1. Holiday Home for Staff members at various centres
Holiday Homes are provided at Kodaikanal, Ooty, Kanniakumari, Thirumala, Puri, Guruvayur, Mahabaleshwar, Shimla and Darjeeling at a subsidised tariff rate of Rs.10/- per room per day.
2. Reimbursement of cost of accessories purchased by physically handicapped/Hearing Impaired Employees and for wards of employees also. (HRM.38/2010-11 dated 08.06.2010)
Once in their career, Physically Handicapped employees are eligible for reimbursement of cost of accessories such as Calipher Shoes/Crutches/Below Knee Limb/Wheel Chair/Tricycle/Hearing Aid subject to a maximum of Rs.5,000/-
3. Reimbursement of cost of accessories purchased by Visually Impaired Employees.
Every year, Visually Impaired Employees are eligible for reimbursement of cost of accessories etc for Rs.1,000/-.
4. Welfare measures / Incentives to Inspector of Branches.
The following Welfare measures are modified for Inspector of Branches with effect from 01.01.2014 (HO: HRM circular HRM 91/2013-14 dated 23/12/2013)
Duty leave can be sanctioned to Inspector of Branches performing outstation duty at the rate of two days for every thirty days of work subject to a maximum of eight days per annum.
Inspector of Branches can claim Cell Phone allowance of Rs.300/- per month on declaration basis.
The ceiling amount on the cost of brief case reimbursed to Inspector of Branches is Rs.2000/- once in three years.
Other incentives available are (HO: Inspection circular PRNL 113/1995-96 dated 25.10.1995)
Free/Compulsory Medical Check up for all inspectors are provided at their respective Head Quarters, yearly.
Per diem allowance is at Rs.10/= per day apart from local conveyance of Rs.30/Rs.20 for Metro/Other places.
Posting of Inspecting officials at a place of their choice may be considered after successful completion of a term in inspection department and the term may be restricted to four years in the department
Inspectors who are asked to inspect the branches in North Eastern Region/Hill Station Branches may be allowed to purchase/hire warm clothing, shoes/rain coats aprt from allowing them to claim hill and fuel allowances during the period of stay as applicable to officers posted permanently in these areas as one time measure.
Inspectors who have been assigned branches in remote/rural areas may be permitted to stay in the nearby city/town within a travel distance of one hour by public transportation and be allowed HA/TA as applicable to such places of stay.
Inspectors are allowed the reimbursement of Rs.25/- on declaration basis towards purchase of magazines, when they are on a regular inspection assignment of outstation branches on monthly basis.