2012 Homecoming Day Instructions
Bring these items to school and leave them on your seat in the band room in the morning:
- Uniform jacket (percussionists also bring overlay)
- Uniform pants
- Black shoes
- Black socks
- Hat
- Gloves
- Spats
- shorts for under uniform
- t-shirt for under uniform
- optional for day-time events: bandanas, beads, funky sunglasses, other fun stuff [no body paint or dyed hair this year please, it damages the uniforms and hats]
Schedule of events:
Before schoolbring uniform items to band room
1st hourgo to 1st hour class
2nd hourgo directly to the band room and put on your uniform
EXCEPT no hats, no spats, no gloves, and don’t hook your collar shut
9:00Photo of full band in main gym
Walk to IC gym and set-up on bleachers: ranks 1 - 10 closer to office; perc and tubas in middle; ranks 15 - 24 on other end of bleachers
9:30Program for IC students (program listed on next page)
10:00Photos of various sections on game field (flutes, percussion, trumpets, etc.)
10:20Rehearsal on game field, then put your uniform parts on your chairs as you go to lunch
11:10lunch (if the commons is overflowing, you are welcome to eat in the band room)
11:43go to 6th hour class, go to 7th hour class
8th hourGo directly to the band room.
Get uniform and take it to the Main Gym for Pep Rally (no hat, spats, gloves)
OPTIONAL: put uniform pants on at this point to make changing into
uniform easier during Pep Rally.
1:35Pep Rally(program listed on next page)
This begins with us playing a couple of songs in the bleachers so get
here quickly from the band room. You will be seated in the bleachers
closest to the Weight Room. Put all your uniform parts in a pile where you
can find them later in the Pep Rally.
(Pep Rally instructions continue on other side)
Once we’ve played our songs, you are welcome to sit with your classmates
for the class competitions portion of the Pep Rally.
Return to the band seating area and finish putting on your uniform as soon as the Spirit Jug Competition is finished.
The Pep Rally concludes with us playing the school song.
As soon as the Pep Rally is over, finish getting on your uniform and head
for the PC parking lot.
2:45Parade: no hats, no spats, no gloves for parade
Line-up behind Primary Center; parade ends at High School.
Put all your uniform parts on your chair after parade.
6:00Report to band room for Pre-Game preparations.
6:30March to stadium
6:40Pre-Game Show
Half-timeHalf-Time Show
8:30DONE!!! Enjoy Homecoming weekend. BE SAFE. I expect to see
everyone on Monday – happy and healthy - ready to start a new show :)
Music at ICMusic for Pep RallyMusic for Parade
Our School SongLivin’ On A PrayerHeartache Tonight (no repeat)
DynamiteBrown-Eyed Girl
Half-Time ShowDynamite
Hey SongRunaway Baby
Our School Song
Music for Pre-GameMusic for Half-Time
Our School SongDo You Wanna Dance, Part 1
Portage School SongShout
DynamiteBorn To Hand Jive
with alumni/staffCha Cha Slide
On, WisconsinDo You Wanna Dance, Part 2
with alumni and 8th Graders
School Song 1x on field
Star Spangled Banner