Transcribed by S.Gordon
In the name of God Amen The eight day of June In the yeare of our Lord according to the Computation of the Church of England One thousand six hundred Fifty seven, I Thomas Paley of Paley greene in the parish of Gigleswick and county of York being………. And feebly in body but of good and perfect remembrance praised be God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, First I commit and willingly resign my soul unto the merciful hands of Almighty God my maker and creator trusting through his mercy and by the merits of Jesus Christ my only redeemer to be saved and to have pardon and remission of all my sins, and my body to the earth whereof it was framed to be buried at my parish church of Gigleswicke at the discretion of my friends for…… all worldly and temporal goods and estate, I do give devise and dispose of the same as followeth, first it is my will and mind that my debts and funeral expenses be paid out of my whole goods Also whereas by my Indenture under my hands and seal, bearing date the first day of May last past, I have granted assigned and set over unto Thomas Paley my eldest son and to his executors and assigns all that my messuage or tenement at Paley greene with all it appurtenances of the ancient yearly rent of Thirtie shillings four pence, And all other grounds Commons and pastures, within the parish of Gigleswicke; whereof I am now or was at the making of the same Indenture, lawfully possessed for all which said premises is (reserved?) the yearlie Rent of Seven \shillings/ eleaven pence half pennie payeable for Moore (rent) & in Consideration of all which said Messuage Tenement and premises, my said son Thomas Paley, hath promised and undertaken, to paie the sum of one hundred pounds to such person or persons & at such tyme or tymes as by my last will and Testament, I shall give & appoint the same to be paid, Now I doe by this my last will Confirm & ratifie the same Indenture, And I will that my said son Thomas shall have all my said Messuage Tenement grounds & premises to the use of himself his Executors & Assigns; according as in the same Indenture is expressed, Now I do hereby give & bequeath the said sume of one hundred pounds unto Robert Paley my second sone, & I will that my said son Thomas shall pay the same one hundred pounds, unto my said sone Robert or his assigns; within two years next after my decease Also I give unto my daughter Ann Paley Threescore & ten pounds to be paid out of my good & personall estate Also I give unto Thomas Paley, Robert Paley & Ann Paley my youngest children, all my right title interest & proprietie of in & unto those closes called Town closes within Lawkeland, the same to be equallie divided amongst my said youngest Children, Also I do give unto everie one of my grandchildren five shillings a piece, Also I give to my daughter Agnes five shillings, & to my daughter Ellen five shillings, And concerning all the rest of goods & Chattells not disposed of I give devise & bequeath the same unto my said sone Thomas Paley, And I doe make nominate & appoint my said son Thomas Paley executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Witnesses hereof Thomas Harrison Jnr. Brian Cookeson.
Giggleswick modern spelling