What?The 5th and 6th grades are eligible to participate in our Running Club. Mr. Amon (PE teacher), Mrs. Scillieri (5th Grade) and Mr. Kern (Teams Lab) sponsor the Bradley Running Club to show students how to apply exercise to their daily lives. Our goal is to introduce running and exercise to our students and provide them with the importance and benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.
Who?5thand 6th grade students, faculty and parents
When?We meet on Mondays from 3:30 – 4:00 P.M. Our 1st run will be September 11th. We run from early Septemberthrough November and from late February to early May. On rainy days we will run or do a fitness activity in the gym. When severe weather threatens, we cancel by 1:00 P.M. and have kids call home.If students are being picked up, they must be picked up by 4:05 P.M.
Where?We meet in the Gym to warm up. We run in the surrounding neighborhoods on Post.
What do I need?
Students need to wear running shoes and appropriate clothing for exercise – no jeans. Students are allowed to bring a change of clothes and change in the restroom after school. If students don’t have the proper gear they won’t be allowed to participate. Please bring a water bottle if you have one. Also, students with asthma need to have an extra inhaler with them or they won’t be allowed to participate.
How do I sign up?
Fill out the permission slip below and give it to Mr. Amon by August 25th. You must have a parent’s permission to leave the school grounds with us. Please contact Mr. Amon if you can join us. Our goal is to run for fun and to become healthier. Also, please indicate how your child will be getting home, who has authorization to pick them up, and your emergency contact numbers. Thanks for joining the herd!
SY 2017-2018
Bradley Elementary
I give my child ______permission to participate in the Running Club at Bradley Elementary under the supervision of Bradley staff members and participating parents. I understand that my child needs to be picked up at 4:05 after each session.
Parent signature______
Date ______
If your child has a medical condition we should be aware of or takes medication, please tell us about it below. Students with asthma will need to carry a separate inhaler with them to run. This inhaler must be separate from the one they have with the nurse at the school.
My child will be returning home by:(check one)
____Riding bike or walking home
____Adult will pick up. Who is authorized to pick the student up?
List designated contact name(s) and phone numbers below.
*** Please leave your email address for us so we can communicate any information as it arises***
Thank you and we are looking forward to a great year. Mr. Amon, Mrs. Scillieri and Mr. Kern