Members of the Board of Directors- Alliance Madagascar
Name of the Representative / TitlePUBLIC SECTOR / 1. Office of the President of the Republic / RANAIVOSON Henri / Chief of Staff
2. Office of the Prime Minister / SYLLA Jacques / Prime Minister/President of Board
3. Office of the Vice Prime Minister / MAHZOASY Freddie / Deputy Permanent Secretary
4. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock& Fisheries / RATOLOJANAHARY Marius / Secretary-General, MAEP
5. Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Development of the Private Sector / TSIMISANDA Henri Michel / Secretary-General, MICDSP
PRIVATE SECTOR / 6. Chambers of Agriculture / RANDRIANARISOA Elias / Secretary-General, TNT
7. Malagasy Entrepreneurs Association / RAJAONARIVELO Henrintsalama / President, FIVMPAMA
8. Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry,
Handicrafts and Agriculture / RAKOTOARISON Patrick / President, FCCIAA
9. Fruit and Vegetable Producers Union / RABEMANANJARA Eleonore / President ,UPFL
10.Madagascar Magic Fingers / WITTMER Bodo / President, MMF
11. Business Association of Madagascar / RAMARIJAONA Andrianjafimiarantsoa / Vice-President, GEM
NGOs / 12. Madagascar Promotion Association / RAZANAMPARANY Noeline / President, MEVA
13. Department for Development, Church of Jesus
Christ in Madagascar / RANDRIAMALALA Harisamy / National Assistant Director,
14. Rotary International / RAZANAKOTO Norbert / Representative
15. Lions Club International / RABETAFIKA Honest / President,Zone 252
PARTNERS / 16. Committee for Support to the Revitalization of
Enterprise / ANDRIAMAMONJIARISON Noro / Technical Secretary, CAPE
17. UN System (UNDP) / SANHOUIDI Bouri / UN Resident Coordinator /
UNDP Resident
18. UN System (FAO) / SMITH Martin / FAO Resident Representative
19. Professional Association of Microfinance Institutions / ANDRIAMBALO Monah / Secretary-General, APIFM
20. Permanent Steering Committee for Rural Development Action Plan / RASOLO Francois / President, EPP/PADR
21. Professional Association of Banks / CHUK HEN SHUN Jean Jacques / Representative, APB
REPERMAD / 22. Permanent Mission of Madagascar to the UN / ANDRIANANTOANDRO Lila / Advisor
23. President / Founder of the UN Public-Private Alliance for Rural Development / ANDRIANARIVELO-RAZAFY Zina / Permanent Representative of Madagascar to the UN