5.You must wait for the dismissal bell inside of the GYM. (Not the locker room or the hallway)If you are not inside of the gym- you are truant and will be written up.
6.No one is to be on the stage at anytime unless advised by the teacher.
Reminder: These are the requirements in order to participate in PE class. Physical Education is a required class and students must pass PE in order to graduate. All we ask is to be prepared, show effort, and have fun!
Students/Parents/Guardians- Please sign below to show you have read our grading policy and return to Mr. Greenough or Miss Pettit by Friday, September 15th, 2017.
This is worth 12 points.
If you have any questions please contact us at the school @ 965-2711
Pettit (ext. 122)
Greenough (ext. 123)
Student Name (PRINT)______
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian (PRINT)______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Parent/Guardian email / #______