Continuous Course Enhancement for Academic Year 2017/18

UK Partnership Activity

Partner Institution Report pro forma

To be uploaded to SharePoint

by Friday 16th November 2018

This report should be completed by the Head/Principal or nominee of the UK Partnership Institution.

Reports should be succinct and evaluative, and of no more than 8 sides in length. Please refer to the University’s guidance on annual monitoring (available from AQaSU’s website)

Name of College

1.Progress on achieving actions/outcomes identified in previous year’s report.

Please attach last year’s updated Action Plan.

Note:In Sections 2-7 please identify both strengths and areas for improvement. Action taken/planned should be identified also on the attached action grid.

2.Course Statistics.

Course Statistics can be located on your Quality Partner Institution SharePoint site.

Access the relevant Partner Institution from the top tabs and then select ‘statistical information’ from the left hand navigation bar.

Please evaluate the actions and comments in course/subject reports. Has appropriate action to address issues been identified for individual courses? Are there any cross-college patterns in recruitment, entry profile, progression and completion rates? Are there college level actions to be taken re: strengths/weaknesses?

Enhancements taken:


3.Student Feedback. Please evaluate the actions and comments in course/subject reports. Has appropriate action to address issues been identified for individual courses ? Are there cross-college issues ? Are there college level actions to be taken re: strengths/weaknesses ? What were the main issues raised by the National Student Survey?

Enhancements taken:


4.Course Team Feedback: Please evaluate the comments made by the course team. Has appropriate action been identified for individual courses ? Are there cross-college issues ? Are there college level actions to be taken re strengths/weaknesses ?

Enhancements taken:


5.External Examiners' Comments/Reports: Please evaluate the comments made by External Examiners. Has appropriate action been taken or not taken in response ? Are there cross-college issues ? Are there college level actions to be taken re: strengths/weaknesses ?

Enhancements taken:


6.Learning resources: Please evaluate the actions and comments in course/subject reports on the way in which a) physical/material resources and b) human resources were deployed to support student learning. Has appropriate action to address issues been identified for individual

courses ? Are there cross-college issues ? Are there college level actions to be taken re strengths/weaknesses ?

Enhancements taken:


7.Commentary on Partnership Liaison How successful this year was a) liaison with University and b) progression to a UCLan campus [if applicable] ?

Enhancements taken:


8.Any other information: (eg external reviews, induction activities, employer/professional body liaison and opinion, staff development, alumni feedback)

9.Any other issues which you wish to refer to the University?

10.Examples of commendations / innovative practice: Please group these to distinguish between commendations, which are to be noted and congratulated, and those activities which may be transferable. In the latter case, please put a brief description of the activity and a contact name.

11. You are required to submit your College / HE prospectus and any relevant College-level marketing materials to the Partnership Development Team. Please tick the box to confirm that you or your Marketing Manager have submitted all current Corporate level HE marketing materials to the Partnership Development team.

Report completed by: / Date:


(following review of course operation in 2016/17)

(NB: Actions listed below should be in line with those identified in the body of the report. More than 6 issues may be identified)

Issue / Activity / Activity Lead
(eg Course Leader /
Head of School) / Target / Date Target to be achieved / Update
(as actions are completed)