Coberley Parish Council
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 16th January at Coberley School at 7.30pm
Duncan McGaw (Chairman), Dan Powell, Hugh Piggott, David Plews, Jo Thurnham
County Councillor David Thorpe, 2 local residents. Clerk: Helen Jones
Public participation –
Mike Cuttell raised the issue of a missing highways sign near Oxford Cottages. It was agreed that County Highways be notified.
It was agreed that the Emergency Plan would be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council
1. Apologies were received from County Councillor McKenzie and District Councillor Paul Hodgkinson who had been invited to address the meeting
2. Declarations of Interest – Cllrs Powell and Piggott declared an interest in the agenda item relating to the A417
3. The minutes of the meetings held on 7th & 15th November, 5th December 2012, and 9th January 2013 were agreed. The apologies of County Cllr McKenzie were noted for the meeting of 9th January.
4. Matters arising from the minutes not listed specifically as an agenda item.
The Emergency Plan and Seven Springs information board would be discussed at the next meeting
5. Highways
a. A417 Air Balloon roundabout trial scheme – County Cllr Thorpe listened carefully to the views of the Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed that the current proposals would make the traffic situation worse and that there were no low budget solutions to the traffic problems. Damage to local business & residents has been disregarded and the current proposal must be abandoned. Cllr Thorpe agreed to represent these views and to continue to press the Highways Agency for a formal consultation on the proposals
b. Update on road safety issues in the Parish. Response from County Highways – the e-mail from Scott Macaulay-Lowe of County Highways was reported. Cllr Thorpe asked for the information to be passed to him so see if he could assist in any way.
Cllr Plews left the meeting at this point
6. Finance
a. Accounts for payment – accounts for Clerk’s salary, PAYE & expenses, website hosting were agreed. The Parish Council agreed payment for a small gift to the retiring Clerk.
7. Budget and Precept
a. It was agreed that quotes for noticeboard repairs would be presented to the next meeting with a view to work being carried out in the current financial year
b. Options for IT were discussed. It was agreed that the Clerk would obtain quotes for a laptop and software be obtained with a view to purchase in the next financial year or earlier if deemed necessary.
c. To agree the budget and precept for 2013/14 – a draft budget had been tabled. After discussion it was agreed that the budget would be £4348 (attached as appendix), and that there would be no increase of the Precept which would be set at £4350
8. Parish Council administration
a. Need for payroll services and to receive quotes – the Parish Council agreed to use PATA payroll services as they are locally based and carry out payroll services for many other Parish Councils in Gloucestershire. The Clerk was asked to set this up.
b. Parish Council fixed assets – it was agreed that the broken photocopier and the obsolete old mower be disposed of and removed from the asset register. The new mower and strimmer to be serviced before the grass cutting season.
Seven Springs – The Chairman agreed to discuss ownership/responsibility with the former Clerk.
9. Community Governance Review – Parish arrangements in Cotswold District. It was agreed that the Parish Council would ask CDC to look at whether the narrow strip on the southern edge of the Parish between Lower Cockleford and Park Farm (between Parish boundary in south and A435) would be better placed in the Parish of Cowley. The Clerk was also asked to clarify with CDC the small discrepancies between the electoral roll and the Parish boundary
Cllr Powell left the meeting at this point
10. Planning
a. Decisions –
i. 12/01970/TPO 2 Ullenwood Farm Cottages. Felling of red cedar - the appeal had been dismissed
ii. 12/05023/FUL single storey extension as Ham Mead (amendment) – the application has been permitted
b. To receive update on the planning/enforcement situation re. Gypsy site at Hartley Lane – an appeal against the enforcement notice had been made.
11. Ullenwood Bharat Cricket Club – to discuss request for PC written support for the application of the Club to Sport England for grant aid to buy the Ullenwood Cricket Ground. It was agreed that the Parish Council supports the endeavours of this cricket club as sporting provision is extremely limited in the parish. The PC has no financial support available but would be happy to include information on the website and promote to residents of the Parish
12. Coberley Village parking issue – this item would be discussed at the next meeting.
13. The next Parish Council meeting would be held on Wednesday 6th March at Coberley School at 7.30pm
Appendix to minutes
Budget 2013-14Staff costs / 1900
Admin expenses / 200
Payroll / 66
Insurance / 350
Subscriptions / 77
Coberley School / 90
Web Site / 95
Mower & strimmer servcing and Fuel / 60
Laptop & software / 500
Notice board repairs / 150
Winter resilience / 150
Donations / 100
Seven Springs / 200
Training / 85
Audit / 175
Contingency / 150
TOTAL / 4348