Research Monitoring and EvaluationCo-ordinator

Job Description

JOB TITLE:Research, Monitoring and EvaluationCo-ordinator

HOURS OF WORK:22.5 hours per weekOccasional evening and weekend work may be required

SALARY:NJC 28-32 £24964 - £28485

PLACE OF WORK:The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ

with travel across the region

RESPONSIBLE TO: Director of Corporate Services


Aims of the Post:

To lead on enhancing and improving the research, monitoring and evaluation function of The Care Forum across all teams by developing capacity and good practice within those teams. Leading on the development of systems to achieve better reporting on impacts the postholder will train and develop staff to quality assure all research and evaluation work across the organisation.

Main tasks:

  1. Leadership and Strategic development
  2. To lead the SMT and Team Managers in discussions on TCF-wide practice on Research and Evaluation.
  3. To advise the SMT on how R&E can meaningfully add to the strategic and business plans of TCF.
  4. To advise of systems used to collate and report on data with a view to improving efficiency and a process of continuous improvement.
  5. To work with team managers to collate an overall picture of TCF’s impact, reach and performance against its equalities objectives.
  6. To disseminate emerging research and data on new approaches to VSS, health and social care and patient and public involvement.

1.6.To provide evaluation and research data to assist the SMT to write successful funding applications.

1.7.Crucial to the role will be the requirement to develop and maintain effective working relationships with internal stakeholders in order to train and develop practices within each team.

1.8.To maintain effective contacts with local and national research resources and networks and to represent TCF’s interests on appropriate external working groups and forums including research advisory groups on questions of outcome measurement / evaluation design, and the production of statistics in Health and Social care.

  1. Delivery of activities and services
  2. Work with the Team Managers to design appropriate research and evaluation systems to meet their contracted standards on evidencing outputs, outcomes and impacts.
  3. Work with team managers and their team members to provide training and support to ensure that the TCF-wide quality standards for research and evaluation are achieved in line with the TCF’s aims and objectives.
  4. Produce high quality written and verbal quantitative and qualitative reports as requested.
  5. Participate in the roll out and development of TCF’s Team Performance management dashboard, contributing to aims and processes on research, monitoring and equality.
  6. Report on progress on TCF-wide research and evaluation to the SMT and/ or Board of Trustees.
  7. Lead and undertake projects as appropriate.
  8. With colleagues, plan, implement and review the research and evaluation elements of work plans at The Care Forum.
  1. Develop and provide The Care Forum’s research and evaluation functions
  2. To act as a source of guidance and support to Team Managers on the development of research and evaluation within their own teams.
  3. To oversee and support the implementation of minimum quality assurance standards across all teams.
  4. To support each team to collate, analyse, interpret and report on qualitative and quantitative data, including stories and anecdotes, from a wide range of sources (such as the GP patient and participation groups, community consultation exercises, specialist service user focus groups, clinical and social care practitioners, online surveys and service monitoring reports) to create a body of evidence that the SMT and Board of Trustees can use strategically to improve services.
  5. Working with The Care Forum’s Marketing and Communications Lead to, write and publish regular research briefings, newsletters and ebulletins to a range of audiences using a range of media.
  6. Support team managers to collaborate and share relevant data with other evaluation functions, such as the Healthwatch England hub, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment lead officers and West of England research institutes.
  7. With Team Managers and VSOs, co-ordinate, develop and manage the involvement of a wide diversity of volunteers in research and evaluation.
  8. Work within the Data Protection Act, The Care Forum’s data protection and confidentiality policies and national research ethics requirements and guidelines.
  9. Income generation

4.1 Working in partnership with the Director of Corporate Services, to plan and promote the Research and Evaluation Service to potential customers.

4.2Contribute to the setting of the research and evaluation budgets, ensuring that all work is undertaken generates a small surplus.

4.3Undertake short-term project work or oversee and line manage work undertaken by temporary or sessional staff.

4.4If new longer-term contracts are achieved, recruit, induct and line manage staff to deliver those contracts.

4.5Foster good partnership working relations with existing and emerging research partnerships (such as West of England People and Research and the Academic Health Sciences Network) with a view to developing joint projects or business opportunities.

4.6Provide input on approaches to evaluation and outcomes measurement as part of development and fundraising bids, and subsequently to assist on the evaluating new areas of work arising from TCF’s successful development bids. This may involve designing new research tools for use by staff internally.

4.7Assist in the design and implementation of systems required to set up new projects.

  1. Other tasks
  2. Act at all times as a positive and proactive ambassador for The Care Forum and all its services.
  3. Work within and demonstrate a strong commitment to the aims and objectives, key values, anti-discriminatory and equal opportunities framework, and other policies of The Care Forum.
  4. Work within the wider staff team of The Care Forum, attend staff meetings and participate in training opportunities appropriate to the post.
  5. Be motivated and flexible and use your organisational skills to plan your own workload within the priorities and goals set by your line manager.
  6. Be aware of priorities in own work and those of the wider organisation in order to be flexible to meet the overall needs of the organisation.
  7. This job description is an outline of the main duties of your post, and you may be asked to undertake other work consistent with your role.
  8. Travel as required in connection with this post.
Person Specification

Research and EvaluationCo-ordinator

This person specification outlines the principal experience, skills and knowledge that the post holder will need in order to successfully undertake the work of this post.

/ Essential/
Paid or unpaid work within the voluntary, health and/or social care sector
/ D(Desirabl
Research experience in the fields of equalities, health, social care and wellbeing. / E
Extensive research, monitoring and evaluation of services and development of evidence-based practice, gap and needs analyses / E
Working within the Data Protection Act, confidentiality policy and national research ethics guidelines / E
Project Management / D
Applying for funds for research or negotiation contracts for the delivery of research projects / E
Negotiating and working at a strategic level /
Working with teams to build their capacity and skills, including training and writing guidance documents / E
Publicising research to a wide range of different audiences using tailored, accessible communications methods and facilitating public involvement /
Organising, facilitating and presenting confidently at a range of meetings, seminars and events to different audiences / E
Experience in the use of a range of IT packages, including word processing, desktop publishing, production of publicity and training materials, spreadsheets, email and internet, established and emerging social media / E
Be able to develop, populate and maintain databases / E
Experience in undertaking literature reviews and abstract/precis writing /
20. / Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including sourcing, writing, producing and designing written and electronic reports and web content and working to a high degree of accuracy /
21. / Building and sustaining strong working relationships with colleagues, team members, volunteers, clients, other organisations and senior officers /
22. / Co-ordinating, prioritising and working under pressure and to deadlines /
23. / Working effectively both as part of a team and on own initiative /
24. / Collecting, recording and presenting information in a methodical and structured way using high-level IT skills /
25. / Travelling efficiently locally, across the region and to other regions /
26. / Good working knowledge of the structures, roles and responsibilities of statutory and non-statutory bodies and policies in the health, social and community care field, and the role of the voluntary and community sector within them /
27. / In depth understanding and working knowledge of data protection legislation, confidentiality policy and research ethics /
28. / A degree or equivalent in an appropriate subject, including research methods, statistical analysis, and report on findings /

Equal Opportunities

29. / Strong commitment to equal opportunities and non-discriminatory practice, including gender, race, sexuality and/or disability equality, and experience of implementing this in own work and service delivery /


30. / Clear understanding of nine characteristics enshrined in the Equality Act 2010 and of the barriers to accessing services experienced by disabled and older people, people with learning difficulties and people with others of the nine characteristics and in other equalities groups /



R&E Co-ordinator 23 March 2017