Monday Note 9-25-17
Last week we went on our first field trip. We enjoyed the orchard, gardens, chickens, and maze. The children thought picking their own fruit and vegetables was exciting. We are finishing up our last week of September, and this will be the last week of tally marks. Next week we will transition into the card system. It will be similar to the tally mark rewards and consequences; however I will not be giving as many chances to do the right thing. I will send home a breakdown of the new behavior system next week.
October is almost here, and with fall comes our monthly name change. For October your child will be requiredto write their # and their full first and last name on each assignment. This includes each page on the homework assignments as well.Just a reminder your child will change neighbors on Monday, and they may also change tables. Ask your child about their new table friends next week, it is amazing the things five and six year olds pick up on. Each month we move around so we can get to know each other better. This encourages self-control when we sit by someone we like to talk to, and helps us to understand and get along with others we do not know as well. Thank you for your continued support.
I am very proud of the children’s continued improvements in handwriting and small motor skills. Thank you for helping your child complete their assignments to the best of their ability. I appreciate that most families have returned missing, late or incomplete work in a timely manner. If your child brings home a paper or a packet that indicates that some items need to be finished, completed or redone please make every effort to return it within the week. Remember your child is in Kindergarten or First Grade, so he/she needs you or another big person to monitor their work. Read instructions, remind them about neatness, and redirect them if the assignment is not completed properly, or if it needs additional steps to complete. Expect your child to do their best. Use homework to build personal pride in a job well done, as well as an opportunity to show that you expect great work too.
Baggy Bags: Please send this to school with your child each day. I will try to read with your child as often as possible.
1st Grade-There is a reading project that is due Friday. I will send home the questionsand project information tomorrow.
Kindergarten-keep practicing the flash cards with your child
Symbols=Capital and lowercase
Sounds= consonants and short vowels
I want to get the children into the Blend and Word Book as soon as they have mastered the letter flash card names and sounds!
Memory:Remember the wonders [God] has done. 1 Chronicles 16:12
Practice the memory work with your child each week. We have been working on this week’s verse in class, but because of the field trip and extra day off from school they may need a little more assistance from home.
Library books: Due tomorrow, we have library eachTuesday
Share N’Tell: #11 Shelby, #12 Abigail, #13 Aidan, #14 Bijou
1st Grade Homework
Spelling Words:1. but 2.tug3.rug 4.cut 5.buck6. duck
7. no 8. ride 9. small 10. Out
Dictation Sentence: The duck likes to swim in the pond.
Coupon Book Fundraiser –If youhave not already turned in your coupon book and sales $ please send that in ASAP. Thank you for helping our school.
Carnival: Sunday, October 15th! Thank you for supporting the school carnival.
Carnival Tickets– The form for presale of the carnival tickets and raffle tickets went home in your child’s folder today.
Carnival Donations: Please sign up for our carnival booths in the front office if you haven’t already done so.
Candy-The school is asking that each family donate a large bag of candy, or small prizes to give away at the carnival booths.
Classroom Basket Items for the Raffle- K/1st theme is “I LOVE READING!”
Anything that would go with this fun theme would be appreciated.
Some basket ideas: book light, gift card for Amazon/Barnes & Noble, etc.
e-reader accessories, a good book (little kid or adult (big)kid , book marks, a snuggly pillow or blanket to read in comfort, or anything that makes reading fun or relaxing. I’m sure you’ll come up with even better ideas!
Friday 10/6- ½ day of school 8:20-12:00
Parent/Teacher Conferences:(12:30- 4:30)Please sign up for a 20 minute time slot in the front office so we can briefly meet to discuss how awesome your child is. If you have any questions or concerns we can discuss them together.
Sunday 10/15-Fall Carnival; the children sing at the 10AM church service and the carnival will begin right after the church service.
God’s Blessings,
Michelle Sprouse