The City of Linden will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk’s Office, 132 E. Broad St., P.O. Box 507, Linden, MI 48451, for Crack Sealing at the Linden City Hall on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.
Bids will be publicly opened and read at that time in the main office of the Linden City Hall, 132 E. Broad St., Linden, Michigan. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked “CRACK SEALING 2017”.
Proposal forms and specifications are on file for the inspection of bidders at the Linden City Offices, 132 E. Broad St., Linden, Michigan and copies may be obtained by qualified bidders. Sealed proposals must be submitted on the bid forms furnished by the City.
The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid which, in their opinion, is most advantageous to the City.
Bids are solicited only from responsible bidders known to be experienced and regularly engaged in work of similar character and scope to that covered in this Request for Bids (RFB). Satisfactory evidence that the bidder has the necessary capital, equipment, personnel, experience, etc. to do the work, may be required.
Sealed bids must be submitted on the bid forms furnished herein by the City. All bid amounts must be written and shown in figures in ink or typewritten together with all other data as required and shall be legally signed with the complete address of the bidder given thereon. Successful bidders not responding to all information requested in this RFB may have their bids rejected.
All prospective bidders are invited to schedule a pre-bid conference on May 8, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., at the Linden City Hall, 132 E. Broad Street, Linden, Michigan. Bidders will be allowed to tour the proposed work area and ask any questions that may be necessary. Please contact Scott Fairbanks with questions or concerns.
To be considered, sealed bids must be received at the City Clerk’s Office, 132 E. Broad Street, Linden, Michigan, 48451, on or before the time specified in the cover letter. The City Clerk’s Office is open Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (closed between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.) and on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Successful bidders mailing bids should allow normal delivery time to assure timely receipt of their bids. Sealed envelopes containing bids must be clearly marked on the outside with the bidder’s name and “CRACK SEALING 2017”.
All information submitted in the bid, including but not limited to bid prices, equipment, etc., must remain valid and in effect for at least ninety (90) days past the submission deadline.
All bids received will be publicly opened and read in the time and place specified in the cover letter. All bidders are invited to be present.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and/or informalities in any bid, and to make an award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the City.
Explanations desired by a prospective bidder shall be requested of the City in writing, and if explanations are necessary, a reply shall be made in the form of an Addendum, a copy of which will be forwarded to each bidder. Every request for such explanations shall be in writing and addressed to the Deputy Director of Public works, City of Linden, 132 E. Broad Street, P.O. Box 507, Linden, Michigan 48451.
Bidders may provide alternate means of providing the services called for in this RFB at their discretion. This in no way relieves the bidder from providing the responses called for in this RFB. The City is not under obligation to consider any such alternates that may be provided.
No inquiry or request received within three (3) working days of the submission deadline for bidders will be given consideration.
The bidder to whom the contract is awarded shall, within ten (10) calendar days after the notice to award, enter into a written contract with the City. Failure to execute a contract will be considered cause for annulment of the award.
Bids shall address, to the greatest extent possible, all possible service delivery impacts, including, but not limited to, bid prices, equipment, etc., throughout the term of the contract. The City seeks to have the crack sealing project completed June 30, 2017. The project shall be started in a reasonable amount of time once bid is awarded.
Part II
“Bids” shall be defined as an announcement of terms indicating what items are needed to complete a project.
“Bidders” shall be defined as any person(s) or company that attempts to meet the terms of the bid.
“Successful Bidders” shall be defined as the bidder who is chosen by the City Council to enter into an agreement or contract with the City.
These definitions are meant to serve as guides for understanding and not binding explanations.
The project is to consist of crack sealing repairs on City of Linden major and local roads as determined by the City of Linden after receiving bids. There is about 15,000-22,000 linear feet of cracks within the City that are being considered for repair. The areas being considered for crack sealing can be found on the attached map (Attachment A). The total footage to be repaired will be determined by the City after receiving bids.
Each bidder shall have the responsibility to fully acquaint themselves with all aspects of the conditions surrounding the contract and any or all of the other requirements as set forth in this document.
The successful bidder shall provide and install all of the required labor, materials, supplies, devices, and tools needed to perform the required services. The successful bidder shall perform at the utmost professional level and take cautions as to not disturb City functions.
A. General Specifications and Conditions of Services:
1. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to examine, first hand, the roadways described in this document in order to fully understand the scope and location of the work called for under this proposal.
2. The Contractor shall understand that the scheduling of crack and joint sealing days with the City constitutes a vital proposal/contract condition as it is the primary goal of the City to insure that the crack and joint sealing of the City’s streets scheduled for crack and joint sealing be done in such a manner so as to minimize both inconvenience to the public and the disruption of the normal flow of traffic. In order to maintain the above stated goal, the Contractor shall apply crack and joint sealing materials between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, unless approved by the City. The work called for under this contract may be performed during evening or weekend hours provided that the Contractor has obtained prior approval from the City.
3. The Contractor's performance shall be monitored by the City of Linden’s Public Works Department. The scheduling of the work to be done shall be made through each department and no work shall begin until the approval of the City’s Director or his designee has been secured.
4. The Contractor shall provide and maintain in full operation and at all times during the tenure of this contract, full-time supervision, a sufficient crew of laborers, equipment operators, tools, materials and reliable equipment necessary for the performance of this service. All equipment used in the performance of this contract shall be equipped with strobe lights, flashers and all other appropriate cautionary and safety systems. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain, in full operation at all times, a flashing or sequencing arrow panel, mounted on or trailered behind the tail vehicle of the pavement marking convoy. The Contractor shall be staffed with properly trained and equipped personnel, including "flagmen", where and when such personnel are necessary to ensure the safety of the Contractor's staff and equipment as well as the safety of the City and the motoring public.
5. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to insure that the pavement surfaces are clean, dry, and free of all foreign materials prior to the application of the sealant.
6. The City reserves the right to inspect the Contractor’s equipment before making an award of contract.
7. The Contractor shall be responsible for the appearance, conduct, discipline and supervision of all of his employees involved in this service.
8. All machines and equipment used by the Contractor in the performance of this service shall be of uniform appearance and shall be maintained in a reasonably neat, clean and safe operating condition.
B. Time Limits And Deadlines:
Subsequent to contract award and upon notification by the City, the Contractor shall promptly commence the crack and joint sealing according to a schedule agreed upon by both parties. The schedule shall be established in writing by May 25, 2017. All sealing must be completed no later than thirty (30) working days following the agreed upon start date as written in the notice to proceed. It is desirable that work should be completed by June 30, 2017.
It should be noted that failure to comply with the time limits and deadlines in the notice to proceed letter as herein described shall be grounds for disqualification for future contract awards and 5% reduction in cost.
C. Proposed Project Locations/Roadways:
Linden has a mixture of Major and Local streets, actual location of streets to be done will be determined based upon bid prices, but the areas being considered for crack sealing can be found on the attached map (Attachment A). The successful bidder will use one of the two methods, the Overband Method or Saw or Rout and Seal Method, as determined by the condition of the roadway and size of each crack.
D. Specifications:
1. Description - This work consists of furnishing all labor, equipment and materials necessary for the treatment of cracks in bituminous pavements by the Overband Crack Fill Method or by the Saw or Rout and Seal Method. The Overband Crack Fill Method consists of cleaning the crack in bituminous pavements and placing the specified materials into and over the crack to eliminate water infiltration. The Saw or Rout and Seal method requires using hot-poured joint sealant for sealing sawn or routed cracks. All work shall be performed in accordance with section 502 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction.
2. Materials - Material shall be a Right Pointe or STAR 3405 or equivalent for the Overband Method. The Saw or Rout and Seal Method requires hot-poured joint sealant must meet the requirements of ASTM D 6690, for Type II or ASTM D 5249, for Type I.
3. Equipment – The contractor must provide equipment, in accordance with and capable of meeting the requirements of the MDOT 2012 Standard Specifications for Construction, Section 502.03 and the referenced sections.
4. Construction Methods
a. Weather Limitations: No material shall be placed unless the pavement temperature is 40°F or greater. Material shall not be placed if there is moisture in the crack.
b. Preparation of Surface: Cleaning of cracks will be performed by using compressed air and any other tools necessary to remove all loose dirt, vegetation and foreign materials. The crack must be dry and thoroughly clean when the material is applied. The compressed air blowing shall be conducted no more than 10 minutes ahead of the filling operation.
c. Mixing Procedures - The components shall be added to the asphalt cement thoroughly mixed in the kettle. The temperature of the material shall be in the 290°F - 350°F range.
5. General - Treat all visible cracks in the surface area of the roadbed unless otherwise specified. Application shall be done in a neat and professional manner with no clumping of fiber, excessive product or filling of improperly cleaned cracks.
6. Documentation Provided by the Contractor - The contractor shall provide the City, on a daily basis, a report with the following information: road segment, date, air temperature °F, weather in a.m. and p.m., beginning and ending locations for the day, to include lane and direction, Material Certifications and amounts used (at completion of project) traffic control used and checks unique or different situations on the project. The contractor’s representative’s signature shall appear on the report certifying that the information provided is correct.
7. Protecting the Work
Traffic shall not be permitted on the crack filler until the material has cooled sufficiently to prevent tracking. Any damage by traffic to the treated pavement areas shall be repaired by the contractor at no expense to the City. If the existing pavement markings are obliterated as a result of the crack treatment work, temporary pavement marking shall be placed before the roadway is opened to traffic, at the contractor’s expense.
The successful bidder also accepts sole responsibility for any damage to any public or private property resulting from their performance of the work. The successful bidder will protect, defend and hold harmless the City from any damage claim, liability or expenses whatsoever, arising out of or connected with the performance of this contract.