Sample Strategies, Results and Indicators
This tool takes the suggested strategies from the Social Development Matrix and provides corresponding sample results and indicators. These are intended for use in developing logical framework analyses in a results based management framework. They are necessarily general, and can be customized for specific projects. These are mostly project levels results and indicators, except for those related to the national commitment indicators, which may be more appropriate at the program level.
The strategies, results and indicators are keyed to the categories of indicators as per the Social Development Matrix. The strategies, results and indicators are based on certain general assumptions about the key indicators. Each set of indicators has suggested strategies, results and indicators for Education, HIV/AIDS and Complementary strategies.
When to use this: during project appraisal, project design and project approval stages of roadmap.
General Poverty/development indicators:if GNP per capita, human development index rank indicating low income, low HDI rank
Key Education strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote cost-effective, community-driven education interventions, starting with basic education
-promote flexible education strategies, particularly for girls / -more children enrolled in school
-fewer children leaving school
-more girls enrolled in school
-fewer girls leaving school
-more children and girls passing into higher classes / -increase in overall and girls enrolment
-increase in attainment
-increased girls attendance
-increase in community members involved in school system
Key HIV/AIDS strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-HIV/AIDS education programs in communities, including advocacy for compassion for those living with AIDS M
-making accessible preventative technologies such as condoms and female condoms available at low or no cost
-strengthening local health service provision, particularly around STD care and treatment and reproductive health services, and nutrition education
-service provision to HIV/AIDS affected families; subsidizing health and education costs, providing food, etc / -community members accessing HIV/AIDS information
-community members accessing services are available for STD care and reproductive health / -increase in numbers of community members who are informed about HIV/AIDS (using baseline if possible)
-increase in numbers of trained HIV/AIDS educators
Key Complementarity strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-introduce life skills programs into schools
-include HIV/AIDS awareness components and literacy programs in income generation projects
-include HIV/AIDS modules in NFE programs
-special attention paid to children orphaned by HIV/AIDS to ensure they stay in school / -children have stronger abilities to set and achieve life goals
-fewer children orphaned by HIV/AIDS leaving school
-children in NFE programs also have access to HIV/AIDS information / -increase in life skills training programs in schools
-increase in teachers trained to provide life skills and HIV/AIDS information
-increase in children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in formal and non-formal education programs
National Commitment Indicators:
if national government expenditure son health, education are low and
health/education/HIV/AIDS policies do not exist or are weak
Key Education strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-high-level advocacy, stressing government’s commitments to Education for All
-promotion of EFA program / -increase in numbers of speeches and statements referring to EFA
-attendance at meetings for international commitments to EFA
-announcements of new projects related to EFA commitments / -increased allocation to education
-increased foreign aid allocated to education
-increase implementation of Education strategies, projects
Key HIV/AIDS strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-high-level advocacy, stressing government’s capacity building of key government agencies; i.e. national HIV/AIDS bureaus
-recognizing intersectoral links between HIV/AIDS and education
-encouraging implementation of policies in both areas / -increase in numbers of speeches and statements referring to HIV/AIDS
-attendance at meetings for international commitments to HIV/AIDS
-creation of new policies or programs for HIV/AIDS
-increased funding to HIV/AIDS / -increase in HIV/AIDS funding,
-implementation of HIV/AIDS strategies, projects
Key Complementarity strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-research on the impact of HIV/AIDS on government’s ability to reach development goals
-research on the impact of education on slowing the HIV/AIDS pandemic
-encouraging mulitsectoral, multilevel work on the issue / -country specific projection of the impact of HIV/AIDS and strategies on how to alleviate the impact
-country specific plans on how education can assist in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS
-intersectoral committee formed to implement strategies / -inclusion of HIV/AIDS and education issues in government’s strategic workplans
-inclusion of related issues such as gender and human rights issues in HIV/AIDS and education plans
Education Access indicators:
if literacy and attainment rates are generally low, particularly for girls
Key education strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-revise curricula to make it more “gendered” and relevant to local needs and living conditions
-strengthen non formal education programs (NFE)
-invest in training female teachers
-revise teacher training to identify and remove gender bias in teaching practices
-ensure existence of separate sanitation facilities for girls
-consider segregated classes, if culturally appropriate
- promote female literacy through specific literacy activities, as well promoting literacy through multisectoral approaches / -increases in numbers of children attending school
-increases in out of school children in NFE programs
-increases in numbers of girl children in formal and NFE programs
-increases in numbers of children, particularly girl children, reaching secondary school / -education plans developed for each district
-higher enrolment rates in formal school system
-more children participating in NFE programs
-increased attainment rates
Key HIV/AIDS strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-devise HIV/AIDS awareness materials which are not dependent on literacy; illustrations, radio or TV shows, role plays, discussion groups
-ensure that HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programs are sensitive to living conditions of women
-ensure that any health services, treatment and contraception provided are fully explained by providers, possibly with illustrations
-encourage special measures to allow AIDS affected children to attend school, such as subsidized fees, flexible / -increase in numbers of illiterate women who are informed about HIV/AIDS (if baseline figures available)
-special measures implemented in schools for AIDS affected children
-increase in numbers of AIDS affected children in schools / -development of HIV/AIDS awareness materials which are not dependent on literacy
-numbers of illiterate women who are reached by these programs
-enrolment rates at schools
Key Complementarity strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote special education programmes for girls, which include life skills
-work with communities and families to stress value of education for all children and to get their input on designing more relevant curricula, which could include life skills and AIDS programs / - life skills modules taught in schools
-more community involvement in schools
-development of special education programs
-development of flexible strategies / -increase in numbers of life skills modules taught in schools
-increase in size of community committees involved in schools
-increase in enrolment and retention rates of children related to special education programs and flexible strategies
Key Education Quality Indicators:
if completion rates and attainment rates are low
Key Education strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-revise curricula to make it more relevant to local needs and living conditions
-promote gender equality, girls’ right to an education, and the value of education through IEC aimed at families and communities
-develop innovative mechanisms to allow adolescent mothers and wives to continue in school (eg. on-site child care)
-promote positive female role models in school activities / -learning achievements improved
-improved school skills for girls, particularly socially vulnerable girls
-development of new curricula which includes positive female role models
-learning environment improved in schools, particularly for girls / -increase in numbers of female teachers
-increased enrolment and retention rates for girls
-increases in literacy test scores
Key HIV/AIDS strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-include life skills programs in curriculum
-encourage special measures to allow AIDS affected children to attend school, such as subsidized fees, flexible hours,
-promote delayed sexual activity for adolescents, delayed marriage and pregnancy
- / -students’ life skills abilities improved
-learning environment for children affected by HIV/AIDS improved
-students decision making skills improved
-children have access to HIV/AIDS information / -drop in rates of adolescent marriage,
-drop in rates of teen pregnancy
-increase in rates of children affected by AIDS in school
Key Complementarity strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-work with communities and families to promote education, later marriage, and gender equality, acceptance of PWA
-train teachers to cope with special needs of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS / -improved environment for of PWA into community (accepted in schools, community functions, etc)
-improvement in learning environment for children affected by HIV/AIDS / -rise in numbers of teachers who are trained to cope with HIV/AIDS in schools
-decrease in numbers of adolescent pregnancies, marriages
-increase in numbers of PWA in community committees
Key Social Development Indicators:
if gender inequality is present, if life expectancies are low, infant mortality high, literacy rates low
Key Education strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote birth spacing, safe motherhood, reproductive health, health and well-being through IEC and school curricula, with special messages for adolescents
-promote literacy for women / -students have improved life skills
-students have improved decision making skills
-improvement in knowledge of and access to health services
-improved learning environment and opportunities for women and girls / -increase in numbers of adolescents accessing services
-decrease in numbers of adolescent pregnancies, overall maternal mortality rates, adolescent marriages
-increase in literacy rates
Key HIV/AIDS strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote education, particularly basic education
-encourage IEC on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness
-encourage provision of low cost, decentralized care and treatment options
-promote delayed marriage, and pregnancies, delayed sexual activity for adolescents / -children have improved life skills
-community has improved knowledge of how HIV/AIDS is transmitted
-community has improved knowledge of the benefits of delayed marriages and sexual activity
-community has improved knowledge of benefits of education / -decrease in new HIV infections
-increase in reporting of condom use in last sexual encounter
-decrease in numbers of adolescent pregnancies and marriages
Key Complementarity strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-use all outlets and venues to promote HIV/AIDS education, delayed marriage, delayed sexual activity, delayed and widely spaced pregnancies
-use all outlets to promote gender equality and female literacy / -improved knowledge of life skills among students and community
-improved learning environments for women / -decrease in new HIV infections
-increase in reporting of condom use in last sexual encounter
-decrease in numbers of adolescent pregnancies and marriages
-increases in numbers of adolescents accessing services
-increases in literacy rates
Key HIV/AIDS indicators:
if there are increasing levels of infection and low levels of awareness
Key education strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote low cost, community driven education initiatives which will keep children in school ; education is a powerful tool against HIV/AIDS transmission
-incorporate HIV/AIDS measure into
-teacher training in HIV/AIDS issues
-measures taken to increase girl child education, to “gender” curricula and to keep girls in school
-provide measures to keep children orphaned or affected by HIV/AIDS in school
-review curricula to ensure relevancy to local context / -improved knowledge of HIV/AIDS awareness
-improved life skills to assist in avoiding situations of risk
-improved attention to gender issues in curriculum
-improved attention to retention of at risk students / -increase in school enrolment and retention rates, particularly for at risk students
-increase in girls rates of enrolment and retention
Key HIV/AIDS strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promotion of HIV/AIDS IEC
-make available prevention methods such as condoms and female condoms at low or no cost
-ensure standards of condom manufacturing
-promote holistic and comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS control – not only focussed on health
-focus on bringing IEC to rural populations
-promote anti-discrimination laws for PWA / -improved knowledge of how to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission, particularly among at-risk groups
-improved access to preventative measures
-improved quality of condoms available
-improved environment for PWA / -increases in numbers of people reporting knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission and reporting condom use in their last sexual encounter
-increase in numbers condom manufacturers complying to national standards
-increase in numbers of anti-discrimination laws
Key Complementarity strategies / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-advocate for ministries of education and health and welfare to work together on HIV/AIDS
-development and integration of life skills curricula, starting at a young age
-consideration given to impact of HIV/AIDS on education access, supply and provision
-attention paid to possible risks the school environment poses in terms of HIV/AIDS transmission; i.e. sexual exploitation of students by teaching staff / -improved intersectoral collaboration on HIV/AIDS and education issues
-improved integration of life skills programs in school s
-education and HIV/AIDS workplans which account for intersectoral impact
-improved/safer school environments / -increase in numbers of intersectoral committees on HIV/AIDS and education issues
-increased enrolment and retention rates, particularly for girls
-decrease in rate of new HIV/AIDS infections
-increase in number of population reporting condom use in last sexual encounter
Key Women’s Empowerment Indicators:
if gender disparities are high
Key education strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-increase girls’ education through specific strategies (see above)
-promote female literacy through specific literacy activities, as well as other activities, eg. micro-enterprise
-- promote positive role models for women, women’s leadership, women’s contribution to society, etc. through public education campaigns to raise status of women / -improved learning environment for girls
-improved opportunities for female teachers
-improved knowledge of women’s contributions to society / -higher enrolment rates for girls
-higher test score achievements for girls
-higher enrolment and attainment rates of women in teaching programs at universities
-increase in female literacy rates
-increase in female teachers
Key HIV/AIDS strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-promote women and girls and HIV/AIDS programming
-promote knowledge of breastfeeding issues
-promote research on female controlled methods of protection
-ensure that IEC programs are sensitive to women’s realities; i.e. negotiating condom use is not always possible
-use women/girls as peer educators / -improved knowledge of how to prevent HIV/AIDS infection
-improved negotiating skills
-improved access to condoms and female condoms
- / -decrease in rates of new infections among women and girls
-increase in women reporting condom use/female condom use in last sexual encounter
Key Complementarity strategies indicated / Sample Results / Suggested Indicators
-increase girls’ and women’s status through education and positive media messages aimed at changing societal attitudes about women
-promote girls’ and women’s empowerment through education, literacy, facilitating their participation in decision-making, etc
-include literacy programs in HIV/AIDS projects
-increase awareness of violence against women / -improved environment and opportunities for women
-improved facilities and options for women suffer from violence
-improved messages from the media and from school materials about gender equality / -increase in numbers of gender awareness campaigns
-increase in literacy rates
-decrease in HIV/AIDS infection rates
-increase in women in decision making roles in the community