Club Website Calendar Photo Gallery


April, 2017

President: / Bobby Welker / Next Monthly Meeting -TuesdayMay 9, 2017
VicePresident: / Jim Merkel / Famous Subs & Pizza, 2210 Neuse Blvd, \\\Berrr
Secretary: / TwillaStoler / New Bern, NC 28560
Treasurer: / Jean West / Dining @ 6:00PM, Meeting @ 7:00PM
MembershipDirector: / Ron Underwood
Webmaster: / Wayne Strausbaugh


The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Bobby Welker. There were 30members present and 4guests. Ricky Greengave the invocation.

Secretary’s Report:

Everyone received their newsletter and there were no corrections to be made to theMarch newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report:

Jean Westdelivered the treasurer’s report for the month of March, 2017. A copy of the report was given to me for the files. Wayne Strausbaugh made a motion to accept both reports and Scott Cleveland seconded it and it was voted by the club to accept. If anyone has any questions regarding the treasurer’s report, please call Jean West or myself, Twilla Stoler and we will answer any questions, but we will not respond to any e-mails regarding the club’s financials.

Sunshine Report:

Dick Peck is not doing well. He is very very weak. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Jim Merkelgave the following report on all the upcoming activities:

We now have a favorite thing to after our monthly meetings: We meet at Froyo 101, 2031 S Glenburnie Rd, New Bern, for ice cream.

Also, the second Saturday of every month, there is a general car show at the New Bern Mall which our members attend. Please check it out.

April 1st: Don Bullock Chevrolet People Choice Show, (NCCC Sanctioned) 1920 Wesleyan, Rocky Mount. This Show and Shine event is hosted by the Eastern Carolina Corvette Club. We had 12 cars for the show so the club got a check for $200.00. The club members got 13 trophies. Glenn Cauvin got a very large trophy for best of show, dealers choice and also got a check for $200.00. Congratulations Glenn. We are all so jealous. He has a 2013 60th anniversary white C6 convertible..

April 22nd and 23rd: GALOT Get-A-Load-Of-This Car Show and Meet. Galot Motorsports Park, 4129 NC Hwy 242 South, Dunn, NC 28334. Wayne Strausbaugh will lead a caravan from Twin Rivers Mall at 8:15 AM.

April 22nd: Apex Auto Show, Apex, NC More info on the club calendar

April 27th, 28th & 29th: NCM Bash. The bash at National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green has traditionally marked the rollout of the next model year corvette. Seminars on the cars are given with even a demonstration on building a corvette engine. Road tours, two celebrity choice car shows, golf tournament and more. Contact Jim Merkel (252)525-5441

May 13th: Universal Chevrolet Corvette & Classic Car Show, 114 N. Main Street, Wendell, NC 9AM to 3 PM Hosted by the Eastern Carolina Corvette Club. A Show and Shine event – enter your car or simply enjoy the display of corvettes, hot rods and rat rods. Entry fee before 4/28/17 is $15 or $20 after. $200 is given to each club with over 12 entries. **Last year the club got the $200 and everyone who went to the show came home with a trophy and we had a good time – and we had a great lunch!

May 20th: West Craven Marching Eagles Car Show, West Craven High School, 2600 Streets Ferry Road, Vanceboro, NC A show and shine to support West Craven High School. Registration is at 8AM and the show is 11AM to 4PM

May 26th: Shelton Vineyards Corvette Show, Dobson, NC. One of the most beautiful places in NC to hold a car show. Wine tours and tastings available. Registration online with driver/co-driver name, car year and club affiliation at

August 25th-27th: Michelin Gt Challenge at VIR Vineyards Corvette Show, Alton, VA. The Corvette C7r teams race against the Ford GT and other GTLM classes Cars. Corvette corral include lunch and up front parking.

Contact Jim Merkel (252) 525-5441

Webmaster Report:

Wayne Strausbaugh has the website up and running. He has all the events listed on the calendar. If you get a chance, go to the website and check out the calendar.

Membership Director Report: We had 4 guests at the meeting. First guest was Joseph (Tom) Gibbs and Linda Gibbs. They moved to New Bern in October, 2015. They were part of the Roanoke Rapids Corvette Club. They have a 2010 White Coupe . The next guest was Jim Doherty who moved to Fairfield Harbor in September, 2015and has a 1995 Maroon C4hardtop. The last two areJoseph and Claudia Indovina who have attended their second meeting and were voted in as new members. Congratulations Joseph and Claudia. Welcome to the club.

Corvette Happenings:

We would like to do a lunch or dinner run sometime soon. Please let us know what you would like to do and we will put something together. Yoders was mentioned and Spoon River in Belhaven, NC. Keep this in mind, a lunch or dinner run would be fun. Let us know what you want to do.

We had our 50/50 drawing and Jackie Powers won $51. Congratulations Jackie!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM

*Minutes submitted by Secretary TwillaStoler


The club’s official shirt colors are white and red. White shirts with the club logo are worn on the first day of an event and the red is on the second day. This is optional.

New Bern Sporting Goods does embroidering and screen printing for our club. Their phone number is (252) 638-1136 and their address is 3721 Trent Road, New Bern, NC.

Club name badges are available. The cost is $8.00 each. Please see Ron Underwood to order them. Members are encouraged to wear their name badges at club functions and meetings.

Radios are available from West Marine, 3601 Dr MLK Blvd, New Bern, NC. (252)636-0650. The cost of the radios range from $99.00 to $150.00 and members are encouraged to purchase a radio as we use them when we travel together as a group.

Club parade flags are available for purchase. Ron Underwood checked and the club flags and American Flags are available through New Bern Sporting Goods.

Flag caddies are available online. They run anywhere between $34.95 to $39.99 depending on the year of your corvette. They are available from Eckler’s Corvette, Corvette Accessories and Zip Corvette Parts. Go under flag caddies corvettes and they will all come up.
