9th Grade Literature and Composition ~ Kell High School
Course Expectations and Syllabus 2016-17
Angie Bagley(Room 2203)
Course Description: 9thLiterature and Composition is a skills-based course culminating in an End of Course Test (EOC Test) that focuses on the following:
- Argumentative, expository, narrative writing
- Elements of research
- Literary analysis
- Informational text analysis
- Academic and domain-specific vocabulary
- Discussion to facilitate higher-level thinking
Thematic Units: These will be based on the Common Core Standards which include (but are not limited to) short stories, poetry, drama, informational texts, epics, vocabulary, research, essay writing, and novels.
Anchor Texts: Anthem,Romeo and Juliet, Odyssey,A Raisin in the Sun, Twelve Angry Men, Prentice Hall 9th Grade Textbook,Supplemental readings(TBD)
- The 9th grade literature textbook and the school media center contain most of the above mentioned works; however, you may wish to purchase your own copy of the selections we use in class.
- This is only a generalized list of the works that will/might be a part of our course this semester. They are subject to change at any time, at the discretion of the instructor.
Supplementary Resources:
Peach Award Reading Lists:
USA Test Prep: Kell / Newton77
Students will create and communicate via gmail.com, and assignments will be uploaded to Google Drive.
Online Textbook: (Login TBD)
Common Core Standards for 9th Grade English:
This class will use a Common Core Standards-Based Gradebook.
Grading Policy:
Cobb County Grading Scale: A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-74 D = 73-70 F = 69 and below
Grading categories are based on school and county requirements and are reflected in Synergy. A student’s final grade in the course will be based on his or her performance on classroom assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, and a final exam.
Grading Percentages for Course Work
10% Formative: Reading/Writing, (Classwork, , Homework – none will be accepted late)
10% Formative: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening (quizzes, class discussions)
25% Summative: Writing (essays, constructed responses, research, seminars, projects)
35% Summative: Reading (tests, seminars, projects, etc.)
20% EOC
0% Unweighted: Some assignments are recorded in the gradebook for communication purposes, but are
not part of the calculated average. Those assignments will be given a weight of zero.
**Please note that some assignments will count for both Summative Reading and Summative Writing because each set of standards will be addressed in that piece of writing and/or project.
Late Work: If a student is present the day a summative essay/project/assignment is due, they may turn it in one day late for a MAXIMUM of 70% and two days late for a MAXIMUM of 50%. After that, the essay/project/assignment will NOT be accepted for credit. In order to optimize feedback and learning, formative assignments will NOT be accepted late.
Absences & Make-Up Work Policy: In order to maximize learning and ensure student do not fall behind, students need to be in class. If a student is absent, he/she need to obtain the missing work the day he/she returns. If the student misses a quiz or test, he/she will have one opportunity to make up the missed assignment in either LEAP tutoring or LASSO the Thursday immediately following the absence
Required Student Materials
3 Ring Binder with Dividers
College ruled notebook paper
Blue or black pens, pencils, highlighters (pink, yellow, blue)
Composition notebook (please see me if you cannot get one)
Policies, Procedures, and Behavior:
Daily Expectations: Be Here and Be Prepared! Attendance and preparedness will determine your success. Always have your supplies, including parallel reading novel and vocabulary book with you! Make sure to have your notebook, paper, and pencil with you daily. Please be seated when the bell rings and ready to go to work.
Electronic Devices:Absolutely NO electronic devices permitted in class per school policy unless the device is being used for academic purposes (see the sign on the board). We will determine what constitutes as an academic purpose. Failure to abide by this policy will result in an administrative referral.
Food and Drinks: Only water is permitted in class, unless noted by medical notes.
Detention Policy: If a student fails to follow our classroom policies, procedures, and behavior guidelines (unless more severe), (s)he will be given teacher detention which the student must serve before or after school within one week of the offense. Failure to serve detention will result in an administrative referral.
Computer Usage: We will use the writing lab multiple times during the semester. Students may be assigned seats in the lab. When in the lab, students are to work only on the class assignment at hand. Abuse of internet privileges will result in a loss of all computer privileges school-wide for 10 days.
Hall Passes: The first and last 15 minutes of class are considered “dead time” – no hall passes will be given. Students MUST have their agendas to use as a pass in order to leave the classroom. Students have no more than 5 minutes for a bathroom break, office pass, water fountain break, etc. Failing to return to class within 5 minutes will be considered skipping. No passes will be allowed during instructional time unless there is an absolute emergency.Teachers reserve the right to limit the number of passes a student uses.
Cheating/Plagiarism: “Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” -- Sophocles
Cheating will result in azero for your assignment. Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own or intentionally citing sources improperly. This falls under that category of cheating and will also result in a zero for the assignment. A “U” in conduct will be given to students who engage in these behaviors, and students will be referred to administration.
***All Kell student handbook policies apply to ALL Kell courses***
ALL information and weekly updates are available on my blog:
Ms. Bagley’s Class Policies & Procedures
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and proceduresfor thisLiterature Class.
I also understand that my student will be using a variety of technology which require parental awareness and consent. By signing below, I give my student permission to use these sites.
I have read, understand, and agree to meet the expectations set by Ms. Bagley
Class Period: ______
Printed Student Name: ______
Student's Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Email address: ______