2018Graduate development program
Please complete all sections and attach your resume (of no more than five pages). Email completed referral forms to close of businessFriday,
23 March 2018.
Participant’s details
Title / Choose an item. /
Preferred name
Date of birth / Date / Month / Year
Work email
Alternative email
Work phone
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? / Choose an item. /
If “YES” to the previous question would you like to be considered for a scholarship / Choose an item. /
Do you have accessibility requirements and/or need other adjustments to support your participation in this program? / Choose an item. /
If yes please specify:
If selected, would you like to discuss this? / Choose an item. /
Employment details
Position title / Level:
Date employed at agency / Date / Month / Year
Employment status / Choose an item. /
If on a fixed term contract, does your agency guarantee permanent placement*?
(*pending satisfactory performance)
Agency Postal Address
Are you based regionally? / Choose an item. / Region: / Choose an item. /
Education history
Year completed
Year completed
How did you hear about this program?
/ colleague / / manager
/ Learning & Development/HR Unit / / Graduate coordinator
/ direct email / / advertisement
/ PSC event / / PSC website
/ other PSC program / / Other
Section 2
Participant’s personal statement
Please tell us a little bit about yourself. We would like to get to know our participants. Why they want to participate in a program like the Graduate development program.
What attracted you to a role in the public sector?
What do you wish someone had told you about your first days in the sector?
Briefly explain your public sector experience to date( e.g. What tasks or projects you have been working on, what learning or development opportunities you have had.)
What are you most hopeful of achieving from a whole-of-sector program like the Graduate development program?
Where do you envisage yourself in the next three to five years (e.g. role, agency, work tasks)?
Section 3
Participant’sunderstanding of commitment
By registering for this program, I understand that I am committing to the following:
/ attendingall contact days
/ actively participating in and contributing to all coursework to the best of my ability
/ notifying the Commission of any changes to my circumstances
/ actively participating in program evaluations and providing feedback to the Commission.
Electronic signatures are acceptable / Date:
Section 4
Line manager/Graduate coordinator’s details
Full name / Choose an item. /
Position title
Work email
Work phone
As the participant’s manager, you agree to:
/ support the participant’s attendance and release them to attend the program
/ provide the applicant with sufficient opportunity to incorporate learnings and activities in the workplace
/ ensure budget is available and payment is approved.
Electronic signatures are acceptable / Date:
Section 5
Payment details
The Graduate development program fee is $600(GST exempt) per participant. The fee includes:
- a subsidy by the Public Sector Commission
- materials and resources
- face-to-face delivery of all modules by content experts
- administrative costs associated with the program and workshops.
Program fees are non-refundable but substitute participants may be accepted. Please refer to the Program guide for withdrawal conditions.
Invoices should be addressed to:
Full name
Position title
Postal Address
Referrals close 5:00pm Friday 28 March 2018
Send referral formsand resumesto .
Late referrals will not be accepted.
Please direct all enquiries to the Program Manager at orcontact (08) 6552 8604.
Graduate development program2018Referral form Page 1 of 6