What to do when you're the General Evaluator
√Get the preliminary agenda from the Toastmaster, and find out who your evaluators will be. Prepare an intro for each.
√Check with the Toastmaster to find out whether there will be special guests or activities during the meeting.
√Prepare your introduction, which should at least include a brief explanation of your role (for the benefit of guests):
- to run the evaluation portion of the meeting
- to introduce each speech evaluator
- to ask for reports from the Timer, Grammarian, and Wordmaster
- to evaluate the overall conduct of the meeting, making suggestions for improvements as needed
√Just before the meeting starts, greet your evaluators. Ensure that they have gotten their speaker's speech manuals and understand the speech objectives.
√Take notes on the meeting activities:
- Display of club material (agenda, banner, educational material, flag...)
- Room layout (anything distracting -- electrical wires, improperly placed flipcharts, excess chairs)
- Interaction of speakers (don't leave the podium unattended)
- Was each person introduced?
- Did each person greet the audience correctly?
- Toastmaster, General Evaluator should have access to a chair at the front, to use while waiting between speakers...
- Was each participant prepared? Look for:
- Preparation for their role (include everyone -- TM, TT, Speakers, Timer, Wordmaster, ...)
- Organization
- Delivery
- Enthusiasm
- Could they be seen / heard well?
√Greet the Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and Guests. Briefly state your role during the meeting:
- to conduct the evaluation portion
- to introduce the Evaluators, Timer, Grammarian, and Wordmaster and to ask for their reports
- to give an overall evaluation of the meeting
√Introduce each person, and ask them to briefly explain their roles before they deliver their reports:
- Evaluators
- Timer
- Grammarian
- Wordmaster (PLEASE REMIND THE WORDMASTER TO ENTER HIS WORD OF THE DAY ON THE SHARED DRIVE... It's in the "Word of the Day" folder, and is called "Word of the Day.xls".)
√Deliver your evaluation of the meeting, based on the notes you took earlier. Give a general comment about the quality of speeches and presentations, and the conduct of the meeting. Offer any suggestions for the next meeting.
√Return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster.
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