Nottinghamshire Police North Notts
LGBT Independent Advisory Group Meeting
held at The Ceres Suite Bassetlaw District Council
Queens Buildings Potter Street Worksop S80 2AH
1830 Wednesday 24th June 2015
Attendees: / APP Bennett Ashfield District Council
Stephen Brown (SB) Bassetlaw District Council
Chief Inspector Andy Rooke (AR)
Claire Bradley (CB)
Richard Townsley (RT)
Chris Thompson (CT)
Apologies: / David Edgley LGBT Switchboard
P.c. David Alton
Agenda Item 1: / Welcome and introductions. Chief Inspector Andy Rooke.
Agenda Item 2: / Draft Terms of Reference, membership, observers and position of vice chair, expectations of the group. Chief Inspector Andy Rooke.
AR explained that this is a brand new group. IAG’s were brought about by the Macpherson report following the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in the 1990’s.
The purpose of this and other IAG’s is for community members to have the opportunity to offer advice to the police regarding their policies and procedures as they may affect the LGBT and other diverse communities.
A police LGBT IAG is already established in the city of Nottingham, this group will close the gap in the north of the county, enabling the police to have effective dialogue with LGBT community.
The terms of reference (TOR) were circulated, people were asked to reflect on the contents, they could then raise any issues at either the next meeting or via email through CT.
Actions/Decisions: / 1. CT will collate the comments of members re the TOR.
2. Members of this LGBT IAG must complete two forms and return to CT
Members details form and the members code of conduct form.
Agenda Item 3: / Items of interest, third party hate crime referrals, “Report-it - True Vision” “Stop Hate UK” Chris Thompson
CT circulated hard copy printouts regarding third party reporting schemes.
Actions agenda item 3 / None
Agenda Item 4: / Hate Crime North Notts. Chris Thompson
CT shared with the group a depersonalised list of hate crime incidents that had occurred in Ashfield, Mansfield, Bassetlaw Newark and Sherwood between April and the third week in June 2015. There were 48 hate crimes in Ashfield and Mansfield, 7 were due to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. Bassetlaw Newark and Sherwood had 35 hate crimes, 3 were due to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. A discussion relating to the groups understanding of what hate crime was. Members expressed concerns that the police did not always act or take reports seriously.
An incident was related that occurred the previous weekend, believed to be Saturday 20th June, gay man walking down the street with his lesbian friend, random female started verbally abusing the male. Police officers were in the area in a large van, they took the suspect to one side and put her in the police vehicle. The victims tried to provide their details to the police to make a complaint of the behaviour, the police apparently told the victims that this was not necessary, they would deal with the matter. The victims felt dismissed.
LM said that there was a fear of reporting, again the fear of not being taken seriously.
The IAG members expressed that there should be more police input in schools re hate crime.
RT schools that have education regarding hate crime have a more positive environment. Schools should have an anti-bullying policy which should be checked by OFSTED
RT told the group about the Stop Hate UK would be holding a hate crime campaign in October, he asks “what can the group do – write to the schools to raise their awareness?
The IAG asked that at future meetings they would like to see hate crime disposal information (what had happened to the suspect?). Young people have a perception that nothing will be done.
Also are there any patterns to where the hate crimes happen.
The constant drip drip of abuse can cause isolation.
Actions agenda item 4 / 1. CT asked the male victim as per above to provide fuller detail after the meeting via email so that CT could discuss the matter with the local Inspector.
2. Write to schools in North Notts to remind them of the Stop Hate UK October campaign. CT will facilitate this via schools officers.
3. A small panel will be formed to examine in more detail hate crimes that are LGBT related. Any person wishing to part of this panel (which will meet separately from the LGBT IAG) should contact CT
Agenda item 5. / North Notts LGBT IAG action plan, concerns of membership, what would they wish to discuss.
The group felt there was a need for this IAG to reach out to older people, to break down the barriers, which groups? Parish and Town Councils, Women’s Institute, Older Persons Forums.
The Gay Switchboard details should be displayed in police stations.
Action agenda item 5 / RT to work with CT and other IAG members from WOW if possible to explore opportunities to go out into the community. Interested parties should contact CT
Agenda Item 6. / Future meetings.
North Notts is a large geographical area, meetings will be held in different locations to enable members from other parts of the county to attend. Signed up IAG members are eligible for travel expenses
Action 6. / Future meetings will be held on a quarterly basis, the next meeting will be in Ashfield, hopefully in Kirkby at Ashfield District Council offices. The following meeting will be in Newark and then back to Worksop in the new year.
Item 7 / AOB
Action from AOB
Date, Time & Location of Next Meeting / See below
Wednesday 9th September 2015 / Ashfield District Council Kirkby in Ashfield to be confirmed with Phillip Bennett at ADC
Wednesday 25th November 2015 / Newark location to be agreed
Wednesday 9th March 2015 / Ceres suite Worksop Town Hall
All meetings to commence at 1830 hours for approx 2 hours.