Service Level Agreement ISETT
NSDS Objective 1: Developing a culture of high quality lifelong learningNSDS Success indictors /
SETA Target
To March 2005
/ SETA Target for2001-2 / SETA Assumptions / Assistance from the Department of Labour
1.1By March 2005, 70 per cent of all workers have at least a Level One qualifications on the NQF / By March 2005, 95% of all workers to have a level One qualification on the National Qualifications Framework / By March 2002 92% (99 000) of workers in the sector to have level One qualification on the National Qualifications Framework. / Availability of data / To define baseline data against which progress to be assessed
To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
1.2By March 2005, a minimum of 15 per cent of workers to have embarked on a structured learning programme, of whom at least 50 per cent will have completed their programme satisfactorily / By March 2005, a minimum of 30% of workers to have embarked on a structured skills development programme, of whom at least 60% have completed their programme satisfactorily. / By March 2002, a minimum of 10% of workers in the sector to have embarked on a structured skills development programme, of whom at least 30% have completed their programme satisfactorily. / NQF fully developed for sector training
Assessors trained.
ETQA functioning
Maths/science improved at school level
In-company and branded product training forms part of the national standards / To provide baseline data
To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
1.3By March 2005, an average of 20 enterprises (to include large, medium and small enterprises) and at least five national government departments, to be committed to, or have achieved the Investors in People Standard / By March 2005, at least 40 private enterprises in the Sector (to include large, medium and small firms) and SITA to be committed to, or have achieved, an agreed national standard for enterprise-based, people development. / By March 2002 at least 10 private enterprises in the Sector (to include large, medium and small firms) and SITA to be committed to, or have achieved, an agreed national standard for enterprise based, people development. / Personal development skills training, e.g. management development, form part of national standards / To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
Based on baseline data of 142 000 people in the sector, these are the targets.
- SSP committee meetings
- Training for people who have qualifications less than NQF 1 – train 11000 people by March 2005, Therefore 2000 by March 2002.
- Participate highly and facilitate the development of Unit standards
- Training for 14 000 people should be taking place. In companies, skills development programmes etc.
- Survey on which companies have people based development standards (Big companies like Siemens and Alcatel)
NSDS Objective 2: Fostering skills development in the formal economy for productivity and employment growth
NSDS Success indictors /
SETA Target
to march 2005
/ SETA Target for 2001-2 / SETA Assumptions / Assistance from the Department of Labour2.1 By March 2005, at least 75 per cent of enterprises with more than 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contributions towards productivity and employer and employee benefits are measured / By March 2005, 80% of enterprises in the Sector with more than 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contribution towards productivity, and employability is measured. / By March 2002, 75% of enterprises in the Sector with more than 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contribution towards productivity, and employability is measured. / Effective marketing of Skills Development Act and the Levy/grant system by the ISETT SETA
Effective administration of the Levy/grant system and prompt payment of grants by the ISETT SETA /
- All levy grant payments made to SETAs accordingly to timetables set out in the Skills Development Levies Act
- Data on grants to be in a form agreed with SETAs
- All queries on levy grant payments to be dealt with within 10 working days
- Methodologies to assess impact to be drafted by Department to take account of sector and national impact
- Levy-grant IT programme to be provided, developed and supported
- IT system to support analysis of WSPs to be provided, maintained and developed
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
2.2 By March 2005, at least 40 per cent of enterprises employing between 50 and 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contributions towards productivity and employer and employee benefits are measured / By March 2005, at least 50% of enterprises in the sector, employing between 50 and 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contribution towards productivity and employability is measured. / By March 2002, at least (16% - based on the nature of our sector. 98% smme’s) of enterprises employing between 50 and 150 workers are receiving skills development grants and the contribution towards productivity and employability is measured. /
- As above
2.3 By March 2005, learnerships are available in every sector / By March 2005, 2000 learners are completed and another 4000 are in progress. / By March 2002, measurable progress has been made towards the establishment of Learnerships.
1000 learners, 5 learner ships / Unit Standards for Learnerships have been established and Learnerships have been approved and registered. /
- Learnership registrations to be effected within 10 working days and IT system to be provided, maintained and developed
- Learnership grants from the NSF to be processed within 15 working days of the receipt of applications
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
2.4 By March 2005, all government departments assess and report on budgeted expenditure for skills development relevant to Public Service, Sector and Departmental priorities. / By March 2005, SITA assesses and reports on budgeted expenditure for skills development relevant to Public Service, Sector and departmental priorities. / By March 2002, SITA has submitted a budget containing expenditure for skills development relevant to Public Service, Sector and departmental priorities. / As Above
- Advocacy / Marketing campaign on SMME’s around levy /grants system
- Objective for 2002 is to have 5 learneships with 1000 learners. (Unit standards are still non-existent in some of the areas and thus some of the programmes will not qualify to be called learnersips)
- Standards generation
NSDS Objective 3: Stimulating and supporting skills development in small businesses
NSDS Success indictors /
SETA Target
to March 2005
/ SETA Target for 2001-2 / SETA Assumptions / Assistance from the Department of Labour3.1 By March 2001, at least 20 per cent of new and existing registered small businesses to be supported in skills development initiatives and the impact of such support to be measured / By March 2005, at least 30% of new and existing small businesses in the sector are supported by skills development initiatives. / By March 2002 at least 5% of small businesses in the sector have been identified for specific skills development initiatives.
Refer to Section 9.11 of the SSP for SMME support / ISETT SETA mentor program implemented
Incubators and Innovation Hub implemented
A sufficient number of entrepreneurs exist that have the basic skills necessary to establish a viable business in this sector. /
- Grant applications from the National Skills Fund to be dealt with within 15 working days
- Technical assistance to define research methodologies to assess impact
- Levy grant data to be provided to support analysis of firm size
- Levy-grant IT system to be provided, maintained and developed
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
- Set up infrastructure for the SMME’s in our sector to operate in.
- Programmes for 250 SMME companies
NSDS Objective 4: Promoting skills development for employability and sustainable livelihoods through social development initiatives
NSDS Success indictors /
SETA Target
to March 2005 / SETA Target for 2001-2` / SETA Assumptions / Assistance from the Department of Labour4.1. By March 2003, 100 per cent of the NSF apportionment is spent on viable development projects / From time to time take part in viable social development programs. / Identify 4 to 5 viable social development programs towards which a contribution can be made. / SETA is adequately staffed to handle the additional workload.
Adequate surplus funds are available. /
- Any applications from the SETA to be dealt with within 15 working days
- Information about Provincial Plans to be provided to SETAs
- Mechanism established to ensure collaborative arrangements between provinces and the SETA that do not impose unreasonable demands on the SETA
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
4.2 By March 2005, the impact of the NSF is measured by project type and duration, including details of placement rates, which shall be at least 70 per cent. /
- Technical assistance to be provided to assist SETA to assess impact of any projects for which it is responsible in this area
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
- 80% of the funds in the SETA should to be committed by March 2003.
NSDS Objective 5: Assisting new entrants into employment
NSDS Success indictors /SETA Target
To March 2005 / SETA Target for 2001-2 /SETA Assumptions
/ Assistance from the Department of Labour5.1 By March 2005, a minimum of 80,000 people under the age of 30 have entered learnerships / By April 2005, 1500 people under the age of 30 have completed a Learnership and another 3000 people under the age of 30 have started a Learnership.
. / By March 2002, measurable progress has been made towards the development and establishment of learnerships. / Capacity for Learnership establishment exists
Actual employment opportunities exist in economy
Unit standards for Learneships have been established and learnerships have been developed and approved. /
- All learnerships registered within 10 working days and IT system developed and maintained
- All applications to the NSF dealt with within 15 working day
- System of referrals from the Employment Services and notification of vacancies to the Employment Services to be agreed with the SETA
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
5.2 By March 2005, a minimum of 50 per cent of those who have completed learnerships are, within six months of completion, employed, in full-time study or further training or are in a social development programme / By March 2005, a minimum of 70% of those who have completed learnerships are, within 6 months of completion employed (e.g. have a job or are self-employed) or are in full time study or further training or are in a social development programme / By March 2002, commitments have been received from at least 20 large companies in the sector to participate in learnerships that will ultimately lead to jobs. / As above /
- Technical assistance to be provided to determine appropriate methodologies to assess impact and to determine roles of SETA and Department
- To provide assistance to the SETA in the use of the standard M&E system
- 5 learnerships with 1000 learners by March 2002.
The priorities of the ISETT SETA are grouped under the headings Operational Priorities, Special programmes and Research Initiatives.
Operational priorities
- Increase the number of Workplace Skills Plans received from employers in the sector.
- Establishing national standards for the sector.
- Establish Learnerships in the crucial areas already identified such as management, sales, high-level programming/development, Graduate Engineers (electronic, radio, etc)
- Establish the ETQA function by the 1st quarter 2001 for both external and internal quality assurance.
Special programmes
- Implement special skills development programs, in collaboration with other institutions, such as short technical courses and management development programs in order to upgrade middle management skills (especially black managers).
- To help co-ordinate the activities of the various study projects and training programmes to the benefit of the sector and its workers.
Research initiatives,
- To conduct a sector skills audit and to qualify and quantify sector needs (who needs what training and where).
- Pursuant to the skills audit to assess
- "people material" available at schools, technikons and universities and amongst the unemployed and
- the availability of training courses taking into account appropriateness, quality, cost, etc.
Question: Why choose these specific activities as priorities?
Answer: The four operational priorities form the core activities of any SETA. They will, if properly applied, achieve the objectives of the sector and the NSDS. More importantly, they will lead to large-scale skills development in the sector, improve productivity and could lead to expansion of the sector and the economy. Special programs are complementary priorities. The first one will address specific problems that can be fixed in the short term but can also assist workers to grow into other work areas. The second one came about because of the discovery that there are a large number of special training initiatives that have been developed by various bodies. Some of these could have a positive impact in skills development if properly utilised and applied. The ISETT SETA must play the lead role in co-ordinating these initiatives. Due to the lack of definitive information about the Sector and Education and Training, compounded by rapid change in technology, the SETA must conduct research initiatives as a matter of priority. The results can assist in far more effective Sector Skills Planning leading to more effective and appropriate training interventions in the future.
The outcomes below are related to the success indicators for each objective:
SETA/Sector Activity / Outcomes by April 2005 / Outcomes by 31/3/2002Establish National Standards / ABET 1 training given to 95% of applicable employees.
Establish National Standards to the extent that at least 30% of workers have embarked on structured development programs of whom at least 60% have completed their program successfully / ABET 1 training given to 90% of applicable employees.
Establish National Standards to the extent that at least 10% of workers have embarked on structured development programs of whom at least 30% have completed their program successfully
Submission of Workplace Skills Plans / At least 80% of enterprises in the sector with more than 150 workers are receiving skills development grants.
At least 50% of enterprises employing between 50 and 150 workers are receiving skills development grants / At least 20% of enterprises with more than 150 workers are receiving skills development grants.
At least 20% of enterprises employing between 50 and 150 workers are receiving skills development grants
Establishment and Implementation of Learnerships / 2000 learnerships are completed and another 4000 are in progress / Measurable progress has been made towards the establishment of Learnerships
SMME Support / 30% of small businesses are supported by skills development initiatives / 10% of small businesses are supported by skills development initiatives
Social development initiatives / Re-skilling initiatives in place. / Development of re-skilling initiatives
Learnerships lead to employment / 70% of those who have completed a Learnership are, within six months of completion date, either employed, self-employed or are in further study / At least 20% of large companies have committed to participate in Learnerships that will lead to jobs.
The SETA is still in a process of establishing Criteria for Grant D.