PEX Partnership Stipend Application for Spring2014
Stipends are available for GenEd faculty to develop and implement Philadelphia Experience (PEX) assignments with educators (or other relevant staff) of partners in the region’s arts and culture community.
Goal: GenEd seeks to enrich its courses with off-campus experiences utilizing the wealth of assets in the region’s arts and culture communities.
Eligibility: Tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty.
Guidelines: Each applicant may apply for up to$500 for direct costs towards the implementation ofa student experience. For example, funds can be used for, but not limited to tour guides, honorarium,ticket costs, or transportation to PEX Passport partners or other Philadelphia-based cultural destinations.
Courses receiving stipends are encouraged to utilize the GenEd website and/or GenEd course blog. (For more information go to:
Selection process: Each application will be reviewed by a panel led by the GenEd Director and all applicants will be notified by email on or before January 14th, 2014. Preference is given to experiences which are fully planned with specific cultural partners. Experiences must offer students an off-campus component. Support of an on-campus component will only be considered if there is also an off-campus component and/or the on-campus portion is open to a broader audience than the applicant’s class.
Payment: If approved, the stipend of $500 will be released directly to faculty member. If you have a research account and prefer to have the stipend deposited there, this, too, can be arranged.
Final Report: A final report is due May 17th, 2014. Thereportwill include a narrative detailing the experience, the assignment, and how funds were spent.
Questions regarding proposals can be directed to Deborah Block or Istvan Varkonyi
Application Deadline: December 9th, 2013
We recommend that you prepare your narratives ahead of time on a work document then cut and paste the information into the appropriate text boxes. Click here to download a PDF of the application to help you prepare.
Faculty Name: ______
Department: ______
Course Title/Number______
Partner Organization: ______
Partner Organization Contact Name & Title: ______
Amount requested: $______
Anticipated fund allocations:
Preliminary description of your plan for a PEX assignment
- Describe your proposed PEX assignment.
- How will this enhance your course’s learning goals?
- Provide details about the planning process with your proposed cultural partner.
- How will you integrate this assignment into the course? Will it become a permanent feature of the course?
- Describe your plans to utilize the GenEd website and/or GenEd courseblog with the PEX assignment.
(Please limit to 500 words)