2019Program Guide and Funding Application:

Regular Annual Solicitation:

Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310)

Vehicle Capital Program

Large Urban area

Small Urban area

Rural area


5310Application and Program Overview / 2
Project Eligibility / 5
Application Instructions and Project Selection Criteria / 7
Appendix A – MNDOT Transit Project Manager Contacts / 12
Appendix B – Traditional Vehicle Project Evaluation Score Sheet / 13
Appendix C – Sample Traditional Vehicle Resolution / 14

For assistance with this application, including accessible access, contact:

Robert Clarksen


MN Department of Transportation

Office of Transit and Active Transportation (OTAT)

Mailstop 430

395 John Ireland Boulevard

St. Paul, Minnesota 55155

Section 5310 Application and Program Overview

The Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (5310) formula grant program aims to remove barriers to transportation services and expand transportation mobility options.The federal transportation law Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) was enacted in 2012 and provides federal funding for surface transportation programs, including the Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 program. The MNDOTOffice of Transit and Active Transportation(OTAT) coordinates theSection 5310 program on a statewide basis in three project areas - Rural, Small Urban, and Large Urban. In Minnesota, the small urban areas include seven communities with population ranges of 50,000 to 200,000 people: Duluth(/Superior), (Fargo-)Moorhead, (Grand Forks/)East Grand Forks, St. Cloud, Rochester, Mankato and (LaCrosse/)LaCrescent. Minnesota’s Large Urban is the 7 county metro area including Minneapolis and St. Paul. Funding allocations are made by MNDOT on an annual, competitive basis to eligible agencies.

Program Definitions

For definitions of terms related to the Elderly and Disabled (5310) program, please refer to FTA program circular 9070.1G. For this circular and other additional information on the 5310 program go to

Available Funding

The total amount of available funding for the Elderly and Disabled(5310) program Rural, Small Urban and Large Urban programs is dependent upon FTA appropriations.

Important Program Dates for Fiscal Year 2019* Solicitation

The 2019 Section 5310 Program Solicitation will be open for applications that facilitate capital assistance projects in each of the three project areas described above. Applications for traditional vehicle capital will be accepted in all three project areas, while applications for Transit Coordination Assistance (TCAP) projects will be limited to projects originating in the Large Urban market, according to the following program schedule.

  • April 3 Applications available on OTAT website and Blackcat Grants.
  • April 3rd, 5th, and 9thApplication workshops
  • May 5Establish an Account in Blackcat Grants Management System.
  • June 22ndComplete Public Notice/Send letters to area transportation providers

(Retain Affidavit and letters, upload to application)

  • June 29Completed Application due in Blackcat Grants
  • August 8Statewide Review Committee reviews applications
  • September 28Notification of Award
  • January/March 2019 Grant contracts signed and executed

* All dates are “2018” except where indicated.

Application Preparationand Submission

All applicants must contact their Transit Project Manager as soon as possible (See Appendix A for contact information) to discuss prospective projects. Applicants must be established (Organization Tab completed) in the Blackcat Grants Management system Application Systemby May 5, 2018. If you are new to the Section 5310 program, you must obtain an account in Blackcat Grants For assistance creating an account, contact Charles Morris, IT Coordinator; at .

All applications must be submitted electronically via Blackcat Grants by 4:00 pm CDT on June 29, 2018.

Notify Robert Clarksen, Program Coordinator by e-mail when your application has been submitted and carbon copy (cc) the District Transit Project Manager in your area.

If you are encountering issues with making any entries in Blackcat Grants, it is imperative you work with your Project Manager to resolve them as incomplete applications will not be considered.

Technical Assistance

Office of Transit and Active Transportation staff is available to assist applicantsseeking Section5310 program funding in all phases of the application and implementation process. When completing the application, contact the Transit Project Manager assigned to your geographic area (referenced in Appendix A). Office of Transit and Active Transportation staff work cooperatively with the Transit Project Managerslocated in each of the MnDOT districts toprovide technical assistance for planning, project development, vehicle procurement, scheduling, marketing, computer program development, and route and system development. On-going technical assistance provided by the Office of Transit and Active Transportation staff and Transit Project Managers includes:

  1. Providing input into 5310-related transit service development plans or assisting and advising in potential program changes;
  2. Providing methodology for review and analysis of transit operations related to 5310;
  3. Providing funding continuity with local, state and federal units of government;
  4. Providing and assisting in the development of system expertise in areas such as transit labor costing, as applicable; route design; marketing campaigns and computer usage;
  5. Providing assistance in meeting state and federal regulations, e.g., civil rights requirements;
  6. Providing assistance in coordinating transit services;
  7. Providing marketing assistance to recipients;
  8. Assisting recipients in purchasing vehicles and other capital;
  9. Assisting in the development of transit operations specifications and issuing RFPs inaccordance with federal and local procurement guidelines.

All applicants for Vehicle Capital assistance are strongly encouraged to review their applications with their respective Transit Program Manager in advance of the submission deadline to ensure the accuracy/consistency of several items, including:

1)Proper project development and attachment to the application

2)Number of projects in application is consistent with narrative

3)Vehicle classification (eg class 400),

4)Vehicle pricing (state cooperative purchasing venture) information

5)Identification of vehicle status (difference between expansion and replacement),

6)Human Service Plan information, etc.

For technical assistance in preparing 5310 applications, you may contact the Transit Project Manager for your area. Questions about the program, workshops and application should be directed to Robert Clarksen,Program Coordinator, at 651-366-4182 or .

Application Workshop and Technical Training

The annual Technical Training and Program Workshop is intended to advise current subrecipients on compliance with program requirements and to ensure that new applicants understand the application process. The morning session is aimed at existing subrecipients while the afternoon session is intended primarily for new applicants or those unfamiliar with the program process. Dates and locations are noted below:

Workshop Locations / Section 5310 Workshop Dates and Times
Baxter MnDOT Brainerd Office
7694 Industrial Park Road
Baxter, MN 56425
Phone: 218-828-5700 / Tuesday April 3, 2018
Technical Training 9:00-12:00 noon
Application Workshop 1:30-4:00 pm
Mankato MnDOT Mankato Office
2151 Bassett Drive
Mankato, MN 56001-6888
Phone: 507-304-6100 / Thursday April 5 , 2018
Technical Training 9:00-12:00 noon
Application Workshop 1:30-4:00 pm
Metro MnDOT Training Center
1900 County Road I West
Shoreview, MN / Thursday April 9, 2018
Technical Training 9:00-12:00 noon
Application Workshop 1:30-4:00 pm

Project Selection

Contracts will be awarded based on the Statewide Review Committee’s recommendation upon evaluation of each application. To evaluate applications, the evaluation committee willutilize the criteria for scoring applications described in the section “2019 Application Instructions and Project Selection Criteria” foundon pages 8-12 of these instructions. Preference will be given to applications demonstrating extensive partnerships with other agencies as MNDOT values the coordination of service delivery (see items 5, 7, 8, and 9 under scoring criteria, pages 8-12). To develop its program funding recommendation, the Statewide Review Committee will incorporate feedback from the Transit Project Manager representing the district from which the project originates.

See Appendix B for the project scoring criteria used by the statewide review committee. The statewide review committee includes, but is not limited to, representatives of community action agencies; regional development commissions; the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Disability Services; the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development; the Minnesota Public Transit Association; the Minnesota State Council on Disability; the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Aging and Adult Services; MNDOT Transit Project Managers; MNDOT planning staff; and the MNDOT 5310 Coordinator.

Appeal Process

If an application is not funded based on committee recommendations, the applicant may appeal the outcome by initiatingan appeal. The appeal will rely on a written notice of appeal from the applicant thatclearly states the organization’s name, contact person, address, phone number, project description and the rationale for the appeal. The notice of appeal must be addressed to Tim Sexton, Director, MNDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation and Active Transportation, 395 John Ireland Blvd, MS 430, St. Paul, MN 55155-1899.

In the event of an appeal,

  • Staff will verify that theenotice of appeal was postmarked no later than 14 calendar days from the date by which MnDOT notified the applicant’s funding status (award).
  • The Office of Transit and Active Transportation director will review any appeal and provide a written response within ten working days.

Grant Contract Award

Approved applicants will enter into a contract with MnDOT and should be prepared to abide by all applicable federal requirements regarding civil rights, drug and alcohol testing, procurements and other requirements. An attorney’s signature is required on all federal certifications and assurances. To obtain a detailed copy of these requirements, please contact Robert Clarksen at 651-366-4182 or .

Notice of Grant Contract Award

Approved applicants will be notified that projects have been selection shortly after the Statewide evaluation concludes to provide a basic expectation of potential funding as well as to remind future subrecipients that no work may be conducted prior to the execution of a contract so as to maintain eligibility for reimbursement under Federal 5310 program guidelines. For applications received by the solicitation deadline, awards will be announced in the fall of the year preceding implementation.

Pre-Award Audit

Approved grant recipients may be required to undergo a pre-award audit from MnDOT’s Office of External Audits. The purpose of the audit is to determine the capability of the recipient’s financial practices in accounting for the grant funds.

Reporting Requirements

Grant recipients are required to report project implementation progress and performance each month during the contract period. Grant recipients are also required to submit additional information to the Blackcat Grants Management system, including cumulative expenditures, ridership, and a variety of other data as required by contractual agreement. The monthly report must be submitted electronically to your Transit Project Manager for approval. Grant recipients that do not submit required reporting on time are subject to payment withholding until reporting requirements are fulfilled.

MNDOT may require additional progress reporting depending on the nature of the project and federal requirements. Under MAP-21, required reporting for Section 5310 Traditional Vehicle projects may involve:

  1. Gaps in Service Filled: Provision of transportation options that would not otherwise be available for seniors and individuals with disabilities, measured in numbers of seniors and individuals with disabilities afforded mobility they would not have without program support as a result of traditional Section 5310 projects implemented in the current reporting year.
  2. Ridership: Actual or estimated number of rides (as measured by one-way trips) provided annually for seniors or individuals with disabilities on Section 5310 supported vehicles and services as a result of traditional Section 5310 projects implemented in the current reporting year. Increases or enhancements related to geographic coverage, service quality and/or service times that impact availability of transportation services for individuals with disabilities as a result of the 5310 projects implemented in the current reporting year.

Reimbursement for Payment

To receive the 80% reimbursement for the vehicle the applicant entity must be willing to first pay the vehicle vendor. After payment has been made the entity will submit a Request for Funds to MNDOT including all supporting documentation necessary to substantiate the eligibility of the expenses. Once the Request for Funds is received MNDOT will process the Request for Funds and will reimburse the approved entity up to the allotted amount.

Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV)

Each applicant must be an approved member of the Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) Program prior to purchase of vehicles through the Minnesota contract for buses. Information about the program and the application process can be found at

Project Eligibility

Eligible Projects

In the Federal Section 5310 Program, “Eligible Projects” are projects that “provide Enhanced Mobility to Seniors and Individualswith Disabilities” and activities that “improve access totransportation services”.Applicants are encouraged to develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities or seniors in their communities. The 5310 Program is a capital funding program that is not designed or intended to fund operations. No operating funding eligibility is provided under this program.

Eligible Vehicle Capital projects:

Eligible projects for the Vehicle Capital Application are limited to the Class 300, 400 and 500 size vehicles that are equipped with a lift assist compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Vehicles funded by the program will be classified as either an“Expansion” or “Replacement” unit according to the following descriptions:

Expansion Vehicles (also described as “New”):

  • Requests for vehicles that are not under a current MNDOT contract.

Replacement Vehicles:

  • Vehicles that will replace a unit that has been or is currently funded under a Section 5310 contract.

To demonstrate a vehicle is eligible for replacement, subrecipients are required to provide information inthe narrative of their application to address how MNDOT guidelines for vehicle disposition will be met by December 31, 2018. If a vehicle does not qualify for disposition in the projected timeframe, a certified mechanic must fill out paperwork describing the need for early disposal. If applicant needs such a request contact for proper documentation forms.Additional information can be obtained in FTA Circular 9070.1G.

Vehicle Capital will be procured through the state bid process with the assistance of the MNDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation. Any equipment purchases made with 5310 capital requests must be purchased through the Minnesota state procurement bid for transit buses, using equipment options allowed on that bid.

Fiscal Match Requirements

Capital projects require a 20% local match. Local match must be provided from sources other than US DOT funds such as:

  • State or local appropriations, e.g. MN Department of Human Servicesgrants
  • Other non-DOT federal funds
  • Dedicated tax revenues
  • Private donations from Charitable Trusts and Foundations
  • Revenue from human service contracts
  • Net income generated from advertising and concessions

Note: Local match cannot be in-kind or non-cash.

2019Application Instructions and Project Selection Criteria

Blackcat Grants Management is a software tool used by the Office of Transit and Active Transportation to facilitate the administration of our various grant programs. Use of the system will allow you to make a series of data entries that provide access your account, establish your organization as a prospective 5310 applicant, allow the entry of project information in the application, reporting on implementation progress, and the ability to make requests for funding reimbursement.

Prospective 5310 Applicants have several options for technical support regarding data entry required to complete the application process in the Blackcat Grants Managesment system:

  • The MNDOT District Transit Project Manager representing your region (see Appendix A, p. 14),
  • Robert Clarksen, Section 5310 Program Manager (via email) at ,
  • Blackcat Grants Management maintains a Support Center accessed by phone at 888-238-9707.


Completing an application in Blackcat Grants begins after an account has been set up for your organization. The first step is to provide basic information about your organization in terms of the agency structure and management. All applicants must complete the entries on the “Organization” Tab in Blackcat Grants Management system as follows:

  • Organization Overview
  • Manage Users
  • Service Levels
  • Title VI Civil Rights
  • Coordination Activities
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Inventories
  • Contract Management
  • Reporting
  • Certification
  • Performance Measures

The Application Components

Upon completing entry and upload of the organizational data and resolution on the Organization tab, the applicant may switch to the Application tab to begin assembling the supporting documentation required to complete the application the Applications Tab beneath the “Grant Opportunity” heading. To complete this step, you must “download” (left of screen) a series of sample documents which you will need to edit and “upload” (right of screen) back to the system for review by the Office of Transit. The list of “downloads” in this area include:

  • A Project Description characterizing the title and type of project, whether vehicles are new/expansion or replacements.
  • A Boundary Map (8.5 x 11) to describe the actual/projected geographic limits of the project.
  • A description of the People Served by the project
  • An Explanation of any applicable Agency Partnerships or sources of local match funds integral to the service
  • Partner Letters explaining the need for service and the benefits of it beyond organizational lines,
  • Public Notice - Upload publication notice/affidavit. Provide information about the circulation area of the venue used for the notice. For example: town and/or city demographics and circulation information.
  • Provider List – A list of Transit Providers operating in the area
  • Detail how Coordination Support with/from other transit providers enhances the project
  • An Organizational Background demonstrating effective Project Management by (and history of) the applicant
  • A Financial Statement - Demonstrating fiscal capacity, the annual budget and or other financial resources.
  • An Operational Plan describing the type of route, time, day, and frequency of service, and identify performance measures and evaluate project outcomes (e.g. ridership increases, cost efficiency resulting from the project) and to serve unmet needs.

2.Project Description