Kiltarlity community council

Minute of Meeting held on 18 November 2010. The meeting started at 7.30 and ended at 10.00

Present :Norman Grant (Chairman), Hector Douglas (Acting Secretary), Ron MacLean, Floris Greenlaw, Hamish Maclennan, Eunice Ramsden, members of Community Council.

Apologies: Dorothy Ward, Karen Ferguson, Robbie Sheriffs

In attendance: Val MacIver representing Druim Ba Sustainable Energy and 21 local residents (see appendix) concerned with the Druim Ba development.

1. / Welcome / Action
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the Secretary was not able to attend and that Mr Douglas would act as Secretary for the meeting.
The minute of the meeting of 16 September 2010 was approved.
A question was asked from the floor concerning the availability to the public of the minutes. The Chairman confirmed that they are available on the Community Council web site and that he would investigate the availability of recent minutes. / Chairman/
3. / Druim Ba Windfarm Project
(i)The Chairman reported that since the last meeting the only matter to report in relation to the development had been an initial contact with the Ward Manager to discuss the issue of Community Benefit, no meeting had yet taken place.
(ii)A question was asked from the floor enquiring as to the support which the Community Council could give to local residents. Following discussion the Chairman confirmed that the role of the Council is to gather and represent the views of the community in relation to the development and that this must include the evidence for and against the development. When the final application is submitted the Council will debate the matter and decide if it wished to object to the application.
(iii)Mrs MacIver informed the meeting that following the first round of consultation the developer was currently redesigning the turbines and that following the next exhibition a final application will be submitted to Highland Council and the Scottish Government. Mrs MacIver was not aware of the detailed changes made by the developer.
It was decided that as part of the consultation process an Open Public Meeting should be held to allow full discussion of the issues surrounding the proposal. The Council agreed that subject to the availability of the village hall a meeting will be held on Saturday 8th January at 10.30. / Secretary
4. / Village play park refurbishment
In the absence of Mrs Ward there was no report on this issue and it was deferred to the next meeting / Mrs Ward
5. / Sewage Treatment Plant
The Chairman reported the latest developments in this issue and in particular the report from Councillor Davidson.
It was agreed that no further action was required but that the condition of the water in the burn would be regularly monitored.
6. / Review of Community Council - Phase 3
Following discussion the council agreed to support the following options:
(i)Membership formula Option 2
(ii)Formula for a quorum option 2 / Secretary
7. / Highland Wide Development Plan
Mrs Greenlaw reported that the Planning Department had no record of receiving the response from Kiltarlity Community Council to the main issues on the report.
It was agreed that Mr Douglas and Mr Maclean should liaise to retrieve and resubmit the comments before December 3.
It was also agreed that Mr Maclean and Mrs Greenlaw should formulate a response on additional matters which required comment and submit them on behalf of the Council. / Secretary
8. / Boblainy Forest
(i)  Archaeological Project
Mr MacLean reported that the training sessions were proceeding successfully and that the next stage would be to undertake an oral history exercise with local residents who had valuable information to contribute.
As a result of the planting and felling history of Boblainy forest it was expected that little of significant archaeological interest remained in the forest.
(ii)  Boblainy Forest Group
Mrs Greenlaw reported that the main contact in the Forestry Commission had been replaced and meeting had been held with the new representative.
Mrs Greenlaw reported concern by the BFG. There was also the possibility vehicles might be routed out the Culburnie access through the village again.
It was agreed that the Council should write to David Jardine expressing concern at the lack of consultation and request assurances that access for lorries would still be Ardendrain. / Secretary
9. / Beauly Denny Power Line
Mrs Greenlaw reported that all conditions had now been signed off by the Scottish Ministers/the Highland Council. Preliminary works will start on January 11th.
Mrs Greenlaw also reported that some Sunday working close to housing is planned. It was agreed that such Sunday working is unacceptable, Mr MacLennan emphasising that Highland Council routinely grant planning consents which exclude Sunday working. It was agreed that a meeting with Highland Council be arranged and that as well as publicity in KCC News, it might be helpful to leaflet all affected households well before work commences.
It was agreed that the Council should contribute £20 towards a book token for David MacLehose to express the council’s gratitude for the work he has done in linking all the various groups who objected to the pylons. / Secretary
10. / Planning Applications
The Council did not wish to comment on any additional applications.
11. / Treasurer’s Report
No report
12 / Victims of Crime
The Chairman reported the contents of a letter which he had received from David Stewart MSP concerning the inadequate support given to the victims of crime and witnesses.
It was agreed that the Chairman should contact Mr Stewart to express the council’s support for the action proposed. / Chairman
13. / John Fraser Memorial
Mr Maclean reported that three shrubs are to be planted in the Memorial Gardens and it was agreed that at an appropriate time the Council would fund the design and mounting of an appropriate plaque. / Mr Maclean
14 / A833 - Poor Visibility at Junction
It was agreed that the Secretary should continue to pursue this matter and arrange a further meeting with TECs and Councillor Davidson
15 / Balgate sawmill
No substantive issues to report
16 / Post Office Brae Seat
The seat has now been officially installed and opened by Mrs ward and Councillor Hendry.
It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mrs Ward thanking her on behalf of the community for the work she has done in planning and commissioning the seat. / Secretary
17 / Correspondence
There was no correspondence
18 / AOB
Mr Maclean sought confirmation that Norman Grant, Dorothy Ward and himself had been delegated to discuss the issues of Community Benefit with the ward Manager Charles Stephen. The meeting confirmed this matter.
Mrs Greenlaw obtained agreement that an article on the proposed Breakachy windfarm would be allowed publication in the Kiltarlity Newsletter
Mrs Ramsden reported that no progress had been made on providing land for a cycle play area for children.
It was confirmed that the Senior Citizen’s Christmas party will be held on Saturday 18th December and that the arrangements were being made by Mrs Ward
19 / Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 20th January 2011.

11 March 2011